187 l
5 General Index .
é NOTE; The references are to the numbers of the titles in the biblio-
‘ rgraphy. I
E Abolition See Emancipation Bart, Mr, 52 A
Q Act of Separation 11, 118 ‘ Berry, E, C; 221
Q Alien and Sedition Laws 80-82, Bingham, Caleb 25h
¥ 89, 29, l2O Bishop, Robert Hamilton 197, 198,
} Alison, Thomas 152 551
Q Almanacs 102, 127 Black, John 52
j Char1ess* Kentucky, Tennessee Blair, James 225, 282
Q and Ohio 16h, 165, 227, 228, Blythe, James 199
Q 259 Bodley, Thomas 26, 510, 525
S Farmer's 502 Bradford, John 55, 77, 151 1
¥ Johnson & Warner*s 525, 5h2 Bradford, John, & Son 98
7 Kentucky 1, 2, 22, 55, M2, 51, Breckenridge, John 26, 80
f 57, 105, 128, 155, lh6, 166, Brown, George, Jr, 50h, 527
Z 191, 229, 260, 286, 287, 505, Brown, James 15, 25, 172
”, 526 Brown, John 199, 275 1
“ kentucky Farmer*s 527, 585 Brownlee, George 150
Q Kentucky Pocket 129, 192 Brunt, Jonathan 200
7 Western Farmer*s 50h Bullock, Edmund 81
{ American Orator, The 288 Burke, William 150 ·5
2 1Ed€§§6E,"J6E5" 152 Burr, Aaron 295 _
f Andrews, John 261 Bush, John Willoughby 155
{ Answer, An, to the , . . Spring~ Bush, Philip 151
5 -5-i8iEld_2reEbytery 195m Bustard, John 221
Y Ant1paedobEptiEEY_—205, 2hl Butler, P, 515 2
TQ Associate Reformed Church 197,
{ 198, 250 Calvinism 197, 225
Q Associate Reformed Synod` 52, 161, Cameron, Archibald 26h, 265
in 187 Campbell, John 81 1
TY Campbell, John Poage 59, 201, 255, W
p Fadin, Stephen Theodore 251 256, 266, 552, 5h9
1, Baptism 61, 26h Campbellite Church 555 `
j Baptist Associations Cedar Knob Philosopher 155 -,
. Baptized Licking-Locust 290 Chi1d*s First Book, The 87 ]
_ Bracken 167 Clarke, EE$§—L. 5H? BQ
L Elkhorn 5, 25, 2h, 5h, h5, 52, Clay, Green 271 i’A- {
f 58, 65, 10h, 150, 156, 1h7, Cleland, Thomas 257, 258, 2MM, my
r  168, l9}1, 252, 262, 289, §o5, 285, 511 r.
T 528, 5111 Collection of Spiritual songs 178 J
_ Long Run 169, 291, 506, 529, C81lTH§TmJ&;1`_Y$l*_-——·”w_•“ TQ]
i' 5h5 Compleat Tarrier, The Mh. og
Q_ North his-tries 11,.8, 170, 195,   ‘T21  
; 255, 262, 292, 507, 550, 5h6 Conway, Mi1os`W. 295 ij
l Salem lL9, 196, 508, 5h7 Conway, Mr. 2L5, M t ’ ig ·
Q South kentucky 157 Craig, Elijah 158, ll?] QQL, 5Ol 13
`T Tatefs Creek 5h8 Craighead, Thomas B. 555, 5MD gg
5 Baptists 68, 205, 2hl, 2h6 Croath, Jacob 29h, 501 §§
a Barrow, David 171, 202, 509 Cree, John 152 im
· E24
I 2U