tion. But there remain 120 of these "singletons" which are books or pam-
phlets, and many of these are of considerable historical or bibliographi-
cal interest. The figures following the symbols in the "Key to Symbols
for Libraries" show the total number of these early Kentucky titles lo-
cated in each collection, including (in parenthesis) the number recorded
from that collection only.
Libraries and private collections in Kentucky have been found to
contain ldd of the 525 titles of which copies have been located. Of 43
‘ items (only three of which are broadsides) the only known copies are in
Kentucky--40 distributed among eight libraries, two in the collection of
Nr. J. Kinston Coleman, Jr., and one in the collection of Mr. John Wilson
L Townsend, both of Lexington. In addition, there are 54 titles of which a
L Kentucky library or collection has one of two known copies, and in six of
these cases both copies are to be found in Kentucky only. 0f 05 titles
found both in Kentucky and elsewhere, 2* of the copies in Kentucky are
if recorded only from private collections, notably those of Nr. J. Winston
Colonan, Jr., and Hon. Samuel M. Wilson, both of Lexington, and of Mr.
William Marshall Bullitt, of Louisville, and 68 are distributed among 15
Kentucky libraries.
The most widely distributed title in the present list is no. ll8, of
which 22 copies have been located. Nos. 540 and 365 each are found in 19
copies, and l5 copies each are known of nos. 239 and 356. Other titles of
P which l0 or more copies are nos. l5l, l57, and 560 (l5 copies); 130 and
559 (l2 copies); 89, 2dO, and 205 (ll copies); and 185 (l0 copies). lt is
V interesting to observe that of there ld titles vhich have the largest nwn-
ber of copies, l0 are law books and the other four are political tracts
dealing with issues which were of considerable norent at the tive.