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e Commencement Time ai ‘     .
J Kentucky ,      
iq June—the month of roses and brides and class reunions! It won’t be      
long now until that class secretary will be writing you an intriguing invi—     ·  
tation to attend the reunion of your class and we want you to be prepared ·   J  
. —and ready to come home.   · ll
· The oommencement week program will be held the first Week in June,   ?  
and the classes of ’81, ’91, ’O1, ’11, 1921, and ’29 and those of 1886, ’96,   °  Y
L ’06, ’16, and ’26 are to be the special homecoming classes for this year. All   A  _
OlZl'l€1` classes, hO\V€V€1`, 31`(2 1HVlt€d to send EIS Hléllly 1`€])1`€S€1'1t21tlV€S 21S I-     —
S possible, and it is hoped that there will be a general representation at the W     g
alunmi banquet during commencement week. i ,     A 
Special plans are under way to make this reunion the biggest and best A    li
yet, and include individual class luncheons, the alumni banquet, the alumni y   A  2
parade in the commencement procession and various other functions      as
_ including the luncheon following commencement in honor of the alumni and   I l   g 
, the graduating class.   it    Q
Kentucky is always beautiful to a Kentuckian, but June is the heyday   ` 
of Kentucky and you who long to glimpse the old campus, the ivied walls il   p 
of the old buildings and the shining walls of the new, should plan to make     , A;
A this homecoming your own, and return with your ClP1SSm21t€S to visit tlié   _  
. old haunts and renew old ties.    
Dr. G. Davis Buckner, former president of the Alumni Association, and U l   E  
Mr. Leon K. Frankel, the new president, are working together in an effort    V
to present a prominent "old grad" as the principal speaker at the annual   A  _?
banquet. According to present arrangements this banquet will be the   1
‘ highlight of the homecoming program and you will be the loser if you 1    
don’t come back!   Q
.   l »
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