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  T   E ERQ ET t
- Vol. S. OCTOBER, 1898.   A  
ir "A little library Q{I`OY\’l`il{Z,` larger every year is an honorable part of every  
  young man’s history."—Beecher.  
* Fan surpassing all other stud- to view the same in a clearer  
it » ‘, ies in interest, mind-training light, and reason comes, formu- [
  and practical results is the study lates principles, develops plans, g
of English Literature. English stimulates latent power and an U
Literature! What a beauteous invention startlcs the world.
jg and comprehensive term! An So behind most all great works
fi expression which at once makes the initial thought is given by
_! us to see in imaginations lovely reading. Little things control
  light the great life and struggle the world and the reading of .
  of the Anglo—Saxon race as it one sentence starts with the I
gg fought and wrote its way to its brain one thought, which when
  present sublime station. "Lit- practically developed is either a i
  erature is born of life." Life blessing or a curse to mankind.
  comprehends everything; so in It comprehends logic——it makes l
  literature we get what is the ns broad and liberal. Logic, as
  quintescence of the world. In now studied with a literary .
  English Literature we have the course, probably distorts the
if acme of all lettres, and ’tis not natural way of thinking and .
  that we love the other less, but seeks to make nature, broad as _
yi this the more. the universe, run in the pre-
  Nature has provided, science scribed channels, surveyed by a _
  has discovered. Science is born narrow-minded bigot who '
  of the imagination, and formu- thought that he, the son, was the O`
j, lated by reason. These faculties, center of the solar system and ,
I imagination and reason, the all things should conform to his *
‘ study of literature most develops. distorted ideas. "Logic cannot A
P It quickens and brightens our be learned. It is the child of a
  im mgination and we see some- clear head and good heart."
j thing in the dim soirizwiiimisg We love lite1·ature pure and l
O, it broadens our views, makes us simple as it flows from the im-