
    WHEREAS, it appears to the Board of Trustees that there
is a need at this time for additional dormitory facilities to pro-
vide proper housing for the students at the University, and the
president has recommended that a small dormitory building
be constructed upon premises adjacent to the campus at the Un-
iversity and generally known and designated as Number 338
Clifton Avenue, in Lexington, Kentucky, said site having been
acquired by the University and being presently available for
the proposed construction; and

    WHEREAS, Architects, heretofore employed, are in the
course of preparing final working plans and specifications, but
do not expect to have them completed for several weeks to come,
and it appears to be undesirable that the project be delayed for
action on the part of the full Board of Directors;


    SECTION 1. It is hereby determined that a small dormitory
building shoulbe constructed by the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky upon available premises generally known
as Number 338 Clifton Avenue, in Lexington, Kentucky, accord-
ing to preliminary plans which are hereby approved, and in
accordance with final working plans and specifications hereafter
to be prepared by the Architects employed for that purpose.

    SECTION 2, The Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees is expressly hereby vested with full authority to approve
the final working plans and specifications, to authorize the publi-
cation of advertisements soliciting construction bids, to open,
consider, and act upon such bids as may be received, to determine
the amount, date, maturities, redemption provisions, place of
payment of principal and interest, and all other usual and necessary
details incident to the issuance of Dormitory Revenue Bonds pur-
suant to Chapter 58 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, to provide
funds for the payment of all costs and incidental expenses of the
dormitory building project to the extent funds are not otherwise
available; and to authorize bonds to the amount required and to
make public solicitation of bids or proposals for the purchasing
of such bonds, and to consider and take action upon all of such
bids or proposals in its discretion and without referring any of
said actions to the full Board of Directors.

    SECTION 3. Appropriate officers of the University are au-
thorizeT to apply to the State Property and Buildings Commission
for approval of the project, and approval and authorization of the
proposed bond issue, and all authority herein granted to the Execu-
tive Committee is expressly subject to the obtaining of such ap-
proval and authority from the State Property and Buildings Com-
mis sion.