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The present list of Kentucky imprints is issued by the Kentucky
state office of the Historical Records Survey with two aims in view:
(1) to make available to historians and bibliographers a list which
_ has been long in preparation, and (2) to provide a basic list against
which to check in its program of inventorying imprints by field work
in libraries. It is hoped and expected that the issue of this list
will stimulate the interest of librarians and scholars in Kentucky
imprints and lead to the discovery and record of important items of
local printed source materials which are as yet unknown.
To this end, notes of new titles or corrections or amplifications
of titles herein recorded are earnestly solicited, so that they may be
included in a supplementary list or be incorporated in a revised version
of the present list.
The compilation of a list of books, pamphlets and broadsides printed
in Kentucky from the beginnings of its press in 1787 through the year
1830 was first projected by the undersigned about ten years ago. During
the years of 1929 and 1950 considerable intensive work was done on this
project. A number of important libraries in Kentucky and elsewhere were
personally visited, either by myself or by Nr. Charles H. Good, who was
engaged for a time as a field assistant for this investigation, and a
large number of early Kentucky books, pamphlets, and broadsides were de-
scribed from the actual copies seen in the various libraries visited.
ln addition, correspondence was undertaken with a number of other
libraries which were known to contain Kentucky material, and descriptions
V of many more titles were received through the helpful cooperation of the
librarians concerned.
Kentucky titles mere also gathered from the American Bibliography