l“· ` THE THREE "Ws" AND HOW date set for mulching straw-
or OF MULCHING STRAW- berries. But where much freezing
er BERRIES weather occurs, it is much better
iB· By M_ p_ NICHOLS. County Agent, to mulch lll tl8.I`ly WlIllZ€I‘ 1’8.tZl1€I‘ Z
rrr Muhlenberg County, Greenville, Ky. than early spring. `
W_ _ “"""‘ _ _ 9. Mulch as soon as the ground f
m, Ed¤t<>r’S Note-——Th¤S 15 the tyre freezes; this usually Occurs ‘
of lHfOYm§tlOH SCI]? out   County Shortly after Thanksgiving in  
2;; Agent l\1ehols· for strawberry `yestcru Keutueky_ .
er €i'0W'?i`$ _ iii his 90UiiiY· Vile 10. Heavy mulching before the i
' thought it worthwhile to pass it ground freezes may result in Some j
K Y OD. to all of YOU. I`IC \V8.I1tS   HIB.d€ disease attacks, Similar to damp- Q
0** clear that his statements arc ing eg Of plants in a hot bed when I
ng l)HS€(l OH OYCY   }°CZII`S, CXPCTICHCC improperly and too heavily , .
eu; witl1 strawberries in \Vestern \vutCI•€d_ ;
ng- Kentucky and are written for with What? F
Muhlenberg County conditions ll- Straw is probably the best ;
amd mic. not to be caiistdmd es material to recommend generally l ‘
W- instructions for all of kentucky. for mulchirrg berries. l
W 12. Weeds or hay, but before l
Hd S t r a w b c r r 1 c s should be Seed Set, Cane pumice Shariugu  
“S· “iiiich€d· sawdust, and other materials may l 2
ms Why? be used if certain precautions are l·
iitii 1. High grade trade will not taken, Use sawdust only as a last   .
iii*` buy berries with grit or dirt resort. Never use leaves for  
°“’ splashed upon them by rain. mulch. i i
mc Mulch keeps them clean. 13. Any materials containing l {
OSC 2. Mulching helps keep weaker good should be stacked loosely L
`€c‘ plants. especially in ground dc- near the patch that it may become l ;
’“t‘ void of humus. from winter kill- thoroughly wetted and heat. This q ‘
iS°‘ ing and pulling out by freezes. insures the sprouting of the seed, { i
thc 3. Mulch in most fields greatly and lighter materials will become 3
iil° increases the yield per acre. better fixed and the wind will less   {
i` is 4. 'l`he size and quality of the likely blow it off the plants after  
S50' berries are improved. spread. 4
6 H 5. Mulch spread on the crown HOW? _
i`°S` of the matted rows works between M_ A feuupreuged Shure  
as iiic I`0“`$ ii}` tim iiciioii Oi iiic “`iiid handled manure fork is iprobablv  
and Yiiiiis iiiiii iicclis the Pickers the best tool to use with all strawy  
Emi out of the mud in the early morn- Hmmr.ialS_ {Tl
rr iiig iiiiii Him? i`iiiiiS· 15. lf the ground is sudiciently  
rrgnl _ 6. Mulch helps prcyent leach- Erm, much labor can be Saved by  
row- H12 mid Wasiiiiig and iiiiiiiiY iidiis using a team and sled or wagon  
fertility and humus to thc ground to haul the Straw Over the patch  
M when it is plowed under or worked Spread it us you gO_ Dont ever  
you iii· _ pile it on the plants.  
. M. 7. Mulch holds thc soil at a 16_ One to two tous d1~57“•€ight eg
lean, more even and lower temperature Of Straw per acre are the limits to ui
YO"' in $Pi`iiiSy tiiiis by i`0iiii`€iiiiS' de' stay within. On the high, poor  
. i`€i0Pi¤€11'€ of bloom T<‘l¤i$ U) Pi`0· soil with thin stands, approach  
’°m` Vciii diiiiiiigc from iiiic ii`i`i`Z°S- the limit. On low and rich ground { 
mid When? with a thick matted row, one ton  
8. There can be no definite is enough. l r
it ‘