CHAPTER I.
   Dr. Hopson's Birth.-Parentage.-His Father's Removal
to Missouri.-From there to Arkansas -His Being Sent to
Carrollton, Ill., to School.-Bro. Henderson's Letter.-His
Change to Jacksonville.-Home in Father Stone's Family.-
Attends Bonne Femme College, in Boone County ...........
                      CHAPTER II.
   Finishes His Education at Columbia College, under Profs.
Roach and Thomas, when only Seventeen.-Called to Preach.
-Spends a Few Months Reading the Bible with Bro. Abram
Miller.-Joins Bro. Samuel Rogers.-Bro. Rogers' Letter....  6
                      CHAPTER III.
   State of the Church.-His Father's Loss of Property.-
Opposed to his Preaching; Insists on his having a Profession
besides.-He Selects Medicine.-Married.-His Father Dies.
-He Becomes a Farmer.-Death of his Wife.-Removal to
Fayette, Howard County.-Joel H. Hayden.-Alex. Procter.
-Second Marriage.-Death of his Wife.-Visit to Dubuque,
Iowa, with Bro. D. P. Henderson.--Robt. B. Fife, of St.
Louis, Marries his Mother .................................. 12
                      CHAPTER IV.
   Meeting in Dubuque, Iowa.-Result of the Meeting.-My
Conversion and Baptism, and our Subsequent Marriage ..... 18
                      CHAPTER V.
   A Proposition.-Visit to his Mother.-Return to Fayette.
-Call to Act as State Evangelist.-Visit to Columbia, Paris,
Mexico.-Providential Escape.-Meeting in the Court-house
in Mexico.-Debate with Elder Wm. G. Caples ............. 31
                      CHAPTER VI.
   Visited my Relatives in Batavia, ll.-My Brother's Let-
ter Describing the Meeting.-Other Visits Made There.-His 38
Estimate of Dr. Hopson ...................................