The Kentucky Kernel







Warren Middleton, of Paducah,
It Held in Connection With
Death of Joseph Self



Shooting Affray Occurred Beneath Electric Light in Front
of Mechanical Hall



No. 18



All assignments to be written
for the Kernel are posted on the
book in the Kernel office Monday morning and must be written and timed in to the editor's
desk before noon Wednesday.
No story, regardless of stse er
importance, will be accepted
after this time. Storiea turned
in Wednesday afternoon will be
destroyed and the reporter to
whom it was assigned will be
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February meeting of the William James Club will be held
Tuesday aifternoon, at 3:30,
room 206 in Nevill Halt James
Lee Douglas of the University,
Department of Education, will
be the speaker and will have
for his subject "Experience and
Education Compared in Trade
ASuHty As Indicated by
Army Trades Testa."
L. J. Sindell, Sec.




SU-K- Y.

The Purpose is to Get Everyone
to Speak to Everyone They

Idea is Outgrowth of Discussion
on University Friendship at
Y. W. C. A. Meet.


"Hello Day" will be inaugurated upAs the result of a shooting affray
FRED B. SMITH TO GIVE on the Universitythecampus Thursday,
11 o'clock last Sat- ALPHA SIGMA PHI GIVES
.which occurred at
members of the
February 20 by
urday night upon the campus of the
The purpose of such
EVANGELISTIC SERMONS a day is for every person in the UniUniversity of Kentucky, Joseph Self, NOVEL PARTYAT PHOENIX
versity to speak to every person whom
night watchman of the University is
they meet upon the campus on that
dead and Warren Middleton, of
Man to day, as they go to and from their
Ky., a student at the Univer- First Men's
Preach Here Under Y. M.
is Delightful Affair; Football
classes. Such a day, if successful here
sity is seriously, wounded.
C. A. Auspices.
Captain Creates Excitement
Cirwill be sponsored by the
The tragedy occurred in front of
cle, the members who are busy in
Mechanical Hall in the roadway that
Fred B. Smith, assistant to the pres
Original and clever to the minutest
planning the method to be carried out.
leads past the building and beneath
ident of the H. W.
Every entrance of the campus will be
an electric light that hangs above its detail was the "Kid Frolic" given by
entrance. Stories of the shooting con Aloha Siarma Phi fraternity in the WORLD WAR VETERAN IS Co., of New York, will arrive at the posted with signs to remind the stuUniversity February 19, for a three-da- y dents as they come to school to say
flict Mr. Self, who was shot thru ballroom of the Phoenix Hotel Sat
evangelistic campaign under the "Hello" to everyone whom they meet.
.the body lived only long enough t urday night to which 250 friends were
AM ONGTHOSE RECEIVING auspices of the University Y. M. C. It does not sound plausible, but it
igasp out a disconnected story of the
dance of its
invited. This is the first
A. The series of meetings will begin is actually known that there are many
affair. Mr. Self said that two boys in
a Ford coupe fired on him from the kind ever given at the University and HIGHEST HONORS AT I) K Monday morning- at the fifth hour students in the University who go
and will continue through Tuesday and thru the entire course, and upon their
car; that their shot struck him and it will long be remembered by those
personThe meetings will
that he returned the fire, firing five ,who attired themselves in ruffled or
Forty-fou- r
Years Wednesday. students and faculty be graduation ofday do not know
aprons, rompers, W. M. Phipps,
at ally half
their classmates.
held for the
shots. On the way to the hospital gandies, gingham
fiu the fifth hour and at 7:00 p. m.' each s a small university and the personal
Ula Win xecewc
stocks, long cwrls and made themselves
Self died.
Magna Cum Laude.
contact of the students With the fac
It was learned later in the night by a "child again just for the night.
4ythe police, however, that young Mjd-- - The children's idea was carried out
Mr. Smith is. a business man who ulty and with each other is an outDURING WAR gives part of his time each year to standing characteristic.
This may
dloton had rented a Ford coupe from throughout the entire dance from the CAPTAIN
local automobile company, that the "King's X" programs fastened with
religious work. He has just returned further be developed by an outgrowth
University Witnout from his fourth speaking tour around that could come out of such a day
car had been returned to its owners dolls for the girls and tops for the Entered
Benefits of High School
and that Middleton had been taken to boys to the doll buggies,, wagons
the world and it is said that he has as is now planned.
soda pop, animal crackers,
This novel idea was presented to the
probably spoken to more men than
the Good Samaritan Hospital.
Circle, which came as an out
any other man in the world. Many
In a statement made to friends who refreshments to the large "ponies" on
Among those winning highest hon
recognized Mr. Smith as "Amer- growth of a discussion on "University
.took him to the hospital Middleton which the children were allowed to
the Uni have
Senior Class at
is said to have asserted that, accom ride and over which they fought far ors in the
ica's greatest speaker to men." The Friendships" given at Y. W. C. A.
Kentucky this year is a dis
panied by Clover Coleman, also of the second ride during the dance, versity of
men and women of the University are meeting held at Boyd Hall. Those
of balloons, abled veteran an
Paducah, a student at the University, Souvenirs
who contributed to the discussion and
urged to hear Mir. Smith.
completed his course in
he had stopped his car on the campus, horns, snakes, paper hats were given who has just
The University is fortunate to get a offered suggestions were Beth
is to receive his
Smith for three days
Louise Boden, Mary Louise
not knowing that it was against the out during the dance. An interest agriculture, and who
magna cum man like Mr.
rules, when the night watchman told ing feature of the dance was the "raf degree in June with
as he is giving only a limited time to Gasser, Elizabeth Gasser, Pearl Marever
year. He tin, Unis Denton, Georgie Rouse,
him that he was under arrest. After filing" off of a doll which was won by laude. He is the first student
Kentucky, colleges and universities this
.being shot Middleton took Miss Cole Flo Armentrout, who held the lucky to enter the University of
Cellards, Edna Louis Wells and
has recently been at Iowa State Uni
having attended high school versity
Mrs. Bedford,
and the Tribune of that TJni Mariam Forrester.
man home, returned the car to the number.
The rules
Many persons rushed from the ball and to receive his dearee.
versity comments on his work as fol house mother, attended the meeting
garage from which he hid rented
and encouraged the girls in their prolows:
and went home before summoning aid troom in wild excitement when it was of the University
as special
Middleton stated to his friends that learned that the dignified football who are over age to enter
"It is safe to say that no religious posed plan, contributing valuable sugwithout the usual entrance campaign of any sort ever took such a gestions by which it might be successhe had shot only after the night watch captain and coach had made his ap students
and to be graduated deep hold upon students and faculty fully carried out.
pearance in the lobby of the hotel requirements,
jnan had fired at him.
standing is main
a state- - but was detained by persons desir only if sufficient
Circle is now at work
Miss Coleman later made
of this sthool in all its history.
costume, and who tained.
ment to the effect that she and Mid ious of seeing his
"Fired B. Smith is in a olass by him- preparing large posters to be place 1
Four years ago W. M. Phipps, late self. So magnetic is his personality, at the entrances upon the campus
dleton had left a dance at Patterson "helped" him off with his overcoat
Cantata of the 149th Infantry, enter housed in so powerful a body, that where every one coming to classes
Hall and had take a short drive in When the top coat was removed
University of Kentucky for
an automobile; that she knew it was was disclosed that he had worn "lit cd the
before he has said a word his aud- might be reminded that they are to
white rompers and "socks to traininsr under the Federal Board for ience is his. His two hundred pound speak to every one whom they meet.
against the rules and greatly regretted tie"
(Now Veterans'
Speak to every person that passes
it; that returning they came thru the match" to the party. He was then Vocational Education years old at the of rounded flesh is muscular, his fare
hair you pres;dent,
campus and that on reaching Me allowed to march with his escort thru Bureau.) He was 40
is ruddy bronze, his
Board hesitated to send and coat black brows are all bristle, down to the janitor.
chankal Hall the night watchman ac the gauntlet of persons who had gath time and the
college because
age to
ludicrous feature
"Speak! It won't hunt you," "Say
V costed them telling them they were ered to see the mostcostume, however, a man of thathe was too old to get a between them a narrow slant of fore
they thought
of the dance. His
head like a steel plate. His cl.cst is Hello to me," will be among the many
how(Continued on Page five)
was inconsistent with the request college education. He entered,
deep and rounded and powerful like slogans to be used.
made on (the invitation that "persons ever, as a special student and was told a turbine engine. His voice is full and
his degree at heavy and easy, but flares Into a siren
admitted who were less than that he could receive
PRES. M'VEY SPEAKS TD noyears be or over 14." He was three the end of the course only if he had shriek under passionate emohasis. His AN NOUNCE PROGRAM FOR
maintained a standing sufficient to frequent smile is winsome and fatheryears old.
origSTUDENTS IN CHAPEL This fraternity has the distinction of make honors. "When I was a lad,' ly, his humor of the
originating the most cleverly arrang the Captain explained, "there were inal, sudden sort he tel's no funny
forty miles of me sturies. His whole mVn on the plat
no high schools in
ed dance that has ever been given I
Asks Those Possessing Fircarmi a University. Not only will it live and I have no entrance credits to of form is that of a man w;th a mission, Pour Benefit Plays to be Given
to Turn Them Over to School forever in the minds of those attend fer." Throughout his college course a man sent, a man under compulsion
in Addition to Student MatAuthorities
ing, but will be remembered by the he has maintained the very highest who wilt permit himself no trifling.
inee Teas.
community at large. This was the standard and now is to receive his de"A man like that can ride over h's
Chapel exercises for the student
The Little Theatre program for this
first dance given by the Men's Pan gree "with high distinction."
audience by his own sheer force. But
body of the University of Kentucky
The Captain plans to bring his sev- Smith didn't. His appeal was to the season will consist of four benefit
Tuesday morning.
were held
The society column contains a more en year old grandson to commence- rational, not the emotional. He car performances in addition to the stua song by the University Quartette, exact account of the lovely affair also ment exercises in June. He rose from
ries none of the regular evangelist's dent matinee teas, it was announced
President Frank L. McVey read the a list of the charming hosts.
the rank of private by processes of stock in trade, no snob stuff about yesterday by Prof. E. E. Fleischman,
chapter of Isaiah and led in
sheer merit. Wounded during the mother, no deathbed stories, no social director of the Little Theatre.
the Lord's Prayer, after which he ad
war, he went to school to prepare for scandal, no hell fire threats or lazy
The first two plays will be given by
dressed the students on
Players, a company
a peaceful life of agricultural pursuits. heaven's oromises.
He coerced no the Koffer-Milland Thoughts of our University to
He has won distinction in chemistry, one's mind, offended no one's self-r-e
of six people, who have won wide
other organizations.
his favorite subject, and is interested soect. pulled no shyster tricks. In recognition for their excellency in
"The University of Kentucky is a
He expects to en- nearly ten solid hours of speaking the presentation of classic comedies to
in soil tecnology.
composed of two thou
ter Cornell University this 'fall to
(Continued on page five.)
(Continued on page 5.)
study for a higher degree.
(Continued on Page eight)

Pan-Hellen- ic








Hud-dlesto- n,

Lu-cas- ta







