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r rniL1sorH1AN.  
  i   i " Q 
QQ ; Miss MAYME NEAL. ff 
  -  Ei
 as —__  
;     ·"The applause of listening senates to command?  
° TM  ti
  S These are the gems of our The officers elected for the i 
‘ college. We are proud of them; new term are quite capable of  z .
Y ` we love them. filling their positions and a  
1 Why a boy who is trying to very successful year_ is antici-  
  QZ forward his best interest does paved.  
‘ notidentify himself with one isa The Ofiicers elected are as  
· . . .  4
V _ mystery. Expression is power, follows:  
L wd me Societies me ¤¤e=~g<=d president. ........ Miss Horton  
v   i¤ e wk Of expression- The vtCt-rr-ardent .... Mss wnmor  
    Professors Should emeeumge the Sec1·etary .......... Miss Butler  
  eeye? everyone Should take an Treasurer ........... Miss Cox  
    interest in ·i¤l1iH1,de¤d% 011- Fidfiy Librarian ,_,.,. Miss Carpenter  
ei 6V9emgS’ les Be 9 our CYS Last year the Philisophian I  
F fooling the1r evening away 111 .  
it . . . Society numbered forty mem-  
the c1ty, selling their souls and az
· , , , . bers. Three of these young  
ruining their lives, we should .  
  ladies graduated, two of them  
:5 have a congress of young Ken- .  
it . . . , carrying oif the honors of the  
;a qt tuckians, d1SCl1SS1I1g the burning , _ k.,·.-_ ; .
,s l _ _ class of 98. Others have drifted rei
lv . issues of the day and laying the . tg;
- x . . . away from us durmg the sum-  
·‘ 2-, foundation for a brilliant career. .  
W 1   _ mer, until now we have only  
  nfteen members, tried and true. ., 
.   Once again is the Piuhso- Though small in number, we  
  phlarn IJIt€I`3»Yy SOCIGUY OI`gZII1· arg Styong Of purpose and are  
ii . ized and ready for work. rg amd to make this! Gm. Of  
,2 y .l_ 
ێ..li-as Zi?
~ y ers: Q3; 
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