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Sec Slory, Page 2

Vol. L

High 75, Low 57
No. 101


Pushcart Derby Ends In Dead Meat
Photo Finish Shows Dells,
Triangle Even; Rematch Set



Pccause of the KcntucKian editor's eagerness to try out his
new camera, Saturday's Pushcart Derby has been called a
photo-finisdead heat between Triangle and Delta Tan Delta










perms to be splitting up some-fir- st
thin;? that cannot be split up."
He referred to possession of the
rotatin j trophy, which goes

The judges Saturday awarder
place to Triangle, whose
pushcart had Jed throughout the
race. Their decision was reversed
night after Lambda Chi
officers viewed a finish-lin- e
which showed the Tri- ansle and Dclt cars in a dead

per-Sund- ay

mancntly to any fraternity
ning the race three years In





The Delts have won the race
the past two years, and a win this
year would give them the rotating
trophy permanently. Under the
setup, each
would have received
one-ha- lf
win's credit toward
session of the trophy,
The Triangle spokesmen then
suggested that the race be rerun,
and the Delts agreed. Doth teams
will use the same drivers, four
pushers and two alternates who
were in Saturday's race.
Jim Hell, Lambda Chi's derby
apologized to both
fraternities for the confusion
caused by the race, and said its
rules were being amended to
vent future discrepancies,
A new rule that pushers may not
release the cart until it has crossed
the finish line, planned for next
year's race, will be in effect at
rematch, Heil
In Saturday's race, the Triangle
Continued On Page 3


Gurney Norman, who look the
photograph at right, was about
eight feet from the finish line,
The official race photographer,
riding in a pare ear some 15 feet
of the winners, did not get
a- - finish-lin- e
Triangle and Delt representa- tlves met Sunday night with
Lambda Chi's derby committee and
agreed to rerun the race to de- Cide a winner.
The rematch Is set for 2 p.m.
Sunday, pending city police agree- meat to clear Limestone Street of
traffic until it is over.
After seeing Norman's photo- Lambda Chi officials orig- inaliy decided to award identical
permanent trophies to both Tri- angle and Delta Tan Delta and to
allow each fraternity to keep the
large rotating trophy for one-ha- lf
A Triangle spokesman objected
to this, however, saying: "This


pos-ahe- ad






'At-""- -








tft VSr

3 UK Students Hurt

When Car Hits Bus

Three UK students were injured,
none seriously, when their sports
car rammed the side of a Greyhound bus at the Rose Street-men- 's
dorms campus exit early Sunday.
Treated at Good Samaritan Hospital and then released were:
Scott Robertson, 21, driver, lacerated forehead; Brad Clark, 22,
scalp laceration; and Teddy G.
Wood, 21, small laceration and
sprained right shoulder.
The chartered bus carried the
UK track team, returning from a
Saturday meet in Tennessee.
The accident occurred whenRo-b?rtso- n
failed to stop at the exit
to Rose Street and ploved into
the side cf the bus Just behind its

riiht front


A passenger
said the Impact
"barely shook the bus" and that
sax was
the sports
"pretty fast. He said Robertson
tried to swerve sharply to the
left just as the crash occurred.
Greyhound driver Edward Sapp
said he was about to stop the bus
on the south side of the exit to
unload his passengers when the
sports car "came flying out of the
He estimated his speed at about
20 m.p.h. at the time of the crash.
The sports car was extensively
damaged by the impact, but the
bus was barely dented.
All three of the injured students
are members of Phi Delta Theta
fraternity here.


Tic Finish Line,


Dead Heat

This finish-lin- e
photograph caused the Fushcart Derby's judges to declare the race a dead heat between Triangle (car No. 19) and Delta Tau Delta (car No. 5) after they had originally given Triangle first place. The black line running through the wide white stripe indicates the official finish
line. The Delt car was driven by Claude Pierce and pushed last by Kenny Baker. The Triangle driver
is Walt Bomhoff, pushed by Jim Irvin, who fell down at the finish line. His hand is visible just above
Bomhoff's left shoulder. The teams will have a rematch at 2 p.m. Sunday.

A Change

The deadline for senior grade sin regular class periods prior to
reports has the deadline.
and comprehensive
original date,
been moved to its
Students having a B average in
May 18, Dr. Charles Elton, dean of a course may be excused from the
finaf by his professor, he added.
admissions, said yesterday.
"Elton said his decision last
Grades are compiled by the
week to change the deadline to dean of the college and submitted
May 13 was illegal. He said a May to the registrar. Dr. Elton said
18 deadline had been set by the that, in processing
the grades; his
spring and it office would probably have to reUK faculty last
could not be changed.
considerably on the dean's
The decision to change the dead- grades because of the one- -,
line was "done in a rush," he said, day period to process them.
and he had not realized the UK
calendar could not be changed.
Because of the change to May
18, the Board of Trustees meeting
has been set for Tuesday, May
19, and the UK faculty meeting for
Wednesday, May 20, Dr. Elton said.
Originally, the Board of Trustees was to meet May 18 and the
faculty May 19.
A rumored panty raid failed to
Dr. Elton said the May 18 deadline would make it difficult to pro- materialize as 11 police cars concess senior grades. He added that verged near Jewell Hall's Euclid
May 13 was chosen because it Avenue entrance late Thursday
would be more convenient to pro- night.
cess the grades.
The only group of boys to appear
"We can't completely process the near the dorms was Pi Kappa
grades in a day," he said. One Alpha fraternity's would-b- e serenday to check the grades would ades. Police dispersed .the group,
rush his office considerably, he estimated at "about 75 boys," beexplained. .
cause the serenade had hot been
Senior grades will be presented scheduled with University officito the Board of Trustees for vote als, city police Lt. William B.
May 19. The UK faculty will de- Davis said.
cide definitely the next day on the
A University spokesman later
list of graduates.
said the serenade had been authDr. Elton said examinations orized and that an apology was due
for graduating seniors may be held the fraternity.
Police cars were cruising the
dormitory area from shortly after
10 p.m. until after 11 p.m. An
Ugly Man Voting
anonymous caller telephoned the
Voting on the Ugly Man Contest will be held on Thursday Kernel at 10:15 pm. and said a
and Friday from 9 a. m. to 4 panty raid was about to begin.
Arriving at the dorms four minp. m. at the SUB ticket booth.
utes later, two Kernel reporters
The contest Is sponsored by
and a photographer found no
Alpha Phi Omega.
signs of would-b- e raiders. At 10:45
The winners and their organitwo
zations will receive trophies
at p.m. five city police cars,car, apaddy
wagons, a traffic safety
the Little Kentucky Derby.
police car and two University po

Miss Maple
Moores, assistant
registrar, said the method used
previously by the University to decide on senior grades was illegal.
Under the old system, the faculty met
following the board
meeting. A special committee of
the board met with faculty
pass on senior grades.
Miss Moores said the correct
procedure was the voting by the
entire Board of Trustees on senior

Rumored Pan ty Ra id
Is Never Attempted


lice cars were in front of Jewell

Lt. Davis barred the Kernel's
reporters and photographers and
two downtown newspaper photographers from the sidewalk, ordering them to remain across the
street in front of Alumni Gym.
When they protested at being
barred from the scene of a news
event, he said they could cross
the street "if anything starts."
Girls returning from dates at
10:30 p.m. were told by housemothers to go to their rooms and lock
their doors. Several students said
police watched them closely when
they took their dates to the door,
and some said housemothers told
them to "go on home and don't
start anything."
When the Kernel's reporters
walked up the Keeneland Hall
drive and down the drive behind
Patterson and Boyd halls at 10:45
p.m., two girls in Keeneland Hall
came to a darkened window and
said "come on back, boys."
A campus policeman said Saturday that city police had received
Continued on Page 5
