4.;, ,,
il; i Vol. 1 December, 1938-January, 19%, ‘V No. 5
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  W. D. Armstrong, Hortlculturist, Editor 42,  A ·'f
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lie KENTUCKY FRUIT GROWERS of strawberries. This shoufdi prove ·
TO MEET JANUARY 25-26 to be very valuable to strawl:ugT·ry A
AT LEXINGTON growers. Another out-of-stait§`*,»»o
visitor will be Professor A. . — X
Plan to Attend! Teske, Extension I{o1·ticulturist§2i£/.;,  
- The Kentucky Horticultural of the state of Virginia. He will {ag? ‘
Society, with the College of Agri- lead in the discussion on apple 4 I
culture cooperating, will hold itS and peach production trends in i
83rd annual convention on Jan- his State and 1]g“’(;[· fruit growing
nai-y 25 and 26 at Lexington in developments there. His discus- i —
connection with the Farm and sions should be of great interest. E
Home \\'eek. The meetings are as Virginia is one of the heaviest Z
1 to be held in the Agricultural fruit producing states. Mr. G. C.  
,i,_ Experiment Station Building on Oileykiyk of the U_ S_ Department 2
the University of Kentucky of Agricultural Biological Survey i 2
¤¤* campus; and, being scheduled in rwill also be in attendance and i
connection with Farm and Home lead a very important discussion   ·
PM XVOQK, lt Wlll g`l\’(t 'tl1OS0 111 Httlllld- On the (]0]]t]‘O]_ Of mice in the  
ance an opportunity to come early orchard, The fact that many I .
and take advantage of the Well- growers have suffered heavy  
rounded, educational program to losses from mouse injury in the t
be presented at the Farm and past, coupled with Mr. Oderkirk’s 5 Q
Home sessions as well as to attend experience and fine work in this   I
the horticultural discussions. This field should combine to make this   _
fact sgould appeal ite a great an outstanding part of the pro- if
many ruit growers, or in a ma- am. 2
C jority of the cases they are also gTAt 11:00 A_ M_ Cach day the  
·i,. ¤·t¤r<*S¥¤d_ m a“d_ are c€"`I`Y1‘“Sv_0‘t horticultural group will meet with  
.,1`_ Ether lmcs   agmcugtumllitbtlnty the general group at convocation.  
141 °$1d$`s hmllclulturé ·_ Y T Hf f€“?t On these two occasions they will “i
~i,._ fombmed “1tl a lm} _alt'{‘Ct“c have the opportunity of hearing ji
0_ lortmultuml Program Sheu   QW two men of national reputation in  
‘ COl_lI‘3g0 3. lZ1I`g0 Hlld Gl1lZl1llS13SllC agricultllral and u]]i\‘Q[‘$it}' \VOI`k,  
MV att€Hdanc€· _ On _TVednesday Professor C. L.  
md Several lwidely known, out-of- Christensen, Dean of the College  
X ’ state horticultural workers will of Agriculture and Director of the  
‘ l ‘ attend the meeting and enter into Experiment Station, University of  
\ the dicussions. One of these is Wiseoiisin, will talk on coopera-  
.‘ ‘ Dr. G. W. Darrow who is in charge tive farm organization. Dr.  
" ` of strawberry work with the U. S. Christensen is a national author-  
‘ Department of Agriculture. He ity on cooperatives and has laid  
to will lead the discussion on the much of the framework of the co-  
f‘d` latest developments in strawberry operative movement in Wisconsin.  it
*3- production and the improvement On Thursday, January 26, Mr. 1