l A K ‘ ‘ ‘ =i . >¥- ‘· ~, i  _ ,. V Ti  ~     R ‘ V.
·    gk Mr. Rothert, is secretary of the Filson club, an  
_ organization for the collection and preservation `   {
  The six colleges of the Llniversity or Kentucky of documents and relics relating to the history of   s
  and the graduate school will offer a total of 247 Kentucky, with headquarters at Louisville. He is  
{S C}">l1l`S€i]_f’clock Men students of the university cast 728 votes in   { f
  during the summer session and the fifth hour, the election, which was conducted by SuKy circle, _   i
  which immediately follows the lunch hour, will student pep organization of the university. Ballot    { »
gis begin at 1:30. Each period will be one hour and boxes were places in the Administration building   l 1
  15 minutes in duration, and classes will be held and in Dicker hall with three members of the ,.   .•
  six days a week. organization acting as election oificers at each   `
  August 21 is the day set for the summer school Poumg P1aC€·—K€mUCkY Kernel-  L   ¤
‘i`j¢*i commencement. at which time students who have     · _
ifi become candidates for degrees at the close of either is    
  term of the summer session will be included in the LANG AND EWING it  '
  graduating class. RECEIVE AWARDS _ 5  i
  Miss Alice Lang, Delta Delta Delta sorority. z , §
EQ: Lexington, and Miss Elizabeth Ann Ewing, Alpha `  ig ? ·j
  PLANS ARE MADE E OR Gamma Delta sorority, of Louisville, were award- -  i
  PATERSON MEMOWIAL · ed the outstanding freshman and junior awards at      
  Plans are being formulated for the erection of the annual co—ed banquet given at the Phoenix j 3 l  _
ei. a monument to James K. Patterson, who for many hotel by toe Women’s Administration council of ~;   ·  ,
ET" years was president of the university. according to the universl y.   5
  C. N. Manning. president of the Security Trust The womens Student Government Assoeia-    
  company. The memorial will be placed on the tion prize of $100 for the most outstanding junior »+  
gsi university campus, although the exact site has not woman on the campus was awarded to Miss Ewing  
@$1 been d€t€1`lTllll€€l· _ and the Alpha Gamma Delta cup for the most _ F ·  
  No Plans h€l~Ve b€‘€1l lllildc C0ll€€l`ll1¤E; the tYD€ outstanding freshman woman was awarded to Miss e   .
  of monument to be used or the sculptor to be em- Lana; _;§ -
  ployed. The personnel of the committee in charge U   ` ,7  :Q
`  of plans is as follows: Dr. Frank L. McVey, Miss *   ·
  H. Pollitt, instructor in Eastern State Teachers CLEVELAND CLUB   5 ‘  
  Colleee; Walter K. Patterson; Rodman Wiley. —;— ‘ if E
  AleX;ild€l‘ B0llllymHll of Knoxville. Teh!} all I trust I am not too late with our bit of news I   Qi  i
  alumnus of this school, and C. N, Manning of this timg Time has siipped by SO fast Since I wrote ,7 Q I _ 
f?  Lexington. last, FA · ;t
is  Altheueh “° Steps have bash tekeli by the Our annual spring dinner-dance held at the I I li  _!
 si committee concerning·the sculptor to be employ- Allerton hotel On Samrday April i8th_ was asvsry s is E ·  _;
  ml Charles Henry Nlehans has REBS Suggested enjoyable affair. Of course our Akron friends l ,4., _ 
 _:i HIS works are well known to Lexington peoples hsipsd make ths affair a success i   1
  Sm°€— milils-ttm S°}1iit°r {ii uiitiiieieléi nnéiiiiunoiéiy at rreseht We are ¤h¤¤l¤a fer cur Mt meet- " . gz _ 
lis   E(;hi.i[;i it/§cDg$Vsii€iS Statuary 1-lally The ing which will be a bridge supper at the home of _s i ` 
  gate arg Steiger gee.iiglg5d,,i;ig,,i;;l‘S,,,g$; gg %;;0?£?%}¥‘§?‘· §fi§¥‘uE2“§ii?§’.§lii?L"&Yl‘Féii‘t‘§$2’§si?l    i
  18 Scu p O1" Cem mg . .· ` ` so faithful in attending the meetings in Cleveland. i  
  the plans has been tenipolallly£0StD01l€d_&l1€ to We are Bndeavormg to have 3 large dsisgatmn Li _  
  the fact that the chairman of ie comml ee in from Cleveland present.   E
  Change ls DOW m Eumpeh The following no doubt will be of interest to   ‘i
  friends of the parties named: ‘ »,, I;
  HISTORY CLUB BEARS Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Day are welcoming a new    
  ADDRESS BY ROTHERT daughter into their home. {Qi   A
  An address by Otto A. Rothert on sources of ML and Mrs W_ Preston White are also €nt€l._ _ E  ,
iii materials for the Writing cf a lusicliy if my fK$i*· taining a tlnee-iveeks old daughter. g  I
  tucky country was the principa · ea ure o 18 You SBE the Old Stork has been busy with the   _
  Allin mS€ii§°·g °f t3§ii‘l?£‘“¥i3£l“‘,il2s€E§ii2“LrEil}é Kentucky Crewe lately- PJ 
  ca lon ul lllg. 1 1 ‘ . , . __T, _  ij I
  Club, presided.   E. CLARK, 24, Secy Ieas `  L;. l
  s r i   i
   1, » ·— ` · 
  ··—— l   ·-ri·i ???”‘“`. ~ · A i F  E  
E? ··  _, ` _ _ _ . _____ .   i .    . _~