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 r       s CAMPUS NEWS    
  { _l ` _,   and the
  ? {     courses ,
 ;·- ; —· ;;   sion whi
T M . Vt DEAN RELEASES were members of fraternities. The all-student   . The
__ gj if GIR,LS’ STANDINGS average was 1.378, and all-men-student average   m th"?.L?
 .   ,   . Non-sorority girls made higher standings than was 1283-   bg Sum
 ` Tl . sorority girls last semester, according to the report The aV€1`a€`€S of the 1”1‘aternities were as follows;   E *6 ‘
Q — l   · released by the Dean of Women‘s office Wednesday Delta Tau Delta 1·$41§ C21ml3l1S Club 1.592; Lambda  F The l
Q   i and among the sororities Alpha Delta Theta takes Chi Alpha 1-529S Sigma Alpha Epsilon 1.501; Alpha   the §¤m
_ ‘ ;° ; first place. Chi Delta Phi, honorary literary soror- Gamma Rho 1·4$5§ Kappa Alpha 1.431; Pi Kappa gy gms @01
. . i , ,;»,—   ity, stands nrst among the honoraries, with M01`t31` Alnha 1·409¥ Phi Kappa Tall 1.401; Alpha Sigma   d€al`¤ Of
|,_,_;t»]‘, Board running a close Second Phi 1.377; Alpha Tau Omega 1.368; Sigma Beta 2, ti0U$·
l {Eu Non-sorority girls made an average of 1.67 and X1 L367? Delta Chi L332; Phi Sigma Kappa 1.250;   The
`   ri, sorority girls 1,49. The average standing for Alpha Sigma Nu 1-229; Tflfslllgle 1.l20; Phi Delta Theta Q summer
? Hg . Delta Theta was 1.76 and that of Delta Zeta, which U18? Kappa Sigma 1.093; Sigma Chi 1,040_   term wi]
_ ,~   ran second, was 1.58. Chi Delta Phi made the     gust 22,
l ·   highest of the averages, 2.66 with Mortar Board ,   during t_
i _ ~ ¤   , 2.42. Boyd hall women averaged 1.65 and women     summer
` ; , living with relatives, 1.67. _ _   the univ
·   I _ _ » The averages or all the sororities arranged in Tm SEUIQFS m the CQU€e€ 0f Engineering will   The I
— 5 ‘ ; ;, Q ‘ order of preeminence follow: Alpha Delta Theta leave °¤ @h€11‘ 32 annual IUSDBCUOD trip. The tour   duymg 1
· ,g l ]__76; Delta Zeta 1.58; Zeta Tau Alpha 1.57; Alpha Wm be <>¤¤d¤<=ted by Dean F- Paul A¤d€1‘S0¤ and Ei:} which 1;
A- A Xi Delta 1_55; Kappa Delta L52; Kappa Kappa Pl`0f·   E. FI`€€I`I1&l1,· D.' V. T€1'l`(-:11, C. C. Jett, and   begin at
-. = .,   t Gamma 1.50; Alpha Gamma Delta, 1.49; Chi Ome- J- B- P1°k€*`· The Principal CNRS to be visited are *2; 15 minn
· . .j   [ ga 1.45; Delta Delta Delta 1.41; Beta Sigma Omi- D?FF01F, BUHHIO. Niagara Falls, and New York °‘ Six days
i l 5 cron 1.0; for the honoraries: Chi Delta Phi 2.66; City. { A U A
A { l Mortar Board 2.42; Theta Sigma Phi 2.229; Phi The party will go to Detroit nrst, here need- i ueus
{ l. ' Upsilon Omicron 2.10; Phi Beta 1.97. The average quarters will be established at the Book-Cadillac , gOmm€u'
‘   for all the women in the university was 1.6. EOE?}. The day will be spent in inspecting the ·{ t§§§ln;§,€
` , `   OY SOD, RlV€1` ROL1g€ and D€a.l`bO]`]] plants and   __ ,
· A ‘ airport or the Ford Motor com h · e ·i gmduatl
l . . PHI BETA KAPPA _ pany, W ele the . .
J   , ANNOUNCES NEVV MEMBERS Iéqillgtalgglgfugliiéigslgtlgtgltglgd itlying oféhta Foréi-Storét  
i · - - , _ - ‘ - ‘ panes wi e o serve .   PLANS
_ it y noiiilgglg €1""t{°"S *0 Phi Bm Kappa Wm M? The party will also visit the village of oreenneld, l param
_ yesterday by Dr. W. R. Allen, secretary a 1,8 mducuo f M 1 P _k . . _ ; ~
Fl of the Kentucky Alpha chapter of that fraternity. . D H O Eu 9 31 · N·   m Whlch IS “ i Plans
; . . . _ included Thomas A. Ed1S011'S boarding house and r
  { Those elected and their scholastic standings are. labomtor Where th O . _i 1 . d , a moinuj
{ i Mary Virginia Hailey, Cincinnati, 2.7; Morton mst buried 6 mg na mean €$C€¤@ 13mDS   years WE
eg Walker, Hartford, 2.5; Beuna C. Mathis, Lexington, OH the éecond d tl _ .11 _ _ V C. N_ N
it _ 2.5; Anita Wells, Lexington, 2.5; and Hugh R. Of the proving grouiiés Egg I’l,V;uc£€£;}p;?;}€fO°IE1°g; ; company
` 3, Jackson, Lexington, 2.5. , . , . - . _ § universit
;; Initiation services will be held at the annual if §;€n€1%§ S/IO§O1_S .c£1pO1at1On‘ TPB _bu§S€S ml ‘ VQ been det
.; , banquet, May is at the Phoenix hotel. 7 Qi ,O{{""b 8 mm? Bd by ih? °°1¤°la“°“· At   No pi
iz, ` Elections to Phi Beta Kappa are based solely on Wmcbechgd Zggggtgol 151;* ifglm das? and alumni   of menu
  sch°1ar$mp· and a Smndmg.abQV€ 26 is required Before leaving Deftiqoit tlielpiitlycweill inspect the   p1Oy€d`
ii ‘ fm "~dm‘“.a“°€ t° me °*$a‘“Za“°“· _ Th"‘.€ me 36 Park-Davis Drug company, the united states not-   Of D“*“$
tf t members in the university chapter, which was bel, corporamon lam which . _ f 1 _ _ ,,:1 H. Pollil
sl em the me chem in the ¤‘¤¤·=i‘¤1¤y· ral-gat in the wgrld. vthe mai- “i§§iré’m§ `ZOEQESE   §i"€e‘€é
i,   ered one of the SlXVfl1lBSC in the worldyand the e.`’ exam (
ll STANDINGS OF newspaper plant of The Detroit News   aluemus
n; 1 MEN STUDENTS _ _ Sunday morning will be spent in Niagara Falls.   L€*l§}g°°
tg i Delta Tau Delta fraternity made the highest In the afternoon the party will make the regular in  
§_ standing of the fraternities last semester and gorge trip in two special cars. The foll0wiu‘ day Qf Commli
zi - - ld ed on
,,. scholastic average of the fraternity men ranked will be spent in seeing the U. S. L. Battery cor- ii; Hié \ 0%
  L slightly higher than that of the non-fraternity poration. U. S. Aluminum company, Niagara Power Q , · V I
·· ; t men. according to a summary recently released company, Adams Power station. At luncheon Mr. Y; i1n%i_a1I;i
j » from the office of the dean of men. Delta Tau W. K. Bradbury will give a talk on "More Steam Y r ‘ ‘ _ ‘
 ; l X Delta‘s average was 1.641, and the fraternity men for Niagara." {--I   {DL
, i r made 1,338, against the non-fraternity men’s se- The next place visited will be Buffalo, where the   ti" cl LP
‘ l mester average of 1.269. party Will meet for dinner with the Western New ,j;Q{§ Um Siux
* t Delta Tau 'Delta is the winner of the Y, M. York chapter of Heating and Ventilating Engl- {ifi tile 1; ag
5_ _ C. A. silver loving cup, an award make each semes- Il€€1`S. They will inspect the Worthington Pump   le _ aca
i ter to the fraternity making the highest standing. and Machinery company, Trico company, Machine   malge l`
 1 yj The Campus club, winner of the scholastic trophy Switching Telephone exchange, United states ..`Y¤
_: · V last year, ranking second this year with an aver- Aluminum company, American Lithographing com- { HISTOR
V age of 1,592. The fraternity which wms the cup pany, Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo Historical S0- · [\DDRES
for three times consecutively, or five times non- ciety building, and Buffalo Forge company. On . ‘ A d
_ AM[ consecutively, will receive it as a permanent pos- Wednesday evening a dinner-dance will be given jr matnria'1,
t_ `_ 404 session. ' for the seniors and alumni by the Buffalo Alumni   mcke  
¤ 4· NEV Accoding to the report, _the number of men club. The next clay the part will visit New York I _»i Anime
, students regularly enrolled in the university last City. where they will take a sight-seeing steamer   Cémm b
Z PI semester was 2,144, of whom 430, or 20 per cent. for a trip around Manhattan Island.   Club me
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