



Subscribe for
And Help the Association



versity of Kentucky should concern
themselves with.

Attendance at the Annual Wild
Expected to Be Largest in History


cat-Cent- re

With proper and fitting celebration
and exercises the new home of the
College of Law of the University of
Kentucky was formally opened and
dedicated to the study of law in Kentucky, Wednesday, October 27. Former Governor Charles S. Whitman, of
New York, President of the American
Bar Association, was the principal
speaker at the dedication which was
held in the new gymnasium on the
The dedication of the new law building is a forward step for the College
of Law of the University of Kentucky.
It long has been confined to the top
floor of the Natural Science building
This was from
of the university.
lack of class room space on the campus. The new home of the college,
formerly in the Old Chemistry building, was remodeled during the summer especially to house the College
of Law and is as complete as an old
building could be made.
The College of Law of the University of Kentucky long has been recognized as the producer of young attorneys of merit and ability. It has
come through a long period of hardships, due to lack of space and funds,
but always with its standards and
aims high. Woth the new building all
its own the College of Law now faces
a future bright with possibilities and
The present enviable position of
the College of Law is due to the untiring efforts of the men who have
been at the head of the college Judge
W. T. Lafferty, dean of the college
from 1908 until his death in 1922 and
to Charles J. Turck, present dean of
the college.
The colleges of the university have
made remarkable progress in the face
of inadequate space and funds. What
could they do if sufficient space and
funds were available ? It is the main
problem that the Alumni of the Uni




Class Personals

cations are by any means fulfilled.
Letters coming into this office and
into that of the Athletic Director requesting seats for the game, give rise
to the statement that McLean Stadium will be filled to overflowing on
that day.
Alumni from all over the United
States will be present to see the annual clash between the Wildcats and
the Centre College Colonels. With the
Blue and White team stronger this
year and with the already evidenced
football ability of the Wildcats, all
homecoming Alumni can be assured
of a game filled with thrills.
The program for the Alumni on
that day is one that will please all
Alumni. There is none. We here at
this office believe that one the day of
the Annual Homecoming Game former students want the day to themselves so that they may renew friendships and visit on the campus as they
will. Consequently the program for
the day consists merely of the game
in the afternoon and an Alumni
dance in the New Basketball building in the evening.
The dance this year as on previous
homecomings is in charge of Miss
Marguerite McLaughlin and her committee from the Lexington Alumni
Negotiations for a widely
known orchestra, to furnish the music
for the dance, are under way at the
present. This orchestra will be announced in the near future.
An invitation is extended to all visiting Alumni to call at the Alumni
office during the day some time and
get acquainted with us here on the
campus. Make this office your headquarters and meeting place.
While there is no formal program
to take up a lot of valuable time, we
do promise you a good dance and
every Wildcat on the football squad
promises you a good exhibition of
football. The date is November 20.
Come on home for Homecoming.

Henry L. Spencer is an attorney
and also engaged in the coal business
at Jackson. Kentucky.
William Thomas Woodson is an at
torney with Reed and Rogers, Coun
selors at Law, of Chicago. He is liv- o
ing at 5202 Wtoodlawn avenue.


Coming Marriages

Announcement has been made of
the coming marriage of Miss Mary
McClintock Stofer,
of Lexington, Ky., to Mr. Clifford Anderson
Duke, '23, of Chattanooga, Tenn. The
exact date of the marriage has not yet


Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C
John Warlick McDonald is captain
of the Troop Officers class, The Cavalry school, Fort Riley, Kansas.
Espie Clay Parker isa production
foreman of the Stark Shops of the
Pennsylvania Railway Company at
Canton, Ohio. His address is 912
Cleveland avenue, North West.
.Norbourn Edward Philpot is manager of the district office of the

Anna Elizabeth Colegrove is teach
ing Latin in high school at Bellevue,
Ky. Her address is 646 East Third
street, Newport, Kentucky.
Walter Bruce Croan is district
of the Drying Systems, Inc., of
He is located in the Rialto
Building, San Francisco, Calif.
Theodore Frederick Eichhorn is engineer to the works manager of the
Westinghouse Air Brake Company of
Wilmington, Penn. He is living at
400 Caldwell avenue.
Lynn Barkley Evans is with the
Studebaker Corporation and is located
at Market and Fourteenth street,
Jacksonvillefi Florida.
John Thomas Gooch is an attorney
and is .located in Madisonville, Ky.
Thomas Francis Haynes is assist
ant manager of mechanics alt the
Pennsylvania Railway Shops at Col
umbus, Ohio. He is living at 1346
Fairview avenue.
Carlyle Jefferson is with the National Seed Company 101 West Main
street, Louisville, Kentucky.
He is
living at Crestwood, Kentucky.
Jeff Terry Jones is an internal rev
enue agent at New Haven, Conn. He
is living at 411 Elm street.

Albert John Kraemer is with the
Bureau of Mines of the United States



Business Address


(Give maiden name of wife, date of marriage, names and
ages of children).





Chicago Alumni Club, luncheon
third Monday in each month in the
Men's Grill, Marshall Field Co.
Washington Alumni Club, luncheon October 20, University Club.
Buffalo Alumni Club, meeting
second Saturday in each month at
Chamber of Commerce, Seneca and
Main streets', 2:15 p.m.
Homecoming game and Alumni
dance, November 20, University of

Charles S. Whitman Delivers Chief Address
at Formal Opening

Miss Lutie Williams and Dwieht
L. Bicknell. "Roth Graduates.
Married Last TuesdaV



been announced.



Law of the University of Kentucky,
was opened formally Wednesday,
October 27. Former Governor Charles
'nman New York and present
rlcsuiiL ui. uib American xar as-I- S
sociation was the principal speaker at
the exercises which were held in the
New Basket Building on the campus
Jurists i ana attorneys irom -an over
tr j.
were present at xl- ueaica



many widely know graduates of the
College of Law,
The new law building, which formerly was the Old Chemistry building,
was remodeled during the summer
especially to house the College of Law,
it contains sutncient class rooms,
study rodms, administrative offices
and rest and wash rooms for both
men and women.
On the second
floor is the law library, containing
more than 10,000 valuable volumes
of legal works, one of the most complete libraries of its kind in the
The new building is a great improve
ment over the old quarters of the
College of Law on the top floor of
the Natural Science building where
the college for many years was con
fined from lack of space.
A large and representative gathering of attorneys and jurists from Kentucky was present at the dedication
Mr. Whitman's talk was on "Some
Modern Tendencies in the Law,
more complete text of which will be
found in other columns of this issue
of The Kernel.
Dean Charles J. Turck of the Col
lege of Law was in charge of the
program for the dedication and he was
Royal Welcome Is Given Team ably assisted by members of the Fay
ette County Bar Association who tend
by Kentucky Club; 200
ered a banquet to Mr. Whitman at the
Alumni Present
Ashland Golf Club in the evening
Alumni of the University of Ken following the dedication.
The new building for the College of
tucky now located in Florida turn
ed out almost to a man, or woman Law of the university opens a new
as the case may be and attended the and wider field of service that the
Kentucky-Florid- a
game in Jackson- college may give to Kentucky and the
ville last Saturday. According to nation,
some of those present at the game
there were approximately 200 grad
uates and former students of the
University of Kentucky, who since
have located in the state of oranges
and sometimes augators, in the Ken
tucky section of the stadium at Jack
Among the number at the
game many old K men of years long
gone. The Kentucky Club of Jack
Mr. James Alexander Dixon, '20, of
sonville; which has in its membership Miami Florida was married to Miss
not only Alumni of the University Ruth Richards at Jacksonville, Fla.,
of Kenucky but of Centre, George
September 10, 1926. They are maktown, University of Louisville and ing their home at 343 N. E. Third
schools in the state as well as street, Miami, Florida.
those alumni of the school of experience, attended the game in a body,
All those attending the game gave
glowing accounts of the royal wel
Mr. Denzil Smith Sample, '25, was
come that the team and its supporters
Harried to Miss Lee Otis Drury on
received upon the arrival in Jackson
They were escorted to their parents 7 at the home of the bride's
hotel by a parade led by the mayor their homeLexington. They will make
in Chicago where Mr,
of the city and other prominent cit
Sample is connected with the Bailey
A dance had been planned follow Meter
ing tne game Dut tnose wno were
TURLEY-TRUITwith the team completely exhausted
from the excitement of the game were
Miss Margaret Turley, of Richmond,
not able to attend the dance.
Alumni from all over Florida at and Mr. Lowell H. Truitt, of Morgan
tended the game and letters from field, Ky., were married in Richmond,
several individual Alumni did much Friday, October 15. Both are grad
toward getting so large and repre uates of the university in the class
of 1924.
They will make their home
sentative a body in Jacksonville.
in Morganfield where Mr. Truitt is a
prominent young business man.
phone Company with offices at 212 W.
SATTERFIELD-BASKETWashington street, Chicago.
John Shuff Fish is teaching
Miss Louis Kathryn Satterfield, '25,
agriculture at Greenback, Tenn,
Richard Jackson Fogg is an attorney of Richmond, Va., was married to
with offices at 1204 Fayette Bank Lieut. David Todd Baskett, U. S. N.,
building, Lexington, Ky. He is living formerly of Henderson, Ky., at the
home of her parents in Richmond, Va.,
at 304 W. High "street.
Elsie Heller is with the Y. W. C. A Wednesday, October 20.
They left immediately for Washing
at Tacoma, Wash.
Leah Kathleen Howard (Mrs. Ken ton and Annapolis. Their plans for
neth U. Meguire) is living at 2521 the future have not been announced.
Ransdell avenue, Louisville, Ky.
Margaret Ingles is research head of
the American Society of Heating and
Ventilating Engineers, Research Lab
Miss Thelma Pierce,
of Mt.
oratories, United States Bureau of Sterling was married to Mr. Jack
Mines, Washington, D. C.
Crutcher, of Louisa, Ky., Friday,
Morris Leon McCracken is with the October 8 at Prestonburg, Ky. They
agricultural division of the Louisville will make their home in Louisa, where
and Nashville Railway Company and Mr. Crutcher is in business.
is located at Paris, Tenn.
Marie Louise Michot (Mrs. E. T.
HUMPHREYS-OWENProctor) is living at 274 South Hanover, Lexington, Ky.
Miss Sue Elizabeth Humphreys, ex- Xeland Erly Payton, is a physician '24, of Lexington was married to Mr.
at Lynch, Ky.
Basil Duke Owens, of Logan, W.
Everett Smith Penick, is an
Va., Thursday, October 7 at the Mt.
at Elkton, Ky.
Horeb church in Fayette county. They
Arthur J. Rankin is a civil engineer will make their home in Logan, West
is located at 3008 Camp street, Virginia.
New- Orleans, La.
Rebecca Washington Smith is an
assistant professor in English at the of Marion, 111. His address is box 127.
Texas Christian University at Fort
Kit Karson Elswick is an attorney
Worth, Texas.
in Louisa, Ky.
Ivan Poppers Tashof is a patent atThomas Boston Gordon is a State
torney with officps at 517 Victor Nursery Inspector for the State
ulding, Washington, D. C.
Board of Agriculture of Oklahoma.
Fred Whitley is local manager of His address is Capitol P. O. Box 72,
Hie Gas and Electric Division of the Oklahoma City, Okla.
Wisconsin Power and Light Company
William Albert Jones is educational
it Fon du Lac, Wis. His address is advisor for nine boarding schools and
51 West Johnson street.
colleges and for the University Tour
of the World.
He is living at Hud
Marie Caroline Becker is living at son, Ohio.
515 Whitney avenue, Louisville, Ky.
John B. Hutson is with the Bureau
Jane Kennedy Dickey is living at of Agricultural Economics
of the
United States Depart of Agriculture,
Ellis Ewen Drake is superintendent Washington, D. C. He is living at 708
of the American Creosoting Company Wyoming Apartments,
Miss Lutie Williams, of Lexington,
ahd Dwight L. Bicknell, of Cleveland,
Ohio, both graduates of the class of
1925 were married at the home of the
bride in Lexington Tuesday afternoon,
October 26. The Rev. Dr. Benjamin
J. Bush officiated.
Miss Williams is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Williams of 211
Bell Court East, Lexington. She is
a member of the Chi Omega women's
fraternity of the University of Ken
tucky. During her university career
she was interested in journalistic
work and Was on the staff of The
Kernel for several years.
Mr. Bicknell was
The Kentucky Kernel during the year
of 1924-2The year preceeding he
was managing editor of The Kernel,
At present he is with the Gates Legal
Publishing Company, law and com
mercial printers of Cleveland, Ohio
The young couple will make their
home in Cleveland after a bridal trip,


& Corona

Typewriters Inc.



"The Light House"
Lamps, Student Lamps,
Curling Irons and Electric Irons


Electric Co.


at High

Phone 6415

For Sale
Packard Touring Car
An unusual opportunity to purchase a
1923 Packard 5 Passenger Touring Car.
900.00 for immediate sale.

Many Alumni Attend
at Jacksonville




The newly remodeled building, to
be the future home of the College of


Former KGril6l Editor
Married 111 .LeXingtOn

Dealer: L. C. Smith


Former Governor of New York,




Alumni Assn.



Instructor Auto Engineering.

"The Drug"
We serve Green Tree Sandwiches and
Hughes Ice Cream



Amy Isabelle Breslin is a book
keeper and manager of the accounting
department of the Fidelity Motor
She is
Comnanv. Inc.. of Louisville.
living at 2804 Grand avenue.
Minott Brooke is a designing en
gineer with Frankel and Curtis, 401
Hernado Building, Lexington, Ky.
Mary King Burrier is a teacher in
the High School at Midway, Ken
Her permanent address is
NichoUsville, Kentucky.
James Elliott Byers is a civil engineer and is located at 306 North
Foothill road, Beverly Hills, Calif,
Walter Kenneth Clore is assistant
manager of Compania Azucarera Al
tagracia, Ingenia Oriente, Oriente,

$3, alumni dues.
$50, life membership








The largest number of homecoming
Alumni in the history of the University of Kentucky will be present at the
annual homecoming game this year
on November 20, if the present indi-


Arthur Ray Bennett is engineer for
the New York and Porto Rico Steam
Ship Company of New York. He is
living at 133 East One Hundred and
Twenty-firstreet New York.
Hal Farnsworth Bryant is statistician for the United States Department of Agriculture 520 Custom
House, Louisville, Kentucky. He is
living at 14 Spring Drive.
Clarence Wilder Denham is a civil
mining engineer for the Highsplint
He is living at HarCoal Company.
lan, Kentucky.
Carroll Allen Duncan is a superintendent of construction for the firm
of Sanderson and Porter, Enginscrs of
He is living at
New York City.
Springdale, Penn.
Otto Hefferson Jones is chief assistant in the Department of Education
of Kentucky. He living at 503 West
Third street, Lexington, Ky.
George Edelen Kelly is secretary
and treasurer of the Casey Home
Company and assistant
cashier of the Citizen National Bank
of Lebanon, Ky.
Henry Neal Marsh is a chemist with
the Hercules Powder Company of Wilmington, Del. He is living at 2101
Gilles street.
Herbert Ray Masters is a drying
engineer in Chicago. He is living at
911 North East avenue, Oak Park,
Edgar H. Nollau is chemical superintendent in the Fabri Koid department of E. L. du Pont de Nemours and
He is
Company, Newburg, N. Y.
living at 120 First street.
Hovey Duncan Palmore is a district engineer with the Kentucky
State Highway Department. He is
living in Frankfort, Kentucky.
Edwin Thomas Proctor is engaged
in the life insurance business in Lexington, Ky. He is living at 274 Hanover, Lexington.
Joseph Roemer is a professor of
education at the University of Florida, Gainesville.
Leo Joseph Sandman is an attorney
at law with offices at 514 Louisville
Trust Building, Louisville, Ky. He is
living at 103G Garvin Place.
Clarence .Hoarac Schwartz is general superintendent for the Lloyd Con



tracting Company of Williughby, O
His address is P.O. box 235 Willough-by-


Encloced find check for


It seems to us that absence makes
the heart grow fonder, not only in
the realms of the heart but also in
the realms of Alumni activities. This
in a certain measure was shown by
the large body of graduates and former students that gathered from all
parts of the state of Florida in Jacksonville to see the Wildcat-Allig- a
tor football game last Saturday. The
Kentucky Club of Jacksonville, one
of the most active organizations in
the city turned out in a body. Kentucky and University of Kentucky
enthusiasm ran high.
Active Alumni living out of the
state number practically as many as
the active ones living in Kentucky
a condition that should not exist. Not
that we mean that there should be
a ,let up in the activity of those out
of the state but there should be a
marked increase in the activity of
those living within the boundaries
of Kentucky. It should be a thing
of embarrassment to those graduates
and former students within Kentucky
to have the affairs of their Alma
Mater better known to those living
a great distance from the campus.
Alumni who live at home have a
greater opportunity to get into the
life of the University of Kentucky and
render to- the university a much
greater aid that those who are away
and who are not fully acquainted with
the affairs and conditions of the uni
versity and the state. If it is that
distance makes better and
Alumni it is too bad that all Alumni
cannot spend some time away from
home in order to come more into the
ranks of the faithful ones. The uni
versity needs the Alumni of the state
as well as the nation and every Alum
ni needs to come more in contact with
the university.


W. C. Stagg




Published By And For University Alumni


J. A. Vonderllaar

Edited by


Miss Eleanor Garson, of Cleveland
Ohio, and Mr. James Strauss, ex-2- 5.
of Lexington, Ky., will be married

during the early winter according to
an announcement recently made in
Cleveland. The date has not yet been

We are equipped with the hest soda service
in the city, and do dispense the best soda.

We invite inspection.


Prescriptions Carefully Compounded








He is living at 1327 Fargo avenue,
Rogers Park, Chicago, 111.
Nancy Fielding Pilcher is an internal revenue auditor at Louisville. Her
address is 1312 South Sixth street,
Louisville, Ky.
Jacob Owen Reynolds is an attorney
at law with offices in the Security
Trust building, Lexington, Ky. He is
living at 431 West Second street.
Wayland Rhoads is with the Animal
Husbandry department at the Kentuc-

ky Agricultural Experiment station.
Lexington, Ky. He is living at 1435
S. Limestone street.
William Preston Tuttle is a plantation superintendent of the California
Packing Corporation at Wahiawa,
Oahee, Ter., Hawaii.

Carl Bettinger is a pathologist and
at 1213 South Spruce street,
Casper, Wyoming
Edward Albert Blackburn is a Del
and Frigidaire distributor at
3108 Main street, Houston, Texas.
His home address is 3505 Mt. Vernon,
Houston, Texas.
Elizabeth Carleton Brewer is teaching French in the Danville,
is located

school, Danville, Ky.

Samuel Jefferson Caudill is a con
sulting petroleum engineer and oil pro
ducer at Tulsa, Oklahoma . His address is 1014 Atlas Life building.
James Franklin Corn is an attorney
with offices in the Peoples State Bank
building, Cleveland, Tenn. His address
is 1710 Ocoee street.
Ernest Harold" Clark is a branch
manager for the J. D. Swartwont
Company of Detroit, Mich. He is liv
ing at 120 Pingree avenue, apartment
number 26.
Charles Kemper Dunn is traffic
supervisor of the Illinois Bell Tele- -


Phones 154 and 2881

Jl sure baitfor



ex-'2- 4,


everything else being
THE chances are, report or thesis will be equal, that the
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hand-writte- n
work. The profs, like every one else,
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The Remington Portable is always ready to help you get the
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plus tho four-ro- w
standard keyboard.
The Recognized Leader in Sales and Popularity

Terms as
low aa $10

down and
$5 monthly

Remington Portable
316 Ewing Hall

135 Market Street, Lexington, Ky.
