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 i Wendell Berry ]udith Clabes Lucille Couch.
5 i 0 be selected for this honor, the person is “sornebody who cares. That’s all it  
i nominee must be a graduate of amounts to really — one who cares.” i
E the University and have achieved Freyman demonstrated her dedication `
g national or international prom- to justice and fair play when she became one _
“ inence in their field of endeavor, of the most successful labor negotiators the  
l` a prominence that reflects American Federation of Television and Radio  
I favorably on the Commonwealth Artists (AFTRA) has seen. She earned a repu- l
3 and the University. tation for ability to win rich contracts for {
__ ` This year’s induction of five women members and was elected national vice president
1 and eight men includes three writers, a news- of AFTRA seven times. Her advice to anyone i
1 paper editor, an international banker, an beginning a career: “Believe in what you do,
5 ambassador, a basketball coach, a university love what you do, and be honest with yourself I
) president, a music educator, a physician- — if you are not honest with yourself it is to ’
researcher, a labor organizer, an agronomist, no avail.”  
E and a seeleleglst Bobbie Ann Mason defines a successful  
TheY ate: Wendell Bern/» autheh person as one who has overcome the idea of  
3 ivmiesemr iemiei emd eeelesiets Judith Clebes. success, who isnlt impressed with himself ter i
I editor of the Kentucky Post, and a syndicated his own aehievenientn "anel whg goes gn I
Ii COlL1I`I`1D1Sf; [h€ l3t€ Lucille Couch, 3 H3[lOH* dOing what he became Successful at just  
ally known educator in the field of music; because it*S a good thing to be dging anywgy_l, |
ll EVelYn Gall Fl`eYman» aetteasr theatet Her best known work, a novel called ln  
F ewiien emd lehei eiaenieers William Country, which received critical acclaim, as
Kn'Wan» Ptesltleht etthe UmVetsltY etlVlatYlaa€l scheduled for release this winter as a movie. i
I et Celleee Park; William Merkesbervr About the eeeir Mason seys, "1 didn’t set out i
. Alzheimer’s researcher and head of the Sanders- to Write a novel abgut \/ietnatn because I  
Y Btewn Centet en Aging; Behhle Ann Mason, thought one was needed. it was a subject that
al-lthet et three hlghlY aeelalmeel neVels» sort of sneaked up on me, one thatlcouldn’t avoid? I
H lheltlellng lll CO'»mtT>’§ Themas M· Niles, U5- Wendell Berry’s thoughts about success l
_` Ambassador to Canada and soon-to-be U.S. are Changi[·ig_ At one time he felt Sneeeas l
·» Amhassaelet te the Enteheah Cemmen Matketi would be “to live where l do now, to be respected l
Shll'leY PhllllPs» tetlteel Ptetesset et by some of the people who know me, includ- E
X agtenemlh eteelltee with pieneeima tle‘tlll ing, I hope, my grandchildren, and to be more Q
,. agtlel-lltllte3 Andreas Pl`lndl» an lntetnatlenal or less self-employed at work from which l will l
Q hanket and managlng ellteetet et Nemnta not retire.” However, “our time is forcing upon  
q lhtemetienelr Ltda Pat Rilevr heed eeeeh ei es e mere demanding definition of success: to `
the l·es Angeles Lakets haskethall team? the live free of the technological system, military i
l- late Walter Tevisr atl authet WhO5e werks or industrial — the difference is negligible —  
meluele The Hustler emd The Celet ef Mehey. that is destroying me world.” His reeemmerreie  
) anel Dells Wilkinson, Ptetesset et seelelOgY tion is to “distrust wealth, distrust power, distrust  
i and a natlenallV knewn seeleleglsh fashions, distrust officials and experts, distrust  
Vi T W Somerset Maughm once said: “The teehnologieal Op[imiSm_’, i
eemmen lelea that sneeess shells Peehle hY Berry is a poet with a deep and abiding
E n maklng them Valn» eemietier and selheemhlaeent interest in agriculture. He grows food for his ,
gl is etteneetls _ en the eenttatY lt makes themr family plowing the land with a team of horses
’ for the most part humble, tolerant and kind. and an oldiashioned plOw_ .
E Failure makes people bitter and cruel." Sharing Berry’$ love of the land is  
l·lere’S What eaeh hew l'lall member has Shirley Phillips, who says a successful person ;
I` to say about his/ her own personal definition “iS Someone who has developed a cadre of  
et Sueeeesr ell ellttetent» vet Wlth a eemmen friends and associates. Someone who leaves a
theme m their eletmltlel`ls· These ate “PeePle” tangible item useful to clientele for the future
PeePle"theV eete ahellt ethets· Evelyn l:teYmatl and is recognized by one’s peers within the `
5 Simplv Sevs that me deiiimien ei e successful profession. . 3* He has achieved that by devoting l
K Y A L U M N U s 5