Volume 68 Number4 Spring 1993      
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It was on one of my rides alone that I first saw Wendover. Of course it wasn`1;
_ Wendover then, but I knew it would be. I was on my way to Stinnett and
° Beechfork, so, for the first of many thousands of times, I rode down Muncy
Creek, forded the Middle Fork and rode slowly along its banks. I thought I
r had never seen anything lovelier than the lay of the land with its southern
` exposure facing the great North Mountain. When I raised my eyes to
towering forest trees, and then let them fall on a cleared place where one
might have a garden, when I passed some jutting rocks, I fell in love. To
myself and to my horse I said, "Someday I`m going to build me a log house
right there." Two years later I did.
Mary Breckinridge
Wide Neighborhoods