SCHOBERTH, Capt. Harry An- and Arizona and received his wings and _ SH}
{ V . thony, 31, A8cS, Com. 1932-39. son of commission at Marfa, Tex., in Febru- (Matt
; Vl   the late Harry A. and Mary judge ary, 1943. After attending advanced .li'mC$
, ~ . ~_f` Schoberth and husband of Mrs. joseph- schools until December of that year, A gmt
{   ine.Young Schoberth of Versailles. He he was assigned to duty in Italy and “'il$ [C
, l   · enlisted in the Army February 12, served with the 15th Air Force. Pilot uml]
V· i V-ge.,         1942, and received his training at Ft. of a B-24 bomber, he had flown 47 1942.
 Q ~     Knox, where he was commissioned missions over enemy territory when [his C4
` ri   ``,- r   second lieutenant. He served at various he died May 20, 1944, of wounds rg. and ft
  posts in this country, and in December, ceived in action in Italy. His decora- sium
    1942, he was sent to Africa, and then tions include the Air Medal with DiViSi0
VQ _ ` · Lg to Italy. In August, 1944, he was pro- four Oak Leaf Clusters. Surviving AF111)'.
      moted from first lieutenant to cap- him are his son, Russell Earl, and *16 Oil
~  ‘ _  » tain and made commander of his two brothers besides his parents and DGCCI11}
V , _,% _   company in the First Armored divis- wife. include
; ~     ion. For heroism in May, 1944, he sk parents
' received the Bronze Star, and was _ ./
rrlrrr A, scrmm-,—,, awarded me Silver srar in April, 1945. _ $HEA_RER» 2¤d Lt- Martin Graves,
V (jul-,[_ Sehoberlhy who was ln the mst Z5, B.S. in Agr. ’40, M.S. in Agr. `42, son SIGN
lauk to enter Rome, was kllled in ae_ ol Mr. and. Mrs. Wlham G. Shearer of 22. Eng
1     tion near the Po River in Italy, April SUSIF- HG .l0m€d_[h€ Al`mY Air CQYPS Nfelvin
i' " "’“%,  25, 1945. He is survived by a daughter, APUI ?’· 1942, llmnetl at S€l1P¥111 Field, the Ar
,   Mary JOV gl Stepseny Beblw Bmwe,  andothe1Vanbases,andatterreceiv- 1943, a
  _ . F?-gi and two sisters, in addition to lns {“SAh‘*_lPlg’t3> Wings and %0m{T11$g1011 Student
V-, “.lle_ in l)1`l·, » ·, was sent to ng an to 110. Af
V Q _ .. * serve with the Eighth Air Force. Lt. Tex., li.
l       ; Shearer was re Jorted missin in ac- 1 -14,
. Q       S(1()URBYS, Sgt. Constantine George. tion October 4,1 1943, when 1§is plane agri sgri
· _   19, A&S 1942-43, son of Mr. and Mrs. was shot down in the North Sea area rier Sql
_, ••"'     George \\’. Scourbys of Brooklyn, N. Y. by €1`\€ITl)’ Hghter planes. A year later the Nm
,_ »····**•  —? 1\ member of the 1)elta Chi fraternity 2111 Official finding of death was re- rnrrcd
_ _   `".  ” he left the University of Kentucky in Corded. A brother, Carl C. Shearer, plane C
‘ L     _  ··· ’ March of his freshman year to enter survives in addition to his parents. Wiesbad
  " . the Army Air Corps. At the completion flying S,
    of his training he was sent to the tjcrlllnm
. Euro ean Area. On A ril ll. 1944, [tml C·'
whilep returning from apmission over ,,l,·m·de(ll
. _ _ ,_ _ Poland his lane was attacked by Ger- his L .
COASIANHNE GEORGE SCOURBY5 man intercgptors and he was forced [hc Rgilili
to parachute out over Rostock. Ger- 3[,—S_ wil
_ many, He was reported missing in » , — ltoqaml
‘ _ - ` action until October 18, 1945, the pre- ` _
, _   ·‘’_ sumed date of his death.  
\   * _ srzmit
.   fi . 2 *; its mss
    SHADWICK. 2nd 1.1. Othor Ran- “* i l1.Sizem.
» .r   . e ..` ._ wg,. _ `
V   —, ·, I   dolph, 23, B.S. in Com. `43, son of Mr. .  yi V _ of Ml~S_ ll
    and Mrs. C. D. Shadwick of Owens-    _`   of Chevk
    boro. Shadwick, who was a member of ‘, ____` r A Marine (3.
      Sigma Alpha Epsilon. was called to duty   ` ‘~·  : A i assigned l
~ .   ,_· ‘‘·,   in the Army on April 6, 1943, and rc- - H ·  ` _]:uniar·y 1
, _ _     tzeived his commission as second lieu- '°,:_·_¤ ’  _ Ctr trainir
l   `   ’·`’ tenant at Ft. Benning, Ga., in july     •»
l ’ _   ‘ of that year. He was stationed at Camp   A I
* . ' Atterbury, Ind., until the first of May, ·,_V   _ "  ‘
t 1944, when he was given overseas ,    
duty and sent to England. Lt Shad- "
, wick took part in the invasion of the M '_ G
O’1‘11oR RANt>o1.1·t-rS11Amv1ck continent, and was killed while fight- ‘ ARHN RAVES SHEARER
, ing with the infantry in France on
july 15, 1944. Besides his parents,
· he is survived by his wife, the former   .4 .; V   _ ‘
t I _ Gene Ray Crawford, now Mrs. George   ’/'   °i'_ { _ _ »
J ’ David Bunnell, jr., of Blairstown, N.Y.       l
a i r j.  ·   SHAIN. nr rr. Layrmrr ran, 22;,      s g?] -
  ’   N    .·\gr. 1940-41, son of Sgt. H. E. Shain     I i   _
‘ S     t.  j  of thc Regular Army and Mrs. Shain     i   `
 Jia: ,   ,_V   Q;  of Leitchfield. and husband of Mrs.  fi i”ir» _·=  
   V/ i`  Vf:  Floy Russell Shain of Hartford. He    .V  9 *  
yl 1-; ,  ’ ,   »   joined the Army Air Corps in the  ?°f ° A ` ,
’ `   V B   spring of 1942, trained in California   ’ V V
i LAYMAN R S"’“N l.1·Z\V1S W. Smerns M""·"'*
  . ——·   4
\r ` _` V 7  ··-Q T? ‘
.· " `.   ~. `
1 I  .1 ~ I ly . U L