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  ’ ‘
  The Buffalo Alumni club held its regular month- Miss Nancy Jane Gary of Hopkinsville, and Mr.   I ’
Z; ly meeting today at the Hotel Markeen, games Gloster of Middlesboro, were married at the §
  ,. , _ _ omeofth b‘d’ t,St , ‘,  
  The Dflhclpal bhslhfiss 0f_ th€ m€€‘UhE Wafi a dl$· The bridee is rth; Satltzgtlviz dsughttgry fc? 11;*1 gud  
  CUSSIOH Qf the mepectlcn tmp ahd Bmmtammem of Mrs. W. E. Gary and is a student at the university · lg
  the Senior Engineers while they am in Buffalo where she has many friends She is a member of   I
  next month. The following committee was ap- Alpha Gamma Delta SOclal`sOr0l.lt     2
  pointed to take care of all arrangements and en- Ml. Glostm, ls alsé I Student agllch l ·l E S
  tertainmentz Roger Hhornton, Dell Ramsey, and 2 d T b f . . e. un versl y A7 V J
  John Gud el. We ho e to have e re t ti hu “ is a mem er .0 Slgma Cm f’a°€’m"y· 5 I 2
  g p g a me W E After the wedding the couple returned to Lex- ¤ -
 ;;; the boys are here, and are looking forward to ln t t t. th . t . . . ~. - 2
[  their coming g on o con inue eir s udies at the university. _ 1 1
  They are making their home on Stone avenue. [ . ;
if Fourteen members and th1‘ee guests were present ———~—-—·~——»mm-mmm m.m · {
li today. The guests were Mr. Gayton Postlewite P{¤'¤'Vf¤'¤'¤'¤'¤'¤'n'¤'¤'}·'.'{J'¤'¤F¤'h'¤'i'.'¤F¤'J'¤'¤'.'¤'¤ qs .  
  from Swarthmore, Mr. Gerald Ranson of Univer- 5 W l   l , 5 *7 l T E
  sity of Pennsylvania, and Mr. H. D. Wilson of Ip 1 ·‘ l T
;— Louisiana State. Mr. Wilson has been adopted by 5 € COHIC umnl {O L: Y`   4 S
  our club and will be considered no longer a guest. ' . ‘    ? ?
  I noticed in the last "Kentuckian" that some- § Class Rcunlon and 5:   { l
  one is terribly mixed up on the Buffalo officers. 5 C In   ` I
*,5 It really doesn’t make any difference, but for the OITIH-I€HC€H]€Ht J   Q `
  sake of any correspondence that we might get, I ¤. ¤:   ~ Q
gy! will give you the correct addresses. WHILE ENJOYING YOURSELF '¤   `
¢°"’ .' ON YOUR VISIT TO LEXING :'   ‘ ·
  Av1;1‘e§:d1<;:1::;g-Mi·. John W. Gudgel, 149 Highland I: TON, EAT AT_ I:   _   
iii " ` i' ¤' ae`? i
  Vice-President—Mr. Dell Ramsey, Hamburg, N.Y. ¤' ‘ '  
  Secretary—Treasurer—Mr. Claude W. Daniel, 149 ·'           j .
·   Highland AVG-. Buihilo- :5 AT LEXINGTON AVE., AND HIGH Z:   2; _  V
° A We will hold one more meeting this spring be- :¤ (209 E- High) :1 ls T  
j fore giving way to summer and golf so you will .' _ _ Il: s ‘
_ l hem. from me Once mole: I- LUNCH 12-1.30 p.m. DINNER 5-7.15 p.m. I-   _
i n' ¤ ¤ ,
Ig CLAUDE W. DANIEL, Sec‘y.—Treas. '.'L“¤'.*¤'».“.“s'.'.'i".'.'.%.'.'.%'.'.'.'¤'.l'¤'.'.'¤'¤'¤'¤*¤'¤'i'¤   > g
      mmmmmmmmm -mmm em —eeeee—ee—eee—eee—emmee—~~e   Z
_. E E= J'¤'¤'¤l'.'.".“.'.'.'.'.¤.·*.*..'.l'.'.'e”eF.l; E'¤'¤'¤'¤'¤'¤'¤'¤' .‘.'.f¤'¤'i'¤'¤':I    Q
— A - . i S? l `
l E :2 ·. • I- I   ·` '
—,  Q .· -' {ii »
    ~ s E 0€lllX 0 0 s   .i.r   e 
ii r 0 8 = ·=    
., i { :: 2 1794 1931 :. ,  
  g   E Contemporaneous with the history of :: .r    I
fyi I ¤I ¤, Kentucky from the beglhhlhe :¤ Qt. ; .
  ln '   =
  -¤ a   e EE E THE PHOENIX HOTEL witnessed the 2   V]
  ¤ n birth and has observed the growth of l   ‘· 1
jg; } 0  _ {
*7% — ¤ from its cradle to the magni cen 111- I   _; {
  ; LEXINGTON, KY.   Z: stitution of today.     l I ‘ 
,; THE PHOENIX HOTEL was the meeting ¤I __ _A
  Ii . . 'E g place of Students and Faculty who '¤   · ;
  I: Alllmlll will HIWHYS fllld F1 W€l— Q :¤I comprsied the initial class of 1865:1 al:d E l   _ 
3*; . ‘ - ¤ has been the meeting place of Stu en s • . g { i
  :: (Omg at the Laiay€tt€` The place ': ; and Faculty and Alumni continuously 'I _ ·   _ 
if "‘ where you will meet old friends. E I: since that time. E _; f _· 
‘.Z .2 . J . . 
  . . TRADITION means much. It is alto- lg .
  Cool, Comfol table looms and E gether probable that every llvlng Q 3 ., 
ill., Ll1'l€XCelled ClllSllle. I Alumnus of the thousands of Umyel`-    
  .: sity cf Kentucky students of each class    2
  When you make plans to l`€tlll`l“l since 1865 possess many happy m€h”i·   I
iii f d t- U -uqt Write fm, qc cries of the Phoenix Hotel.   l
  ‘ ` " . ¢ ‘ ‘   L;
  O1 gld ug 10 ’ J - - THE PHOENIX HOTEL congratulates the bi  
  commodations and everything will class of 1930 and will strive tl-, mem Ig l
P ? ' be ready upon your 2ll`1`lV21l. their confidence through the years to I   7
; , come. li) ,
  LEN SHOUSE, JR., lVl2‘i‘- '· II- L_ C_ Mepcvvsm., President ·. r>   T
  E i GOODLOE McDOWELL, Gen. Manager 3 v_ 
ltl 1 {Z: li `¤¤¤¤pIl•ll¤5I¤IqI¤I¤I¤l¤`i F}  »,
  h*.'¤'l.%'¤‘¤%'.%'i'hH'%'¤'¤'¤'¤'¤5}•%'¤'¤'¤'¤'¤'¤'¤H%'.'i'. · '¤'¤'¤'¤'¥°h'¤'¤'¤°¤'*°'."'-*.'.* l' I It  -
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