secretion, excretion, and respiration; the motor, nervous. and sensory I I
’ Work functions; and the structure of the various organs by which these opera- , .
Mdem tions are performed. A note-book with careful outline drawings of the _ ,
sh into chief structures studied anatomically together with explanations of l
itinucd these drawings, and the study of a good text-book are essential. _
all but Botany. One-half to one unit may be offered The preparation in in
les and botany should include a study of the structure and elementary physiology
f OOSY ofthe seed plants, ecology, the natural history of the plant groups, and ‘ .
classification. The laboratory method of instruction should be empha-
e basis sized, but no further than can be done with a simple magnifier. Accu-
OT than rate drawings and concise note-books should be prepared by the student.
ot less Zoology. One-half to one unit may be oHered. The preparation in
e train- zoology should be along the same lines as those laid down for botany. It
on the should be such as to render the student familiar with the salient charac-
od text teristics of each of the animal sub-kingdoms. This can be accomplished
OPMOOI only by a laboratory study of at least of one type animal under each
I as an sub-kingdom.
Geology. One-half to one unit may be offered. The study of geology
should include an examination into the causes now in operation as throw-
ing light on those which have operated in the past, followed by a sketch
of historical geology. This will involve a presentation of the following
topics: atmospheric agencies; the work of underground and surface
waters; the work of the sea; internal geological agencies, such as vol-
Shpuld canic activity, earthquakes, and slow movements of the earth’s crust;
*YO‘OOO· structural geology, or the study of rock forms; and finally, physiographic
ecmrei geology, or the interpretation of land forms in the light of their geolog-
E OPOO ical history. The text should be supplemented by an examination of
findmd rocks, minerals, fossils and by Held work, and the pupil should record his
WO OOO observations in a note book.
lenmy Drawing. One-half to one unit may be offered. The student should
be able to show ability to sketch free-hand geometrical figures, such as
?· The Circles, spirals, polygons, pyramids and cylinders; also common objects,
ienml Such as chairs, tables, animals, bones, flowers. He should be able to ·
)e sub` OOPY, by enlarging or reducing its dimensions, the picture of any ordin-
' ary object.
’lsS“b' Bookkeeping. One-half unit may be offered. A full term’s course ·
mdY_°f — must be taken in this subject with recitations five times a week. When
Ong' O·€0mmercial course is given and more time required for this subject
· an additional half unit may be allowed.
a{"‘t“?" Vocational Subjects. The subjects of manual training, domestic _
indi` $Ol€¤C€, agriculture, commercial geography, commercial 3.I‘ii2l'1m€iZlC, may
l Z r