QF .  
  8 THE CADET. 2  
`Y, A III Only some gay silly prattle ; . A
·· DON»T heat yourself up in 3 p&S_ Some gab and the mischief is  
.   sion, done? _ _ ,  
A - i _Q   Tm y0u’l¤€ hot as the Doom The result is the loss of life s  
lg A T day Sun ; battle, ·  
To at Atytiiisg in this astute, Which Otherwise might have  
  ‘ Is a thing that you surely been Wen-  
J should shun. v Z.,
. Only a still calm reflection, DOIN; angrily swam at the  
At least for a moment or two, Wl_i,0GI_’  
Can we You f1‘<>mf¤¤¤f€‘dsJ€C· And eurse him for writing  
- mom these rules (?)  
A   And Settle your trouble for Please make you his penalty  
yy you ' lighter ;  
  IV Just call him the "greatest of  
”   Oh DON,T be a tattler, a prater ; fools.”  
e’ Of course you Mnsir talk, but Only a waste of some paper;  
A BE sLow; Only a waste of some time;  
‘ l i If you don’t, you will sooner or A pencil, a glide and a caper,  
QQ later, A Results in this meaningless  
1 e Tell something you shouldn’t, rhyme.  
you know. O. F. Smrrn, JR.  
A _ A sUNNY mos.  
JT; _ Wear it. It is your privilege. sorrows banished and hope made  
  It has the quality of mercy; it to reign triumphant where fear,  
  is twice blessed. It blesses the doubt and despondency held  
 E possessor and all who come un- high carnival  
A 'P der its benign influence. It is A little child on the street of  
V a daily boon to him who wears a great city, wishing to cross at  
it, and a constant, ever flowing a point where the surging throng ,
benediction to all its friends. and the passing vehicles made  
Men and women, youth and the feat dangerous to the strong,  
1; ' children, seek the friendship of and especially the weak, paused  
gs the sunny-faced. All doors are and hesitated and then asked a ls
Q] open to those who smile. All SO- Bunny faced gentleman to carry  
; cial circles welcome cheeriness. her across. It was the sunny  
“' , A sunny face is an open sesame to face that won the child’s confi-  
el heart and home. By it burdens dence. Childhood makes no  
are 1ighte11ed,cares are dispelled, mistakes.—Exchange,  
~ it C 
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