I .
  & l
‘ . duced the heavier yield the berries licious were also quite heavily { dol
were smaller and less attractive pruned in December, 1935. Of tie
than `HIOSG P1`Odl1C€d OD. ti1€   this group Stgymun yvas very . lat
§r€aS· M°1§t111'€ was not 3 hm1t‘ severely injured; many Winesap fri
mg feeter m 1938- Qu dry years trees were injured but to a far less lat
- the Prured ¤¤<1 *=b¤¤¤e<1 ereee extent time the sreymeo. Only at
would be apt t° Show up better m slight injury occurred on the an
' C0I,Ir}§amS0Iii. b . h Golden Delicious, and no injury th<
_ 8 tml mg °rm€.s’ or t GSE at all could be observed on the
that are generally tied up to R D 1. i _ d G . _ t
stakes or a wire trellis, should be °m€’ B lc our an mmeb mcs'
  left unsupported during the H€1`€ WQ SW6 Y011 P1`°f°§§°r
» Winter and then tied up in pleoe Burkholder s conclusions: It
i in early Spring al fegv days bgforg YYOU.1d S€€·H1 fI°OH1 these ObS€I`V8· to
groyvth Sterte tions during 1_ year that when we
, Grape priming offers quite a h€8·VY P1`1111111S' 1S te be P1`11<>t1¢€ 111- tl`
, old wood is removed era, with the Jury rf f<>11ewe<1 by pr<>1<>¤se<1 q‘
generally used Knigen System of periods of sub-zero temperatures. ~f
training, four canes Of u€“v pI•c\*i_ xvllcrc the amount of pruning YC- IX
  i ous seosorrs growth are left to be €lu11’€§ that the werk be Started 8*
  tied to the trellis to produce the ru Mveurber er December. rt 2f
_r · 1938 crop. would SCD]? best go w0rkDii;St on gh
  V Pruning, as a rule, should be SH01 Value IGS as ~Olll€, e lclous tr
I e Huished before grogvth Star-tS_ and Grilnes. Still another possi— St
  ;l _ _ bility would be to confine the W
e,_ E Q Some Dangers m EMIY Pnmmg`? pruning to mature trees where the Ze
  ¥   An old saying often heard is pruning cuts would be relatively
4   { "Prune when your saw is sharp." small and mainly in the outer sur- E
j_g   This possibly might be modified faces of the trees, well removed .
  ·i’» Ei for certain sections. from the crotch and lower parts U
    Recent experiences in Kentucky ef the Scairold b1`&11°h€S·H
·°· lj and Indiana have shown that both ‘ Peach pruning if often delayed 0
  peach and apple trees pruned until the extent of winter and ti
ij?   heavily in the fall or early winter spring frost killing of buds is de- a
  · of 1935 were more severely in- termined. This gives the grower S
  jured by the low temperatures of an opportunity to prune his trees J
{Elf, January and February, 1936, than according to the prospective crop V
  unpruned trees or trees pruned they are carrying. Many peach G
  after that time. Professor Burk- growers do considerable renewing 0
  holder of Purdue recently called of their tree-tops when a complete if
  attention to the fact that 10-year- crop is lost from spring frosts. t
  old Jonathan and Stayman trees Likewise, it is generally safest to t
    heavily pruned in December, delay one’s grape pruning until r
  _ 1935, at Lafayette, Indiana, after danger of severe winter 1
Y-}? ~.»_r I   showed severe winter injury later freezing is past. This assures one
  i_·"_   and that 14-year-old trees of of a better selection of mature l
·,l‘· 5 = li Stayman, Winesap, Delicious, fruiting canes and renewal spurs l
1_ ;:· Rome, Grimes, and Golden De- than if fall pruning had been 1
i 6
. l§l‘