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    'I` H E ID E A PERS     »
I mm simoicns °SH0ULD 8*;:FGK °" i
’ T PUBLICATION \ I E`, ’t f   k A i
l 111 €1‘S1 y O BHIUC y  
. ______ l
Q \ Vol. lll LEXINGTON, KY., SEPTEMBER 29, 1910 No. 4  
  I O O
{ STATE AGAIN VICTORIOUS. Webb failed to kick goal and the score
Here Are the Frtends of the University ___ ,,,,0,, 5 ,0 ,,_ $,,8,,,,,,, ,,, ,,,,, me
‘ , Blue and White Eleven vw/IM Flrlt quarter intercepted a forward pass
¤ V         Game. anddwitlrivlgis game knee gained forty
-—- yar s. at m ghtn‘t he have done
  f After the strains of "My Old Ken- with his knee in good shape? Coach
A     O   tucky Home" had wafted away upon Sweetland then exercised the option
° _ the humid atmosphere, and several (under the new rules) of taking a
-_     yells had been given, Captain Webb man out in one quarter and putting
l and his ten ‘gridlron gladiators trot- him back in the game again, by taking
[ ted out on the field and took their Shanklin out and putting Lambertson
places. a grim look of determination in at quarter. "Spot" Giltner now did
l I mulls 0utmt°m' Cream Flu"' on their faces. These were the elev- the punting. Lambertson, while only
l <}i·¤ws, tus & ce. Lexington Roller Mills cn, en men cleked by Ceeeh Sweetlemi in the Same e ehert while. ren the
, Gmddy & Bradley. and Captain Webb te dawn their op- team well and showed we always have
, Kaufan Clothing C0. Cigar; and ']_'°baeen_ ponents from Ohio. A heavy rain fall- a good quarterback to fall back on,
l I ev ha t _ _ lng about neon mndg the field a hit Time and again Captain Webb broke
l lib Fxlmj `uexander Lexmgloll Clgal C0- muddy and rendered fast work impos- through theother line, time and
,1fhClMO;i_; Chas   qtmw ,8 Nazala C15-Ia¤‘€ll€S· elhle, but it the work done by the again men were tackled where they
. Manalniw ' ‘ " `     xlrtleoeli. team gatnrday ie any sample at what received the ball, and just before time
S d _d R`, ` I C l’lll"€l`SllY Lllllcll Stand- we are to expect this year, the friends was Called "Speedy" Watkins made
g tan an 00 en O' Amelia Milf- ot old State can be assured of again five Yards on fast running around right
. d. When time was called it was
Z Ladmv Oututtcll winning not only the championship of en i
  · Amu8°m°nt°· Kentucky but the Southern champion- States ball on Ohlo's 35-yard line.
E E¤1bl‘>' and C0mPa¤Y· Hippgdygmg (Vantlet-ille)_ Slllp ee Well- At BSU5 p. m. the second half he-·
I Fred Lazarus. Star Theatre (Moving pictm.€S)_ Ohio kicked oft to State at 2:50 gall- Soon after the beginning of the
  J. L. Watrou. The prirlcrss (Moving pictm.eS)_ n_ ni,_ B, shanklin catching the kick- quarter Threlkeld was taken out and
g Kaufman, Straus & Co. err on the fifteen-yard line. After ad- George Shanklin sent in at full. "Deaf"
{ _ Furniture, vancing the ball a few yards in two Shanklin was back again at quarter,
t Drugs and Sundries A _ dOwy]g_ ghanltlin ltlelred enteide_ he The ball was taken up and down the
Caden Drug C0 l`*· L· M““`°l'· hind the line, hurting his already in- field in a See-saw fashion, the kicking
_ · ' · - • f Jones, the quarterback of Ohio
4 C _ ,1D I lured knee. Ohio attempted an end 0 ,
I:Qlfgt($l':‘Dl_ll‘g‘Q0 ·’°“'°l"· nm, but on Dick webb broke Siilltlllig the ban tar dm,-ii the field
* ‘ i ‘ ‘ I3. J_ HAMA through the line and threw the man behind Giltner, who played hack for
1$ub°r Shops. for a ieee Qhio then puntgd back tl1e kick, and the third quarter ended
Cline and Glassware, and on the next plav State attempted “'llll neither Side Scoring.
Reed Hotel, Sherman Strain, Prop. F (Nl. ·k Yin a forward pass. only to be thwarted The fourth and last qnarter thnntl
Fayette, Ccgswell and Byron. Props. " ‘" ` " ‘ hy an -0hio man interfering with our champions thirsty rei- more Seal-ea
Leonard Hotel, Bexunrd Fotscli, Lumber etc 'Pllrelkeld and not the ball. for whioh Forward pass after forward pass was
Pi-ietor, ’ ' they were penalized twenty yards to made by State {tml many 0,- them
0 . Watkins went through the green playing right end this year. nspotn
Kinkelul CMI Com wmv Cleaning and Pressing. and white line for tive yards. only to rlearly demonstrated that he lg a vain-
‘ ° l ·' B_H I BNI ’ lose lt by an offside play. Tllell to able asset to the team, and with a
Athletic Goods. I d "l el the mystiflcation of everyone, the few more games' experience will tie.
Confcctions tlmekeeper called time. lt was soon lelop into an ··All Kentnrkyn €,nd_
(`obnmn Calloway. ° learned. though. that the game was 'l`in1e and again ~Sh0t·· Simply mined
_ Hlnc(}r:1<·n<·e the teethell has sets en the tWo·>’arl€· At a¤Y end he iilltllled the most sullgllillg ex.
SlN_Hg_h_I_ AM Hulln_y· _r_ _r_ l,»iUg.r_mm_ rate it appears the scores will be llertations of everyone by making the
smaller and the men better off for ?*`0l'*‘ €ilSll)’. All through the gglllltl
. • the <‘lla¤Ke- l`hrelIteld's line bucking featured.
        After 2 nunuuls, internlisslon play ·IIllS (‘ll(It*ll the S('OI‘IIlg. illltl fl'()lll
was again resumed. Thirty seconds lllls Oll- as before, the hall was (-0,,.
. after the ball had been put in play "'“'**lll’ ln 0hlo’s territol-y_ exl·,.,t
      Tlirelltel,] ··l,·· the nm, rm. mn when Jones would make one of hlls
yards and our first touchdown of 1910, lm'?-T kl"l*S· “llll(`ll lliltner tillgllly