Papg  1. FYr Aditral Charh's A. Davis (o printed in part of the edition), r-m;o Admiral Charlet It. Da'lu.

P.age ,; nd page 10H. F-r Charles t;. Mtiniuger, ret 'bristophier ii. Meinmioger.

Page- 4t. 'From Moultric to 8umter," by t-eneral Doubleday. C.onernig tbh statemuent that Major Robert
           Audersou, of Kentucky. '- was a regular ofer and owner of a sla e plantation in Georgia."
           Major Anderson's widow writes to the Editors that he never onued a plantation anywhere, and
           that be nerer reided In Georgia. She adds, " He inberited 8laves in Kenttieky from his father,
           Colonel Richard tlough Atiderson, and these he liberated ininediately on coming tnto poses8ion of
           them, whieh was a f.-w years after he waa graduated at the Military Academy of Weot Potit."
           General Doubleday will nodify tht statement for other edMitio-

P'age S1. For Lieutenant James A. Yates (so priate.1 i, part of the edition). rcAd I i-utettaut Joseph A. Yates.

Page 2:6. For Sergeant 'i'hots ShotoFabte (so printed I larlrt of the editti.... r),a  Srergua.t Joseph Shu-ate.

Page-21 "The-runed rate ('   t-iinlssariadt at Manassa-," by touclNorthrop  Xear the aiddic of the second
           cIolumnu-for" Lieutenaut-Clonie  Rob-ert B. Lee was addel...' "I.ieutenant-Colonel Ricbard B.
           Lee was added."

1'aige 43. In the foot-note: For  :eneral (ticore W r ' olton is. printed I pilrt of the cdititn., read (tener-i
           (;.-orge W. Culbun.

i'5ge 67t;. " The Campaign if ithiloh," by ( ...eral t;. T. tS'atiregtrtl. lit-! 27,- fir the lath of February, read the
           13th of March.

Pa.e A,-i. Title to i ortralt. Fr 'ulonel ZA'bulou Bi.  te lead Brigadier-Ucuerau Bobert B. Vance.