xt7h18342673 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h18342673/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19640712 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1964-07-may12. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1964-07-may12. 1964 2011 true xt7h18342673 section xt7h18342673 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, May 12; 1964.

       The Board of T rustees of the University of Kentucky met in the Trustees
Room of the Administration Buildfng on the campus of the University at 10:00 aem.,
Eastern Standard Time, on Tuesday, May 12, 1964, in regular meeting as pro-
vided in KRS 164. 170, with the following members present: Governor Edward
T. Breathitt, Dr. Harry Sparks, Dr. Harry Denham, Mr. Smith Broadbent, Dr.
R. W. Bushart, Mr. Sam Ezelle. Mr. W,, F, Foster, Dr. HB. Murray, Mr.
Clifford Smith, Mr. Floyd Wright. Mr. Gilbert Kingsbury, Dr. Ralph Angelucci,
Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, Judge JA. Sutherland, and the two non-voting faculty
members, Professor Paul Oberst and Dr. Lewis Cochran. Mr. Wendell
Butler was not able to be present.  Dr, John Oswald, Dr. A. D. Albright. Dr.
William R. Willard, and Mr. Robert Kerley representing the administrative
staff of the University and members of the press were also present,

       A. Meeting Opened

       Governor Breathitt called the meeting to order at 10:05 aom. and the
invocation was pronounced by Judge Sutherland, Following roll call to which
sixteen answered with only one member being absent, the Governor announced
that a quorum was present for the conduct of business and called on President
Oswald for his report.

       B. Presidents Report to the Trustees

       Copies of the report of the President to the Trustees were available for
the members of the Board and the press, Dr, Oswald went over the items
contained therein and commented briefly on certain ones.  The report was
accepted with thanks,

       C. Presentation of "Blue Report"

       The "Blue Report" which contains items of importance but ones which
are routine in nature is mailed in advance of the meeting so that members of
the Board may be familiar with the items for which approval or action is
requested.  President Oswald, therefore, recommended that, unless there
were specific-questions which he might answer, the report be accepted and
ordered filed, Without objection it was so ordered by Governor Breathitt,





Recommendation. that the financial report covering the nine month period
ended March 31, 1964, be accepted as presented and made a part of the record
of the May 12, 1964, meeting of the Board of Trustees.

Background: The letter of transmittal from Mr, Clay Maupin is self-explanatory
and indicates that the University is operating on a sound financial basis.

                         University of Kentucky

                                                      April 16, 1964

    Dr. John W. Oswald, President
    University of Kentucky

    Dear Dr. Oswald:

    Submitted herewith is the interim financial report of the University
    of Kentucky for the fiscal period which began July 1, 1963 and ended
    March 31, 1964. This report consists of a balance sheet for the
    five balanced fuand groups and supporting information concerning opera-
    tion of the University.

    The statement of General Fund income for the nine month period re-
    flects that 98. 6% of anticipated income was realized. For the same
    period the General Fund expenditures and encumbrances amounted to
    74. 3% of the estimated expenditures for the fiscal year 1963-64.

    It is intended that this report will serve as a comprehensive and
    permanent record of the financial operations of the University for
    the information and reference of all interested persons.

                                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                        (Signed)      Clay Maupin
                                                      Director of Accounting
                                                      and Budgetary


University of Kentucky
Balance Sheet
March 31, 1964


I.   Current Funds:
     A. General-
             Cash on Bank
             Available Balance, State Appropriations
             Cash on Deposit with State Treasurer
             Due from Other Funds
             Accounts Receivable ( Net ) - Hospital
             Unrealized Income

Total General

B. Restricted-
        Cash in Bank
        Petty Cash Advances
        Accounts Receivable ( Net
        Service Plans

$   458,386.60
  5,199, 212.22
  3, 185, 960. 25
  1, 096, 128. 71
  1, 013, 49. 83
    395, 320. 28

$ 11, 387, 977. 89

$ 2, 116,646.26
     43, 459. 66

) Professional

345, 709. 34

Total Restricted

6 670 560 63

Total Current Funds                                         $ 18, 058,538. 52

II.   Loan Funds:
              Cash in Bank
              Notes Receivable
              Due from Federal Government
              Due from- united Student Aid Fund

$    81, 405. 86
  1, 023, 393. 32
        667. 84

Total Loan Funds

L 1 294, 967. 02



        University of Kentucky
          Balance Sheet
          March 31, 1964


Current Funds:
A. General-
        Reserve for Encumbrances
        Reserve for Inventories
        Reserve for Research Fellows
        Appropriation Balances
        Unappropriated Surplus:
        Division of Colleges
        Medical Center
        Agricultural Experiment Station

$ 1, 744, 412. 62
  1, 096, 128.71
  7, 713, 775.74

$   112, 314.23
    538, 715.56
    32, 631.03

683, 660. 82

              Total General

B. Restricted-
        Outstanding Check Liability
        Reserve for Accounts Receivable
        Restricted Fund Balances

$ 11, 387, 977. 89

$    18,753.53
  6, 306, 097.76

Total Restricted

Total Current Funds

IL.   Loan Funds:
      Principal Balances-
              National Defense Education Act, 1958:
              Federal Government
              Univers ity
              Accum. Interest Income NDEA
                    Total National Defense
                    Education Act Principal
              University Student Loan Funds
              University Special Student Loan Funds
              United Student Aid Loan Fund
     Expendable Balances

6, 670, 560. 63

$ 18, 058, 538.52


101, 748.95
6, 218.49

$ 1, 023, 708.16
     44, 186.22
     1,000.00$ 1,277,145.43

Total Loan Funds                                             $ 1, 292, 967. 02



University of Kentucky
  Balance Sheet
March 31, 1964


11I.    Endowment Funds:
             Cash in Bank
             Cash on Deposit with Trustee

$     24, 389.73
         ' 32. 97
    , 330.09a1;S4

Total Endowment Funds

$    354,514.34

IV.     Plant Funds:
       A. Unexpended Plant Funds-
             Cash on Deposit with State Treasurer $ 2, 192, 148. 16
             Available Balance, State Appropriations  2, 804, 904. 92
             Investments                            5, 227, 354. 37

            Total Unexpended Plant Funds

B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds-
     Cash in Bank- Due State Treasurer
     Cash on Deposit with
       State Treasurer
     Cash on Deposit with Trustees
     Unrealized Income

              $ 10, 224,407.45

$     14, 969.50

     490, 038.04
     604, 295.67
  , 1, 282, 556. 88
      27, 881. 30

            Total Retirement of Indebtedness

C. Invested in Plant-
     Land                                $  4,003,744.96
     Buildings                             73, 350, 532. 00
     Equipment                              18, 297, 326.00
     Construction in Progress               11,284, 314.1.4

Total Invested in Plant

2, 419, 741.39

106, 935, 917.40

Total Plant Funds

119, 500,066. 24

V.   Agency

Cash in Bank

$    292, 508.86
      12. 199, 77

Total Agency Funds

$    304.708.63



      University of Kentucky
      Balance Sheet
        March 31, 1964


m.      Endowment Funds:
             Principal Balances
             Expendable Balances

$    339,209.46

Total Endowment Funds

$   2-354,514.34

IV.    Plant Funds:
       A. Unexpended Plant Funds-
             Reserve for Encumbrances
             Appropriation Balances
             Due to Other Funds

           Total Unexpended Plant Funds

B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds-
     Fund Balance

$  4,277,278.36
   5,907, 579.09
      39, 550. 00

              $ 10, 224,407-.45

$ 2, 419, 741.39

            Total Retirement of Indebtedness

C. Invested in Plant-
     Bonds Payable                       $ 31,344,500.00
     Due to Other Governmental Units        858, 001. 00
     Net Investment in Plant               74, 733, 416.40

Total Invested in Plant

                    Total Plant Funds

V.   Agency Funds:
             Agency Fund Balances

2, 419, 741.39

106, 935, 917. 40

$    304,708.63

Total Agency -Funds

$ 119,.584Q166. 24

$__  304,08. 63



            1ivr4y bf Kentucky
    Statement of General Fund Income
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1963 and Ended March 31, 1964

  I. Educational and General:
      A. Student Fees-
          Incidental Fees
          Training School Fees
          Evening Class Fees
          Extension Class Fees
          Home Study Fees

               Total Student Fees

      B. State Appropriations
          Division of Colleges
          Medical Center
          Geological Projects
          Agricultural Experiment Station
          Agricultural Extension Service

               Total State Appropriations

     C. Federal Grants
         Division of Colleges
         Agricultural Experiment Stt ion
         Agricultural Extension Service

               Total Federal Grants

     D. Endowment Income

     E. Sales and Services of Educational
          Division of Colleges
          Agricultural Experiment Station

               Total Sales and Services of Educational

               Total Educational and General

It. Service Enterprises:
         Post Office

III. University Hospital:

              Total General Fund Income


$ 2, 184, 49.ID $
     p7, 100. 00
     51, 000.00
     30, 800. 00
     73, 600.00


2, 208, 505.27 J
    14, 024. 00
    57, 509. 00
    27, 604. 65
    39, 365. 80


$ ( 24, 006. 27) 1
     3, 076.00
     ( 6, 509.00) 1
     3, 195, 35
     34. 234. 00

$ 2, 356, 999. 00 $ 2, 347, 008. 72 $  9, 990. 28

$ 10, 258, 000. 00$ 10, 258, 000. 00 $
  7,050,000.00  7, 050, 000. 00
    615,000.00    615,000. 00
  1,425,000.0.0  1,425,000.00
  1, 615,000.00  1, 615, 000. 00

20,963,000.00 $ 20, 963, 000.00  

$   303, 071.00 $  260,452.05 $     42,618.95
  1,028, 054. 60  851, 138.00     176,916.00
  2,278,444.47   1,811 139.47     467,305.00

$ 3609,569.47$ 2,9212,729.52 $     686,839.95

$    40,000.00$     38,762.35 i      1,237.65

$    31,500.00 $    73,698.53 $   ( 42. 198. 53) 1
    700,000.00    572,061.64       127,938.36

$   731,500.00$    645,760.17 $     85,739.83

$ 27, 701, 068. 47 $ 26, 917, 260.76 $  783,807.71

$_    5, 500. 00$    6, 522. 10 $  ( 1,022. 10) 1

$   838,270.00$ 1,225,735.33 $ (387,465,33) 1

$ 28, 544, 838. 47 $ 88, 149,518. 19 0  395, 320.28

1. Realized in Excess of Estimate



              University of Kentucky
Statement of Current General Fund Expenditures
For the Current Fiscal Period Whicb Began
July 1, 1963 and Ended March 31, 1964


L  Educational and General:
   A. General Administrativ e

   B. . General Expense
       Student Services
       Staff Welfare
       General Institutional

             Total General

   C. Instructional ( Including
        Departmental Research)
   College of-
       Agr. & Home Ec.
       Arts and Sciences
   Graduate School
   University Extended Programs
   How e Staff

Appropriations  Expendikures  Outstanding     Unencumbered

$  548, 152U 83  $  314,835.49 $   5, 717. 67  $  227,599.67

$  632,679.36   $  478,507.45 $    8, 300. 23  $  145, 871.68
   360, 000. 00    237, 075, 96                   122, 924.04

   740,579.64      547, 608. 03    37, 9140 61    155, 0570 00

$1, 733, 259. 00  $ 1, 263, 191.44 $  46, 214, 84  $  423, 852, '72

$  575, 1200 26  $  403, 938, 64 $  11, 598. 59  $  159, 583003
3,607,290.49    2,514, 287.15     94, 091, 15   998, 912. 19
   394,40137       279, 191.82      1,133.79      114,075076
   515,037,99      363, 524,17      3,742023      147, 771,59
   816, 079, 93    564, 651, 73     2,666,79      248,761,41
   914, 870. 91    633, 607. 40    28, 222, 81    253, 040, 70
   200, 266, 64    141, 379. 14     2, 479, 31     56, 408, 19
 2, 664, 738, 69  1, 837, 686, 30  20, 039. 23    807, 013, 16
   256t, 870o 20   179 342, 22      1, 121, 70     76, 406, 28
   177, 221, 75    116, 005,58      8,716,86       52,499,31
   39, 220. 00     27. 626, 48       574, 05      11, 019, 47
   822, 602, 47'   552, 979. 89    10, 470, 54    259, 152004
   222, 525, 25    163, 084. 99                    59, 440, 26

Total Instructional
( Including Departmental
   Research)       $11, 206, 245. 95

$ 77   30 5 D51 $

184, 857. 05  $ 3, 244, O83 39

D. Activities Relating to Educational
     Departments                  76, 015, 00 $   52, 517, 18 $     7880 00  $    22, 709, 82

E. Organized Research
     University.Research     $  366, 706, 84  $  253, 978, 31 $  43, 156, 48  $  69, 572, 05
     Agr. Exp. Station         3, 283, 054. 00  2, 091, 675, 6  192, 893. 67   998, 486.57

         Total Organized
           Research          $3, 649, 60. 84  $2 345, 654, 07 $  236, 048,15  $ 1, 068, 058, 62


             University of Kentucky
Statement of Current General Fund Expenditures
  For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
  July 1, 1963 and Ended March 31, 1964

F. Extension and Public ServicesAppropriations
   Univ. Ext. and Public - . .
      Services               $ 1, 151, 708. 34
   Agr. Ext. Service          3, 893, 479, 47

         Total Extension and

Expenditures  Outstanding

$ 665,982. 95 $
2, 894, 852. 05


329,926.48  $   155, 798,91
28, 129, 44    970, 497o 98

Public Services

      G. Libraries

      H. Operatinn and Maintenance
            of Physical Plant

               Total Educational and

II. Service Enterprises:
          Post Office
          Medical Center

               Total Service

III. UJniversity Hospitat

IV. Student Aid

V. Working Capital

VI. Clearing Accounts

VII. Debt Service- Bonds Retired

MM Debt Service-Reserve

               Total Departmental

$ 5, 045, 187,81  $ 3, 560, 835. 00 $  358,055.92  $ 1, 126, 296.89

$  832,072.49   $  620, 969.39 $   15,809..5?  $  195,293.58

$2, 740, 589.00  $ 1, 845, 338. 27 $  273,520.16  $  621,730.57

$25, 831, 282.92 $17, 780, 646. 35 $ 1, 121, 011, 31.  $6, 929, 625. 26

$   50,626.00   $   32,485.39 $        323.60   $   17,817.01
   103, 336.51      86, 936.37      5, 489.06       10, 911.08

$  153, 962.51  $  119, 421.76 $    5,812,66  $   28,728.09

$ 3, 487, 454. 00  $2,394,257.24 $  255,065e04  $  838,131072

$   13, 800 00Q $    7,600 00 $                 $    6,200.00

$   90,000.00   $ ( 21, 489. 13) 1$  241,fr15. 51  $ (129, 526.38) 1

$  100, 873. 08  $  35, 836. 38 $  24, 419,65  $   40, 617, 05

$  229,000.00   $  229,000,00 $               $

$  130, 440.62  $   130, 440. 62 $              $

$30, 036, 813.13 $30, 675, 713. 22 $ 1,647,324, 17  $7, 713, 775. 74

1. Deficit


          University of Kentucky
Statement of Plant Fund  Expenditures
For the CurrenP' Fisctal Period Which Began
July 1, 1963 and Ended March 31, 1964

Construction of Buildings
Northern Center
Blazer Hall
King Library
Student Center
College of Commerce
Elizabethtown Center
College of Law
Medical Center Plans and Specif.
Medical Science Building
Hospital Outpatient Clinic
Medical Center Landscaping
Medjcal School Dental Wing
Agricultural Research Center
Feltner 4-H Camp
Weed Research Greenhouse
Swine Farrowing and Testing Station
Horticultural Shed
Beef Service Facilities
Office and Sen-ice Building-Quicksand
Swille Farrowing Barn- Coldstream
Sheep Bamr,-Coldstream
Agr. Research Center-4 Greenhouses
  and Headhaouse
Delta Gamma Sorority
Prestonburg Community College
Somerset Community College
Hazard-Blackey Community College
Hopkirsville Community College
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Zeta Beta Tau
Sigma Nu Fraterraity House
College of Engineering
College of Education
New Dorm Complex
Phi Kappa Tay Fraterm.-y House
UK Med Center Laundry Building
Grain and Feed Storage
Tobacco Barn Ag. Engineering
Swine Feeding Shed
Bull Test Shed
Dean of Ag. Residence
Small Beef Shed
Horse Nutrition Barn
Ho-ticultural Building

Appropriations Expenditures  Outstanding

$   55,332. 85
        42, 02
     2, 785D 94
     4, 874, 59
   123, 444, 53
 1 188, 270. 70
 1, 358, 000.00
       '220 30
    80, 977.50
       589. 78
   26, 604. 46
   25, 109. 00
       941. 57
     2, 493 01
     9, 126. 11
       593. 00

  88, 733D 47
1, 011, 2FS .61
  27, 450, 00
    39, 300 00
  192, 1720 00
       42D 00
 195, 775, 00
1,8 35, 9150 00
, 259, 639. 75
   10, 125,00
  93, 800 00
  10, 000, 00
  20, 00000
  10, 812. 03
    1, 090, 00
    6., 000. 00
  920, 000 00


3,475,31 $   50,215.10


874. 59
460, 97
859, 14
713e 96

956, 462.00
88, 536. 33
23, 347.00
    588, 79

2600 02
6, 0360 90

385, 4640 26
    500 90

    393, 43
  2, 493. 01
    820. 90
    593. 00
    201. 01

 78, 377, 42
 173, 163. 79
 361, 0700 59

 42, 204, 89
     41, 23
 5", 112.'29
 5, 760. 87
530, 416, 81
36, 987. 54

    501, 55

319, 272. 84
25, 495, 00

  8, 138. 15

  8, 923, 24
  7, 566.44
603, 506 48
  1, 000, 00

144, 442, 28

134, 177, 67
40, 150, 00
693, 046. 83
131, 0700 00


  1, 166, 84
  20, 000. 00
    812. 03

1, 09000

58, 000. 00



1, 642.44

  20, 462.09
  63, 949. 56
  3, 238.39) 1
1, 334,653. 00
   19,527 .33
      5607 86
  140, 108 28

      167 06

    44, 729, 32
    26, 450, 00
    1, 000. 00
    39, 30000
    5, 5240 83
1,790,004, 13
   36, 176,11
      944. 96
   1, 102500

   93, 800D00

   10, 000, 00



1D Deficit


          University of Kentucky
 Statement of Plant Fund Expenditures
 For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1963 and Ended March 31, 1964

Construction of Buildings ( continued)
Animal Path Barn. -Coldstream
Swine He"dquarters Bldg.
Decorating Consulting-Student Center
Dairy Center

        Toal Construction of
          Buildig s

Renovation and Improvement of
Repairs to Coldstream
Horticultural Greenhouse
Coldstream Beef Barn
Conveit Sheep Building-
  Pesticide Building
Repair and Remodel Buildings-
Agr. Engr. Building
Renovation of House-Quicksand
Pence and Kastle Halls
Isolation Barn
Repair Animal Pathology Barn
Repair Roof and Bar-Dairy
Reynolds Warehouse Roof Repairs
Health Building
Repairs to Memorial Coliseum
Renovation Adm. Building
Medical Center Lab.
Storage Building Ag. E4ngineering
Remoct Ag. Experiment Station
,Voul2tz Storage Shed
Metal Storage Shed
Replacement Shed Pathology
Plastic Greenhouses
Repaiilt and Alterations to Barns for

j Appropriations Expenditures  Outstanding   Unencumbered
$   16, 000, 00 $            $   16, 000. 00  $
     30, 000. 00                                  30, 000. 00
     1, 672.56     1, 672.56
     232, 816.00   128,416.88     101,500.70        2, 898. 42

$%,429,992.21 $2,056,002.84 $ 3,492, 279. 13  $ 3, 881,710. 24

$   312764.76 $     7,035.34 $     1,055.50  $    23,673.92
        249.33                                        249.33
      1,820.93      1,820.93

        963.73        865.73          98.00

      1, 104,38       766.72                          337.66
      2,140.86                                      2,140.86
      2,038.85                        130.70        1,908.15
   461, 548.22                    14, 866.53     446, 681 G69
     7,211.771        945.26         600.00        5,666.51
     3,184,59                                      3,184.59
     2,169.20        620.95                        1,548.25
     15,322,84                     15,000,00          322.84
     35,500.00                     35,500.00
     1,750.00                      1,600,00          150.00
     81,728.14      16, 175.79     53,581,75       11,970.60
     13,000,00                                     13,000. 00
     8,000.00                                      8,000,00
     4,097.74                      1,297,74        2,800.00
     7,500.00                                      7,500.00
     8,000.00                                      8,000.00
     7,50000        2,746,91       2,200,00        2,553.09
     7,800.00                      3,084.00        4, 716.00

     1,000,00         121.48                         878.52

Total Renovation and Improvement
of Buildings             $   705, 395. 34 $

31, 099. 11 $

129,014-22  $  545 L282 01'

Acqisition of Equipment
Medical Science Activation of
Inventories                       $    4, 4802 55 $
Noroiern ;xtension Center.tEquipment   5, 381. 83 e
Northwest Extension Center-Equip.      3,037.24
Southeast Ext. Center- quipment        6,502202  

1, 7352 28
4, 259.27
3, 0372 24
6, 289. 23

$      262.50
     1,238. 53


2, 482. 77
( 115.97) 1


.. .   . -  e


          University of Kentucky
  Statement of Plant Fund Expenditures
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1963 and Ended March 31, 1964

Acquisi'tion of Equipment
Med. Sch. Lib. Acq. and

Medical Center Hospital- Outpatient
Clinic Movable Equipment
Medical Science Building- Equipment
Medical Science Building-Act. of Inv.
Chemistry- Physics Building- Chemistry
Department Equipment
Chemistry- Physics Building-
Physics Department Equipment
Margaret King Library Equipment
Hospital Equipment Accounts
Univ. Hospital Patient Care-
Activation Invi tory
Dental Science Building-Equipment
Vandergraff Equpment
Elizabethtown Extension Center
College of Commerce
Prestonburg Community College
College of Education Equip.
College of Law Equip.
College of Engineering Equip.

        Total Acquisition of
        Equipment                $ 2

Other Improvements
U. K. Electrical Dist System       $
Consultant Retainer
Feltner 4-H Camp Sewage and Water Syst
Road-South Farm
Fencing-Agronomy Area
Repair Ro.cds- Mercer Farm
Legal and Administrative Costs
Activation of Chem, Physics
Conversion Buildings to Gas Heat
University of Kentucky Lighting
Water System- South Farm
Coldstream Farm Water System

Appropriations Expenditures

$    8,255.73 $

454, 649, 20
259, 409.40
75, 000. 00

  2, 069. 89

  8, 140. 32
    170e 10
 86, 079, 64

 64, 586. 70
385, 185. 89
61, 362, 31
122, 000, 00
120, 000, 00
42, 000, 00
50, 000. 00
40, 000. 00
350, 000. 00


7,031.27 $

34, 862. 48
6, 819, 12

   300. 39

 8, 140. 32
   170, 10
16, 917, 78

73, 257. 29
   829. 24
   240. 00


$    1, 224. 46

132, 966. 96
63, 192. 46

286, 819, 76
144, 790, 64
68, 180. 88

1, 769. 50

14, 529, 76

164, 670. 10
58, 587. 00
26, 032. 45
3, 721.00

54, 632, 10

38, 274. 6S
147, 258.50
1, 946. 07
95, 727, 55
55, 289. 72
38, 279. 00
50, 000. 00
40,000. 00
350, 000, 00

148, 310. 82 $  222, 087. 82 $  551, 220. 07  $ 1, 375, 002. 93

103, 431. 16 $  4, 154. 84 $  88, 834. 96  $  10, 441. 36
7, 200. 00     2, 937. 39     3, 062. 61       1, 200. 00
    898,33                                        898.33
 4,785,00                                      4,785.00
    265.98         265.98
    666.9'7                       611.47           55.50
52, 500. 00   52, 500. 00
13, 603,18                                    13, 603. 18
    251.89         25189
75,956. 86     64, 044. 00     9, 346. 00      2, 566. 86
  2,959,50                      2,909.90           49.60
30,839.00                                     30,839.00

Total Other Improvements   $  293, 357.

87 $

124, 154. 10 $

104, 764, 94  $  64,438, 83

1. Deficit



          Ur, versity of Kentucky
  Statement of Piarnt Fund Expenditures
For the Current. F~scal Period Which Began
July 1, 1963 and Ended March 31, 1964

Contingency Reserves

Appropriations Expenditures



Medical School Clearing
UK Clearing Account

$   39, 433.58 $
    41, 261. 50


$   39,433.58
    41, 261.50

Total Contingency Reserves $  80, 695.08 $             $              $    80, 695.08

Total Unexpended Plant
Funds                   $!12,657,751,32 $2,433,343.87 $4,277,278.36  $5,947,129.09

II. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds
Debt Services

2nd PWA issue
Dorm. Rev. Bond Issue
Auditarium Field House Issue
Library Building Issue
Stadium Addition Issue
Dorm, Revenue Issue ( 456 Rose)
Journalism Building Bond Issue
Dorm. Rev. Issue ( 476 Rose)
Student Dorms ( 1953 )
Student Dorm ( Kappa Sigma)
Student Dorm ( Lambda Chi )
Student Dorm ( Phi Sigma Kappa)
Student Dorm ( Pi Kappa Alpha )
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of.1952
Dormitorv Revenue Bonds of-1954
Dorm, Revenue Bonds of 1956-
  Cooperstown Apartmeet s
Dorm. Revenue Bonds of 1956-
  Six Sorority DornT,
Dorm. Revenue Bonds of 1956--
  Student Dorms Reserve
Dorm. Revenue Bonds of 1956-
336 Clifton Avenue
Dorm, Revenue Bond of 1956-
  Holmes Hall
Dorm, Revenue Bonds of 1956-
Dorm, Revenue Bond of 1957-
  468 Rose
Dorm, Revenue Bond of 1957-
  342 Clf-.fon Avenue

$   18, 207 94
    24, 823. 25
    61, 040, 78
    131, 399. 97
    17, 947. 52
    8, 633. 20
    31, 470, 25
    4, 938. 93
    23, 220, 17
    12, 028. 26
    13, 723, 60
    11, 418. 43
    12, 588. 74
    79, 729, 50
    39, 875,61


254, 739. 20


37, 500. 00

8, 073, 00

47, 479, 00

89, 354, 00

7, 501 n00

8, 246O 55

18, 110, 78
2, 212. 50
52, 098. 75
31, 840, 00
17, 887, 50
3, 771, 90
12, 127, 50
2, 780, 00
3, 220, 41
1, 610, 21
1, 610. 21
1, 610, 21
1, 610,21
38, 597, 50
17, 269. 97


$       97,16
    22, 610. 75
    99, 559. 97
     4, 861, 30
     19, 342, 75
     2, 158. 93
     19, 999. 76
     10, 418e 05
     12, 113,39
     9, 808. 22
     10, 978, 53
     41, 132, 00
     22, 605. 64

40, 738, 70

214, 00050

19, 372, 50


37, 500, 00

2, 975, 00

13, 695, 00

62, 840, 00

5, 750, 00

3, 075, 00

5, 098, 00

33, 784, 00

26, 514,00

1, 7510 00

5, 171 55

1  Deficit



         University of Kentucky
   Statement of Plant Fund Expenditures
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1963 and Ended March 31, 1964

Debt Services ( contiued )

Housing Bond of 1958- Haggin Hall
Consol. Educ. Buildings Project
UImversity of Kentucky. Housing
UK Doining Hall Bond
Community College Ed. Building
Consolidated Educational Building-
Series B
UK Student Center Building

        Total Debt Service



Appropriations Expenditures  Outstanding  . Balance

$   76 426. 75 $   76, 179. 33 $             $       247.42
   498,220.48    143,909.35                     354, 311.13

   20, 700. 00   13, 257. 43                     7, 442. 57
   63,083.22     20, 654. 34                    42,428. 88
   37, 995, 00   18,967. 50                     19,027,50

   268, 431.25   134, 218. 75                   134,212.50
   35,424. 60    34, 886,50                        538. 10

$2 003, 002.70 $  796, 877.05 $              $ 1,206, 125. 65

Sinking Fund Reserves with Trustee

Dorm. Rev. Bonds of 1955 -
Reserve flolmes Hall
Dorm, Rev. Bonds of.1956-
Dorm. Rev. Bonds of-.1962-
Dorm, Rev. Bonds of 1954- Res.
Consol, Educ. Building Rev- Bonds-

$  102,676. 59 $


247, 550,84

132, 396. 9
73, 825,62

390, 047.05

Housing Bond of 1958- Haggin Hall Res.  75, 410, 28
U. of Ky. Housing Bond of 1IU0-Res.   19, 025,46
UK Dining Hall Bonds                   19, 556, 75
Community College Ed. Bldg.            18, 907.50
Consolidated Education Building -Series B 134, 218, 75

$ 102,676,59


132, 396. 90
73, 825. 62

390,047, 05
75, 410. 28
134, 21875

Total Sinking Fund Reserve $ 1, 213, 615, 74 $          $                $1, 213, 615. 74

Total Retirement of
Indebtedness Funds       $ 3, 216, 618, 44 $796, 877. 05 $             $ 2, 419,741. 39

Total Plant Fund
Appropriations           $ 15, 874, 369, 76 $3, 230, 220.92 $4, 277, 278. 36 $ 8, 366, 87Q. 48

1. Deficit



           University of Kentucky
    Statementr of Other Fund Transactions
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1963 and Ended March 31, 1964

July 1. 1963

Restricted Funds:



March 31. 1964

Fund Balances

$5. 494 788.42

$12. 621, 892. 06 $11L 810, 582. 72

$ 6. 306, 097, 76

Loan Funds:
   National Defense Education Act, 1958:
     Federal Government          $  7209540.41
     University                      80, 060. 04
     Accum. Interest Income- NDEA    3, 920. 65
     University Student Loan Funds  29, 939. 96
     University Special Student Loan
     Funds                           23,648.53
     United Student Aid Loan Fund    1, 000. 00



Endowment Funds:



Agency Funds:


Combined Totals

$  195, 200.31 $
    21,688. 91 (1)
    2, 297. 84
    178, 311. 09 (2 )

20, 537. 69

$  915, 740. 72
   101, 748. 95
     6, 218. 49
   208, 251. 05

44, 186. 22

    15, 324. 48        559. 61         62. 50      15, 821.59

$  874, 434e 07  $  418, 595.45 $     62. 50  $ 1, 292, 967. 02

$  335, 534. 96 $    3, 6i74. 50 $             $   339, 209.46
_  13, 308. 27      4, 014. 12     2, 017, 51      15, 304. 88

$  348,843.23  $     7, 688. 62 $  2, 017. 51  $  354,514. 34

$  174, 28-6 636  $ 1, 790, 897. 22 $ 1, 660, 475. 95  $  304,708.63

$6, 892, 353. 08  $14, 839 . 0733. 35 $ 13, 473, 138. 68 $ 8, 258, 287. 75

1. Inter-Fund Transfefs 2. Transfers from Other Funds




l Contract with U. S. Department of Healths Education and Welfare

Recommendation: that approvat be given to the contract between the University
of Kentucky and the Office of Education of the U. S. Department of Health, Educa-
tion, and Welfare which provides for the reimbursement of not more than $76, 891
to the University of the cost of holding