FRONTISPIECE, "THE BUGLE CALL." From the lithograph by D. C. Fabronius of the painting
         by William M. Hunt .    .................       ,         ....   ...       .       V

PREFACE .......................                            .........     ............       IX
      ILLUSTRATION.S: Camp Gossip, from (4ardner photo.; and Confederate Wooden Canteen (Wl. Taber).

LIST OF MAPS ............ .........................                                ...................i. .... XXII

LIST OF ARTISTS ...... .       ................. ............... ................     . XXIII

LIST OF DRAUGHTSMEN .......      ... .... ..............X................   ...... .. XXIII

LIST OF  ENGRAVERS ..........    .... . ...... ..   ............ .......... ........   . . XEI


PRELIMINARY    EVENTS. From the Charleston Convention to the first Bull Run     . . .  ...  I
     ILLUTrATION;: The Reveille (WU. rTtb-,.

ORGANIZATION OF THE TWO-GOVERNMENTS .........              .................... .... .
      The United States Government: The Buchanan Administration; The Lincoln Administra-
    tion; The United States War Department; The United States Navy Department.
      The Confederate States Government: Provisional Organization; Reorganization ; Confed-
    erate States War Department; Confederate States Navy Department.
      Governors of the States during the War.

                                  SIGNS OF WAR.

WASHINGTON ON THE EVE OF THE WAR ....... GENERAL CHARLES P. STONE                       .   7
      ILLIsTRATfIs R: Rotunda oftle Caitol i U1861, from photo. Ient by General M. C. Meiga (fE. .r. Jr-k- )-
    Map of the United States in 1861, sowing Military Posts oecnpled by United States Troops January 1,
    lni. and Approximate Limit of Territory controlled by the United States Force July, 1861 (Jamb
    Wefla)-Uniform of the National Rifles; Uniform of the Potomae Light Infantry (H. A. Ogden) --Brevet
    LleUt.-General Winlield Scott, from Brady photo.- Headquarters of General Scott f(Teo. R. Daeis) -
    Washington Arsenal, from Russell photo. (E. J. feeker)-The Columbian Armory ('. R. Dartet-Joseph
    Holt, Secretary of War, from Brady photo. - President Bucbanan. fron Brady photo.- General Charles
    1. Stone, from.. Braty photo. -President Lincoln, from ambrotype taken May 20, 18Bo-Vice-President
    Hamlin, from Brady photo. - South or Garden Side of the White Honse (F. H. Cacke) -The White House
    at Night (Joseph Pennell) - Inauguration of President Lincoln, from photo. lent by General MI. C. Mega.

WITH SLEMMER IN PENSACOLA HARBOR ........ COLONEL J. H. GILMAN               .   .......... 26
      ILLUSTrATIONs: Pensacola Harbor from the Bar (TA-. f. Drnsr  - The Mail who refused to baul
    down the Union Flag (WiUia.s Wand) - Map of Pensacola Bay. redrawn. from "Frank Lestlie'" (Fred.
    IL. ifft)-Confederate Water-battery, from photo. lent by Loyall Farragut (W'. Taber) - Lieutenant
    Adalm J. Slemmer, from Brady photo.

      ILLUSTRATION8: A Texan Ranger. front amtbrotype (.i. C. trdeood)-The Alamo, San Antonio
   (Abroan Hosier)-Colonel Dantel H. Vinton, from photo.
  In onter t asne - not.-I repetition. Particula-r crdit I. here gIl iven to the Boston Comaiantdery ofthe t.vsi I.diW in tcl.
 eele- Aroold A. Rand. (-eneral Albert Ordway, Charle B. Hall, aid W. H. Whit-o, for tIhe ue of photograph .n.l drawig.
 W-r time photographere whose work 1i of the greatest historivalue, osdl ha been freely draw .1pon in thte pretarution
 r4 th-e Illistrations, are M. B. Brarl, Alesonder Gardner, and iaptain A. J. R.-ell ID the North; ad D. H. Andle-son of
 ftichiaond. Vs.. and George S. Cook of Charleston. S.C.- tie latter ince the wa.'havlng succeeded to the o..nerhip oF the
 Ander-on .e  tl-.