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  120   I [ ’ `" ‘`‘`·. lie
_   Index to County Records 7   i Q
y 4   TUX (CO1'1'1$·) Testimony (Con't.) °     1
  Commissioner Circuit Court 75,107 2 ; o g
  Assessments 185 Transcript of 75 ‘ ·   p   L _}
  Records of 185 Witnesses. 75 ’     `7 5  
  Dog License 175 Tests _Q   I ' s I
gl Exonerations 185 Lqberatery 254 >     5 3
  Inheritance 175 Venereal Diseases 225 _ V  
  Judgments 142 Text Books, Bchool 215 C`;   A
  Kennel License 175 Tourist Camp Inspections 252 · 1 ·~ _ I  
  P01'1€11‘G10S 185 Transcripts ' 1_;_Y` , ·   3
  Receipts, Missing 27 Cireuit Court 65,74-75 ee_o__s>e *1   e {
  Reports 25 Evidence 75  '11 _ 1 f 7  
IS} 1107151011 , 184 Judgments by Default 65 jg- ..   I y 1
  Solos 171 or Testimony 49   ip n,_,     - I
  Index to 172 Quarterly to Circuit Court 74       J
  SO'tTb1OI!1CI’1'bS   Testimony   v_ _,.’   ‘ ;
  Sh01‘i1`f"S 171 Circuit Court 49,75,107     {    
Y Supervisors, Board of Common Pleas 49       ·; J _ Q
’ Assessments 184 Treegurer `  ji V,»l, ` ‘ 2 . {
y Records of 184 Bank Balances, Daily 188   g,     
  Taxable Property, Assessments 185-184 Blotters, General 188   `','_· 6,; M  
s A Taxes Daily Bank Balances 188 11 ·‘li —'·‘·.     _ ” ;
Back 25,142 Expenses, County 186 .     v ‘  
County 25-28,170-175,176 General   ._,·* _ -1 · ,
_ Current 170 Blotters 188  Q  7‘,, r A F
_ Delinquzo-nt 25, 171, 185 Ledger 187   1_,, 2   1 0 ,
j Land Sales 25,171 Journal _185 if   _  
Liquor Sales 155 Ledger   1*   1*
Leeal 25-27 Accounts 185-188   ·—,"   L_ Z
Notice of 184 General 187   ’‘‘.   g.  
Omitted List of 26 Records of 185-188   ‘:__,’ ;»r’ ‘‘-,    
Property 25-25 Treated, Health Cases 222-225   ‘"*1 ;.·lf;;1i .io,   ,
Real Estate 25-28 Trial. Docket, Circuit Court 61   Q   {
I _ State 25-27,170-175,176 Trials, Land   {.
7 Supervisor’s Notice 184 Orders 86,68   `,`_‘'     pz
Whiskey Seles 155 Truant Ofi`icers' Records 211    
Te aehers · TI‘U.:313GOS      7   ·”_» °  
Applications 208 Jury Fund 102       ’ L;
2 Salaries 215 Surety Bonds 122    
V Terminer, Court of Oycr and 1`ubcI‘°0u1OS1S, Record of 229   j
A Commi s s i one r s Tuit i on 2 0 1       2
Certificate 109 Turnpike   `-`o1   ·5—»   }
owes 108 cine-is 241       __,-  
A Estate Settlements 108 Costs 241   _-Q
Land Division 108-109 DI‘€1Wi1'1gS 239   7
Registration of Land 109 Labor Cost 241   7
. Rcpwizs 108 Profile of 259   7
seeuienemcs 108 suppiies, oesss 241  
Surveys 109 Type of Serum  
Dccds 108 ineeuiizrmiea 226  
Land Typheid Inoculations 227   i
Division 108-109 Unincorporated Firms 17  
Instruments 108*109 UPk¤OP ‘   1
Froooodioss A 56 Mil 185   1
Records of ${5,108-109 htxchirrery 185    
Re P Ori; S 108 Ru ads 18 5    
Suits 58 Valuation  2  
Tsstjmleny 75,107 Tax Revision 184   ·  
A _  __ _  V- g V•_ p WQ · _ <` .~  T 1- A..¢',¥_}g~::¤;?·¢~·