
Best Copy Available









MAY 2.J, 1930



Graduation Exercises for University of
Kentucky Senior Class Will Get Under
Way With Military Field Day May 28
Henry Gotldard Leach lo Be

Cadet Uniforms
Must Ho Turned In to Military Office Before
May 29
The military uniforms which
have been used by members of
the R. O. T. C. unit of the University, during the past year,
must be turned In to the Military department not later than
May 29, It was announced yesA
terday by Major Meredith.
refund of $10 will be made to all
cadets who have not lost or
damaged any part of the uniform. If an Incomplete outfit Is
must be made with the military
department to cover the loss.


Crutcher Honored
U. K. Man Named Head of
Building and Grounds




Dr. W. C. Bower

Man to



Baccalaureate Sermon
on June 1

"Between Us" Address Is Delivered at
Final Meeting






New Mentor Will Come to
Lexington During Summer
(o Plan Activities




Plea Is Made That Dishonest
Elections on Campus Be

Dr. McVey, Meredith, Reserve
Officers, War Mothers to
Review Maneuvers




Delayed Offensive System of
Play Not to Be Used By
Blue and White

President Frank h McVey, conBy VERNON D. ROOKS
ducting the annual "Between Us"
The University of Kentucky
convocation at 11 o'clock yesterday
nual Commencement
In Memorial Hall, predicted that
awaits the arrival of Adolph
within the next ten years increased
F. Rupp, the latest of its famWILL
attendance at the University would
ily of athletic fathers.
necessitate that only those in the
Alexander, Finley to ComMr. Rupp, a graduate of the
highest 50 or 75 per cent of graduatmand Battalions in Contest
ing classes would be admitted to
University of Kansas and
Class Reunions Expected to.
for Freeman Cup
the freshman class of the Institu
coach of baskcthn.il sit. Frpp- Bring Many Old Graduates
tion. The convocation was the final j
Jport (111.) High school since
Back to Kentucky
More than 950 cadets, comprising
one of the school year.
1925, has accepted a two-ye- ar
the entire
TJf, regiment at
Addressing one of the largest stu
Inaugurating the program for the,
take part in
the Unlveii
contract as head basketba
dent audiences to attend a convocannniin7
ay exercises at
close of the school year with mill- tion this year, President McVey decoach at Kentucky to succeed
sday afternoon on
COUNCIL 2 o'clock i
clared that his remarks were to be
tary field day on Wednesday, May i
Johnnie Mauer, according to
Stoll field.
Frank L. McVey,
considered only as
28, the University will add its final
Dr. William Clayton Bower, of an announcement hv s. A.
Major Owen T. Meredith, and a
Maury Crutcher, University Superconsiderations of probi"
touch, when approximately ooo stunumber of Reserve Officers
of intendent of Buildings and Grounds, lems existing among the student the University of Chicago, pictured "TinAAv"
OleS, athletic three
Central Kentucky will be in the re- pictured above, was elected head of body. The closing remarks of his above, will deliver the baccalauerate tor.
dents receive degrees at the sixty- viewing stand to watch the unit the Association of Superintendents speech were addressed to the sermon to the graduating seniors
third annual commencement to be
original list
fof Comjng execute the maneuvers. A group of of Buildings and Grounds of Central graduating class, and a special plea of the University in Memorial Hall ,orAnltlc position of 70 candidates
was sifted by
Year; Organization of Frosh present War Mothers also will be and Western Colleges at the Asso- was made that those leaving the on Sunday, June 1.
athletic council by a process the
... ..v. ....
at the ceremonies.
o i:
ciation's convention here during the University this year should not atc.iiuinauon auring the last several
Goddard Leach, editor of the
Among the visitors present will week.
tempt to put aside all that had been
months. Mr. Rupp survived all
at Meeting Wednesday
be A. J. Sloan of Chicago, who will
"Forum" and of the "American-Scandinavilearned during their four years of
the requirements and queries of
the William Randolph
college training.
Review," will speak
the council and was supported by
Election of officers for the school
at the year 1930-3- 1 and outlining of plans Hearst Trophy and medals to
a brilliant list of recommendaon "Your Next Ten Years"
Contrary to popular opinion, so
members of the University rifle
commencement exercises.
tions, including some of the best
called "bull sessions" among stufor next year's work featured the
in Contemporaneous Installation meeting of the Men's team as winners of the Southern
Known basketball authorities In
dents residing at fraternity houses
Culture," will be the subject of an Btiirlnnt rVinnpll n tho Arimln1st.ro- - section in the Hearst Trophy Match.
are often of vital Willinm Pnnrnn To Qnlnolnrl n me united States.
and in dormitories,
The regiment will form at 1:30
isyiun tion building Wednesday afternoon.
address by Dr. wiuiam
Importance and value to the stu""Vviauer ieic
Part in Meeting With nesday for Oxford, Lexington Wed-ian- e
Bower, professor of Religious Edu- New officers of the council are: o'clock near the Armory, and prodents. "Bull sessions" are an imOhio,
English Group; Other Mem- - will mafce his home and where he
cation at the University of Chicago, Gordon Finley, vice president and ceed to Stoll Field 30 minutes later. Nation-Wid- e
portant part of college education
prepara-ber- s
Organization of periods of
first event to take place will
and former professor at Transyltlons
the very greatest opnext year as head basket- Benjamin LeRoy, secretary-treasure- r.
to Be Chosen
competitive company drill.
Buildings and Grounds Su- portunity,, Dr. McVey declared. Durvania University and the College of
,ball coach at Miami University.
Rex Al- be the present
LeRoy was
time Company B has
At the
perintendents Guests
the Bible, who will speak at the lison is president.
Coach-- R"PP accepted the terms
ing the group discussions, free exTwo members o the University
having won the cup
baccalaureate services at 3:30 p. m.
pression of personal opinions Is debating team
of University
Among plans for the council next the best record,
meet two of t.he contract offered him by
Sunday. Dr. Bower was formerly a year is the organization of a fresh- three times, once in 1923, and again
tucky In a long distance telephone
general than at any other
representatives from Cam- member of the Lexington Board of man cheering section for football in 1928 and 29. While this drill
time in life, he continued.
bridge University, England, hereca11 t0 "Daddy" Boles Wednesday
is being held the members of comEducation.
games such as used in other large panies not participating will retire
Members of the student body next fall, Professor Sutherland, de- - i at noon- - He PIans to come to Lex-ba- te
After the K. o. t. u. graauauon .,.ivih0c
will he
coach, announced yesterday. Ington this summer to talk over
Maury J. Cruther, superintendent were classed in four groups by
to seats in the north stand of the
exercises Wednesday afternoon, the icompulsory and wearing of the
President McVey, according to their The English debaters are being PIans witn members of the council.
of buildings and grounds of the Uni- attitude toward scholastic work. His brought to the University by
next important event in the com- - f resnman caps also will be com stadium.
the "e W1" assume his duties in
mencement exercises is the senior nulsory. The council will make
At the close of the company move versity, was elected president of the grouping was:
Students Federation of tember.
ball which will begin at 9 p. m. these plans part of the .by-la-ws
of ments, basic course students from Association, of Supwlntendents
ToBe Football, Track Assistant
and scholars, com- America. "Has Western Civlllza- 1. Students
Friday In the Men's gymnasium. the organization. Nothing definite each company will engage In an Inwho have an actual tion Progressed?" will be the subject ; In addition to basketball, Coach
Saturday at 8:30 a. m. the senior will be worked out until the council dividual drill in an attempt to win Buildings and Grounds of Central posed of those
IRupp will coach the reserve foot- interest in the promotion of the debate.
and active
class will be guests of President and receives the assurance of fraternities the cup offered by Scabbard and and Western Colleges, Wednesday nf scholastic standards: 2. Profes- ball team and assist Coach Bernle
wiiHom uooo
Mrs. Frank L. McVey for the an- on the campus that their freshman Blade. Immediately following the mornine at the last assembly meet- - slonal students, who have entered fall as one
of the university team Sh?Z ith th? track team-:hpresentation of lng of the annual association con.
Maxwell Place.
nual breakfast at
pledges will take part In the pro- competltlve drills the
professional schools on the who wU1 meet the EnglLsh debaters.
cmlSB ot Coach Rupp'
Class reunions will be held at 9 posed activities.
all cadets eligible to enter the ad- - ventlon held m Mcvey Hall. The camnus with a definite goal in view;
imcweu to u&
team will
'me other member of
a. m. Saturday in McVey hall. At
convention convened from Monday 3. The middle group, or garden be chosen Immediately the
Members of the student councn, vanced course will take place.
W?U k2own submarine" and delay-begiafter school
10 o'clock, alumni will visit pro- - recentiy elected, and their respec-fesso- rs
At the close of this event prizes mornlner until Wednesday noon and variety, made up of those whose
offense employed by Coach
next fall. The debate is ex- and places of interest on the tlve
wlH be presented to the winning in- - closed with a lucheon at Shaker- - content
with doing average or peeled to attract a large audience Mauer. Coach Rupp is an advocate
campus. The art department at the
Couege 0f Agriculture Dudley divlduals and groups. The awards town and tea at the home of Presi- - mediocre work, whose dally schedule from the entire state.
iof the fast break system which is
University will hold open house, be- - Snuth, senior, and Ollie Price, are as follows: University Cup, to dent and Mrs. Frank L. McVey.
is often more than to "rise, wash,
ginning at 3 p. m. Saturday. Presi- - lSODhomore.
Other officers elected at the final eat and go to bed;" 4. The loafer ceedingly
the company whose Military Science
apresent ms teams at
will ta at.
debating season Freeport High school have
Colleee of Arts and Science- s- standing for the year is highest; meeting were Thomas Sloss, of Iowa group, who are allowed to stay in
with a debate with Vanderbilt in remarkable success with achieved
home to alumni and guests at 4 Paul Goodloe, senior.
go- Freeman Cup, to tne Dest state College,
and the University one year, neiore
his syso'clock, and class reunion banquets
tems, winning 81 per cent of their
Commerce College William Cun-dlf- f, drilled company: William Hearst a. F. Galllstel. of the University of lng forced to And another refuge.
berg of the
f team
will be held at 7 p. m. Saturday at
Tibbals, Junior; Trophy and medals to the members Wisconsin, secretary. W. E. Brock-o- f
Senior; Dave
games in four years. Last year his
Among other things s tressed
the Phoenix hotel.
(Continued on Page Ten)
and Coleman Smith, sophomore.
the rifle team winning the South- - , way of the University of Colorado, the convocation was that students with d34 f 56
for baccalaureate
The program
College of Education Ben Martin, ern section Hearst Trophy Match.
was this year's president of the
should strive to abolish dishonest flye out.of.fown lntber,coiiegiate
services on Sunday afternoon will senior.
Trophy, to the senior ex- - ganization.
"Lots of the elections held bates at wh, h declslons webre nand.
begin with the address by Dr,
College of Engineering John O. celling In the requirements oi gooa
Approximately thirty colleges and on the University of Kentucky ,
Bowers in Memorial hall and will .Pasc0 senior, and Benjamin LeRoy, citizenship: Reserve Officers' As-- I universities were represented at the campus are not honest, and stu- - ed d own Kentuck y won four,
rnnrprt hv thp Uni- - i. i .
Wa mlfVi n V
soclatlon of Central Kentucky, field conVentlon, which began with a
e,,t,eam. hnl visIted ,n Florida,
University one year, before be- versity band at 4:30 p. m. at the
Tennessee, and Pen
college of Law Gordon B. Finley, glasses to tne senior naving uje generai assembly at 9:30 o'clock sort to low politics."
nsylvania. Next year even more exMemorial ampnnneaier.
senlor, and Rufus Lyle, junior,
commnea siana ng in mm- - Mondav mornlner. The welcome ad
Dr. Abner W. Kelley, Instructor in tensive plans will be
procession ,
The commencement
presldent of next year's tary science and all other subjects
formulated for
by response the department
English, gave
d vned
will form at 9:30 a m. Monday in fresnman class win automatically throughout the year; Phoenix Ho- L. McVey and the
selections, both at the Intercollegiate debating and it is ex'
become a member of the council,
tel Cup, to the senior with the hlgh- - was made by President Brockway. opening period of the 'convocation
J1"4 fa
Visitors May Inspect Labora(Continued on Page Ten)
At the afternoon session Monday, and at the close.
activity. Try-ou- ts
tories and Shops This
for the debating
Dean F. Paul Anderson of the Col- -,
team will be held soon after school
lege of Engineering of the University
Louis, Mo.,
opens next fall.
Miss Nell Clarke of St.
spoke, after which motion pictures
of the University debatformerly a student at the
The annual Engineer's Carnival
ITpnri .taken in Colorado were shown by
ing team who have participated in Ball will be given tonight at the
C. A. Livingstone of Rochester Uni
is visiting old friends on the campus
debates during the past year are
Men's gymnasium from 9 until 1
week. Miss Clarke, while
during the
Armnrrpmpnf R nrp npnrlncr mm Sidney Schell, Hugh Jackson. Clif o'clock.
Music for the affair will
James Shropshire, graduate
pletlon for the annual senior ban ford Amyx, William Pearce, Rich' be furnished by the Kentuckians
at the University, was a member of manager oi siuaeni puDucauons, nas The Program for the convention ru
j , tV
of Maury
8 ard Weaver' Kermlt
Be Of- - the advertising and news depart-fere- d been appointed one of the four vice- - S"teh2
Pack' Bruce and the Masqteraders
HeW .
Special Courses Will
(gymnasium on
waters. H. C. Smtih. W. A. Dyser, and a large crowd is expectedvto be
ments of The Kernel, and now re- - presidents of the Southern division ,
in Four De- according 10 narry auo- - james Porter and Pat Rankin
m, ;
in attendance.
ports that she holds a position with of Delta Tau Delta, and in that i-- TiT
Members of the dance committee
Agency, capacity will supervise the chapters Monday and Tuesday the delegates '
" ." )!!
have carried out extensive plans
Kentucky and Tennessee.
During the past in ..... Rhrnnshlro wns rhnspn hv thp ' tourH thrmmh th Blue Grass Wed- - TTnntWe nrphnetrn "A. furnish fh
There are to be seven visiting jonesboro, Ark.
CLUB ENTERTAINED for the annual festival and it Is be... - . mesaay.. Several of the more prom- - Visic for thP dnncp. which will last
fr ...wr....
lieved by students in the College
local cnapter as me ouisianaing lnent stock fnrms were vlslted on
from 9 until 1 o'clock. Tickets for
Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. McVev en- - of Engineering that the ball will
Jones-wh- o
The convention closed the seniors
Taylor of the College of Education, advertising department of the
juniors will be tertalned tjtic members of the Alma 'easily be the best dance of the school
he was appointed secretary of the "rh the annual banauet at which j i .
will act as director of the sum- - ' boro Tribune.
ih7)Ug,h th PstuofIe Maena Mater Club, Wednesday eve- - vear. The cvm will be attractively
Alumni Association. He is national
al of "i? ."A1???
SSectto wlfftS No one Is perfect, and that's why inspector for thp j Fifth j corps area relation made short addresses. Dele i boxes the will be admitted to the ninct at dinner at Maxwell Place. HprnrntpH with prpnp nnnpr of all
nuests were minrs and snecial lichtlncr effects
About seventy-fiv- e
to make a oi acauoara una umue, mimury
thP rnnvpn. ball.
special courses to be offered in 1- we all have a chance
science honorary.
have been arranged.
tlon were. w. E. Brockwav. Uni
education, home showing.
hrarv training,
The Engineer's Ball has come to
versity of Colorado; H. D. Garwood,
economics, and mathematics.
be an established custom at the
The Library Training department
University. It Is given annually
Curtis, Cornell University; C. A. Livwill have added to their ranks Miss
Just preceding the week of final exingstone, University of Rochester;
Mildred Harrington, organizer of the
aminations and is the one social
A. F. Galllstel, University of WisGreenville High School Library,
consin; Major Albert S. Smith,
Greenville. S. C. and Miss Carrie
! come
from other schools to attend.
Mnssnnhnsptts Institute of Tech- Wisely, librarian in the Scott High
SuKy circle, student pep organiza-- ? privileged to choose between a pin It Is practically the. only dance to
As University of Kentucky Alumni p The newly elected president of 'nology; A. J. Westcott, University
School, Toledo, O. Special courses
tion, has closed the most successful and a key when they are taken in which students in many girl's prepa-yennpn Rnhirdnv monilntr. I the association, who will serve dur
of Missouri; Thomas Sloss, Iowa
in this field will include Place, n.HuiM
In the
its existance
itory institutions
State College; E. C. Pardon, Uni- and plans forhistory ofare even more the circle. the past year
1930-3- 1
Function. Administration, etc., of the May 3ii three graduates of 1880 will nounced at the banquet.
SuKy con- - country are invited. This year the
versity of Michigan; C. D. Bushnell,
School Library; ana wuris. wim register as a three-rourtelaborate than those which were trlbuted to the expenses of the list of guests from other campuses
'sentatlon of their class. These men, Mrs. McVey morning, President visit- Purdue University; C. G. Bayles, carried out this year, according to schools various athletic teams and is expected to be larger than ever.
have invited all
University of Kansas; C. R. PaulIn the College of Education, Dr a. M. Peter, Lexington;
ing alumni to attend the annual ing, Kansas State Agricultural Col- Frank Davidson, retiring SuKy raised funds to send the band on Many of the visitors will spend the
will offer the Jas
weller, Plneville, and G. C. president's breakfast given In honor
lege; L. L. Browne, University of president, who expects that in the football trips. New equipment for remainder of the week-en- d
course on the aaminisiraiion oi Whatley, Birmingham, Ala., with
SuKy will
Arkansas; W. A. Davenport, Michi- even more phases be extra to sponsor jthe cheer leaders was bought and the ington as the guests of the several
Higher Education that he offered for James Crawford, deceased, compose of Athe senior class.
currlcular wildcat which is exhibited at all the fraternities and sororities,
section of the procession, which gan State College; Mr. Dempsey,
the first time last summer. Profes-- . this group.
football games was taken care of
The dance will be strictly a cos- will march from McVey hall to the Colorado Teacher's College; H. B. activity.
or Glllls will give a
This year the classes whose year's Men's gymnasium, will be reserv- Thacker, Amherst College; William
Following the custom that was j out of funds provided by SuKy.
tume affair and no one without
V course on the Technique
of the
SuKy circle was founded at the some semblence of a disguise will
end in '00 and '05 and the class of ed for the alumni, who have been B. Schoelwer, University of Cin- established this year, the organiza- Registrar's Office. Visiting profes-jor- s 28 are reunying during commencepermitted to attend. Every
have reception University in 1919 by "Daddy"
in this college will be Dr. J. ment week. Of 5.C0O graduates of asked to participate In this part of cinnati; Roy Appleton, George Pea-bod- y tlon will continue to visiting teams, Miss Marjorle McLaughlin, Boles, be
Engineering College has
to meet
of commencement day.
College for Teachers; Walter
U Blackwell, Director of of Educa- the University, the majority of the program of Trustees of the Uni- W. Kraft, University of Oklahoma; will erect information booths in one Frank L. McVey and Prof Enoch ' dent twothe
Invitations placed in his
The Board
Education, Department
1.000 versity
-, Grehan.
whom are living, more than
At first only boys were post office box. Any student who
are entertaining
with a Lester Rels, University of Chicago; of the local hotels for the more imtion. Baltimore, Md.; H. S. McCoy, are expected to return to their Alma
luncheon In the University Com- W. F. Holman, University of Min portant games, give awards for the , taken into the organization, but desires to attend the dance and has
special lecturer on parent-teachalso have been , not yet received an invitation can
decorated frat- - since that time co-emons at noon, Monday, June 2, nesota; Fred W. Ambrose, Unlversl most attractively
Supervisor Mater for these reunions.
work; and Nell Moore
procure one at the office of Jack
Registrations will begin Saturday honoring the visiting alumni and ty of Wyoming; D. E. Lyon, Oberlln 'ernlty houses for the home coming admitted.
of elementary education in
The organization now has 28 Dicker in the College of Engineer- May 31, on the first floor the seniors of the University. At Collece: William C. McCracken. game, sponsor pep meetings and
the football members, 12 of whom were accepted ing.
bonfires, entertain
two members of the of McVey hall. At noon the various this time the seniors of 1930 will Ohio State University.
The other
squad with a dinner dance at the this spring. Membership in SuKy Is
Members of the dance committee
faculty will be Dr. Harold Landin, classes will hold luncheons at the be presented to the alumni. The
on the candidate's who have been in charge of the
close of the seanon and present based solely
instructor in history at Ohio State downtown hotels. The annual alu- newly elected president will adawards for the most attractively ability to sell candy and soft drinks plans for the affair are: J. B. DickUniversity, Columbus, O.; and Miss mni- banquet will be given at the dress the guests at this affair.
at athletic events. In 192G the rul- - er, general chairman; Pennel, Gil-haA business meeting will follow the
Phoenix on Saturday night. Dr. G.
Seniors who have ordered invita decorated May Day floats.
Joy Pride, head of the art departPhythlan, Frye, Drury. Wat-kin- s,
In the organlzathe lng
New pins
ment at Georgetown College. Miss D. Buckner, who is president of the luncheon, the new officers in charge. tions may receive them at the organization for the members ofbeen tlon on membershipand several mem McGee,
was changed
have recently
Arrangements for alumni enter- Campus Bookstore, according to an
Prldo Is the only one of the visit- Alumni Association, will preside at
vesterdav. designed. The Insignia are done bers were Initiated for their con Shroader, Woods, Barkley, Yoder,
ing group who has taught hero be- this affair. Among those who will tainments ure in charge of Dean announcement
fore, having 6erved on the art speak will be Miss Charlie Smith, Sarah Blandlng, Dr. G. D. Buckner, Those who wish to buy additional in the school colors with the head tributions in other fields i extra- Gaines, Birk, Warren, Fitzpatrick.
This afternoon from
faculty in the summer session last '28; Coach Harry Gamage, and and the executive board of the invitations may also purchase them of a wildcat in the center. In the currlculer activity. In 1927, how(Continued on Page Ten)
(Contlnued on Page Ten)
members of SuKy will be
; future
University Alumni Association.
President Frank L. McVey.
at the bookstore.

Speaker at


Sixty-thir- d











i.j ,.





Summer School



Nearing Completion


Shropshire Elected

To Feature Seven
Visiting Professors

Annual Engineer's
Carnival Ball to
Be Climax of Day



Three Members of Class of '80 to
Attend Alumni Association Meets




Suky Circle Formulates Elaborate
Program for Coming School Terms
