
March 30, 1956

Dr. H. L, Donovan, President
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

My dear Doctor Donovan:

There is submitted herewith the financial report of the University of Kentucky for
the first eight months of the fiscal year 1955-56.

The Division of Colleges, debit balance in the unappropriated surplus account
($147,465. 88! will be liquidated from the income realized in excess of budget es-
timates and departmental appropriations unobligated balances for the fiscal year
'1955 -56.

University of Kentucky fixed assets (buildings, improvements, contents) are in-
sured through the State Department of Insurance.

The insured value of these fixed assets and the premium costs for the year are
as follows:

Fixed Assets
Division ofColleges
Agricultural Experiment Station
Motor Vehicles
Robinson Sub -Station
Western Kentucky Experiment Station
Camp Robinson
Residences and Temporary Buildings
Bingham Camp and Dawson Springs
Eden Shale Farm
N. Y. A. Camp
Mercer County Experiment Station Farm
Woodford County Farm

Insured Value

2,368, 820. 00
  101, 190 00
  86, 120S 00
  16, 340, 00
  848, 068. 00
  16, 9  0.0
  19, 600. 00

Totals                                  $ 30, 196, 5 23, 0 0

$43,314. 9 7
10,903, Z1
    786, 31
  1, 174. 56
  1, 587, 53
    243. 9 0
  3,669, 50
  2, 3 70 3 1
    138. 18
    8W06 00
    613. 31
    218. 95

$65, 826 73

The University owns 16, 774 acres of land and leases 682 acres. This land is used
for: 100 acres, University campus; 1, 520 acres, Basic Agricultural Research;
1,292 acres, Farm Demonstration; 1 144) acres, Crop Experimentation; and 14,400
acres, Forestry and Restoration,  The following schedule shows the property
owned and leased; its use and location.