r made known in the 1954 proofsheets. These doubtful titles will be made
_ " the subject of a later report.
In the latter stages of its compilation, the list has profited
through new entries and added locations from the Kentucky titles re-
I ported from libraries all over the country by workers of the Historical
Records Survey assigned to inventorying imprints. Specially valuable
. V contributions have been made by the Pennsylvania, New York City, Ohio,
and Kentucky offices of the Historical Records Survey.
Active interest in the project of publishing the list of early
_ Kentucky imprints revived with the inauguration of the nationwide Amer-
ican Imprints Inventory as a project of the Historical Records Survey
under the direction of Dr. Luther H. Evans, a Federal activity of the
Division of lomenā€˜s `=.` and Professional Projects of the Works Progress Ad-
ministration. It was believed by the authorities of the Historical
Records Survey and thc Division of homen's and Professional Projects
of the Works Progress Administration in Kentucky that the issuance of
this list and the establishment of an American Imprints Project would
prove helpful and would further the prosecution of the imprints work
in this state. A project application was approved for a state-wide
imprints project to be operated under the administrative direction of
Mr. Halter M. Hoefelman, State Director or the Historical Records
Survey. irs. Prentice H. Eurst was appointed project supervisor soon
after the project began operations in Lpril lQ5S. The work of cutting
the stencils for the check list of early Kentucky imprints vas done
by Miss Thelma Bryant.
It has not been found possible, however, to issue the whole list
through IEBO at this time. All titles through the year lGlO are here