ansinimcn AND GRADUA·r1oN. 81   V
rding ship. Frequent receptions by the young peoples’ associations of the V ’
vhom Various churches are given for the university students. The pastors .- v
yants visit the University, preach special sermons for students, and are glad
esses to welcome them in their homes. Each church has aBible class especially - ·
nt of for students, usually conducted by a university professor.
Recommendation of Teachers. ` »
The University strives to secure appointments for its graduates in i
man the schools and academies of the state and elsewhere. To this end it
who keeps on file the names of all former students so that it may be able at
H6 any time to assist them to positions, and be of service to the high
fare; schools of the state. The demand for University of Kentucky graduates
The is constantly increasing. The institution will be glad to receive any
rson- information concerning vacancies.
E  University Woman’s Club.
The Woman’s Club, consisting of the professors’ wives and other
the ladies of the University, exerts a most helpful influence upon the social
and moral life of the community. Entertainments are given under their
auspices. During the past year they were very active in looking after
the sick and needy among the students. They welcome students in their
5 the homes. _
e ill,
pim] Lyceum Course.
11666 The University conducts annually a lyceum course, which gives the
students opportunity to hear at small cost the foremost lecturers and ,
artists. During the past year these lectures were attended with
increased interest and were a source of great pleasure and protit.
i the The Library.
sthe Books may be taken out by all officers and students of the Univer- ·
ntof sity, by teachers in the public schools, and by others having special
g 0¤ permission. The whole collection is placed upon shelves accessible to all
y be readers. » {
The general library is open every week—day (legal holidays excepted),
from 8 a. m., to 9:30 p. m. On Sundays it is open from 2 to 5 p. m.
During the Christmas vacation it is open from 9 to 12 a. m. daily. The
its u Experiment Station library is open from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. daily, except _
jhey Saturday.