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 J;       g j   2 KENTUCKY ALUMNUS  
    w I i. I I     Old
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  -1. I , I W  I.
 Q f `       Oiilcial Organ ot tne Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky  gte
 j`   Q;}   ‘   Published Monthly, except July and August, on the Campus of the University, at Lexington  
TI   IQ .¤I — I  M`_"`"—*_""`;M"M*W I 
..   ‘ ;   . J Volume III MAY, 1931 Number 9   h
 il Z`.§.‘ - I     T €·
_ i   I   — Entered as Second Class Matter at the Postoftlce at Lexington, K y. May 22, 1929, under the Act of March 3. 1879   tucky th
» —   ;  +··~~   attractiv
. Ig   2   I SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1-50 A YEAR *311 Qftgfasi
FS:  JAMES S. SHROPS1-IIRE, ‘20rV. . . W. . Editor and Manager I     The
’   ji; r I BETTY HULETT, ·a0 ........ Assistant Manager   T¤€S-Clay
» j ' iff   MARGUERITE McLAUGHLIN. ·02 ,,... Associate Editor   h€1€l 111
. j= ·   HELEN KING, ·2s .......... Associate Editor Q;} &mm`~ I
1 · ill' I  "1[ "   
~   .   , LEON K. FRANKEL, '00 .... President W. C. Wilson, '13 Dr. George H. Wilson, *04    
- ~ I · MRS. RODES ESTILL, ‘21 . . . Vice-President Dr. E. C. Elliott. ’02 Wayland Rhoads, *15   g I  
·  I _   I ' JAMES S. SHROPSHIRE, '29 . Secretary-Treasurer Lillie Logan, ’l3 Walter Hillenmeyer, 'll    
It  I I   tl     ‘ _—Wr"`)I*  W"' I   T1 Q.} `
_     e ALUMNI CLUBS   teggnee.;
  I gl i ASHLAND ALUMNI CLUB strong Cork and Insulation Co., 120 West     i ·
" .   · T · J. Sneed Yager, president, Blackstone Build- Illinois St.  I   .
Q Q , I ing, Ashland GREATER CINCINNATI OHIO   Ia "  II  I
I   _, ATLANTA ALUMNI CLUB Miss LIIIIBII RESCII, Holmes High School, pl`€-     ‘ I
I   ` Y r¤ C. L. Templin, president, 764 Greenwood Ave. SIIIBIII _ _ _   ‘ II, t .
I I . George A. Wisenberger, secretary-treasurer, IIIIIIY Wh8‘I€y* CIII°IIIIIIIII· VI°°"pI`€S“I€IIt    
I Y_ M_ C_ A_ George H. Hailey, Cincinnati, treasurer. l _V__ ¢v.;>;.‘*
I A Warren Clare, vice-president, care Clare and MISS Adele SIa'I°· sE°I`cmI`y·  
V fl Q   C0., Bona Allen Building CLEVELAND ALUMNI CLUB ffi  ,=
V   ‘ BELL COUNTY CLUB R. Layman Mays, president, S018 E. Overlook     ' _.
ii   Mrs. ow. w. none., Se....e.ry, Box 66, Pine- Re-· Cleveleee Heshee Ome- »   •.
II. · ville Ky. R. E. Clark, secretary-treasurer, 1838 East `» QI ··?
  ’ 101 ., 1 d · . T.
gg I BIRMINGHAM ALUMNI CLUB ee St C °v°hm ’ Ohm { .
it I`} ‘ J. M. Sprague, president, Box 66, Ensley, Ala. LOUISVILLE CLUB  
    S. C. Ebbert, vice-president, 321 Brown-Marx TGYH A· B¤·U€¤ti¤€. 'Z5. D1‘€Sid€11¢ YQ »
III ` I · Building, B;]-ming-ham_ J, Donald Dinning, ’21, vice—prcSid0¤t I     I ”
  ° ` · E. J. Kohn, secretary, Box, 35, Ensley, Ala,. Mrs. T0m A. Ballerltine (nee Marie Pfeii¥er,   I    
gi , A. B. Haswell, treasurer, P. 0. Box 1174, Bir- Louisville, ex-’27, secretary   i·»,,s, ·'“ -V ‘
Il A minghmm Ala. A_ Pete (.iLittle Pete") Lee, 915, treasurer.     _' ’  
Ig ` W. J. Craig, president, care Western Kentucky Samuel A. Smith, president, 17 John Street.        
.   State Teachers College New Y0¤‘k City    
I E. ` I _ I Mary Lee Taylor, secretary, care western W. G. Hillen, secretary-treasurer, 850 Freling-    lg   
I *’ . 5 ` I Kentucky State Teachers College. h¤yS€D Ave-. N€W¤l‘k. N- J-  JQ.;
· j 2 . ‘S ~¤ ‘ .‘;v.;.·  ui, ,
F I I I. F. Taylor, president, 151 virgin Ave. L· C· Davidson. ’23. president. . v.._ Headed
L_ ` » J, W. Gedggl, vice-president, 129 Harlem Richard Bozeman, ’29, secretary-treasurer.   m€H
=° . I R. A. Stipp, treasurer, c—o Buffalo Forge C0. WASHINGTON ALUMNI CLUB   mar]
  _ Claude W· Dimielr S€0I‘€t¤!`Yr 0-0 Am€1`€l311 Jesse I. Miller, president, Commercial Nation-- ’· Httelld tj
 Ic? Brass C0- al Bank Building ‘ th Vfdli
I · CHICAGO ALUMNI CLUB Elmer D. Hayes, secretary, care Interstate , uoilélga
` . . I .
_ H. M. Nicholls, president, 104 South Michigan C°’“m°’°° C°mm*SS*°"· Le>¤¤€0I
  AME Ave_ J0hn W. Gudgel, 149 Highland Avenue. GOUSIJQWL
    C. B. Sauer, secretary-treasurer, care Arm- g;;;1;elI$IiI.C0mmlSsl0n' Oxford St" Ch€vy_ V §Iitg¥§é
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