15 4
Fiscal Court 4
making appropriations only (Ibid., 57). Jurisdiction held by the county court, A
new exercised by the fiscal court, was "tm lay and supcrintund the collection E
of the county levy; erect and kccp in repair necessary public buildings, bridges
and other structures, and supcrintcmd thc same; regulate and control the fiscal {
affairs and propcrty of thc county; make provision for thc maimtcnancc of thc .
pour; provide for thc good condition of thc public highways in thc county; and §
_ to execute all of its ordors" (Bullock, Ncsbit and Craddock, General Statutes
nf Kentucky, 307). The justices of thc pcncc associated with the county judge
to constitute the court of claims, which was confined to laying the county levy, \
uppropriatlng money and transacting other financial business of the county l
(Ibid., 506). The county court, when it mct as the c·urt of claims, was rc-
quired tc crcot and maintain a sufficicnb jail (Ibid., 307). The presiding
judge and justices, as thc court of claims, elected u county commissioner for ‘
the purpose tf managing thc schucl interest in the county (Ibid., 215). The {
county czurt, a majority of thc justices cnncurring, was given power to levy y
an ud vulurcm tux on property in thc county for thu purpose of maintaining
public buildings (Ibid., 702). The cuunty court was also given pnwcr to cs-
tublish jusbicus' districts and pluccs of voting and to appoint two election
~» ” judges in each precinct (Ibid., 576, 577). In addition to thu specified general,
' fiscal uni governmental functions, much local lcgislabiqm was passed annually,
' giving thc c>unty court und court if claims auth¤rity t> trmnsuct special busi-
I1GSS• i
The present fiscal cwurt 1; Fayette County, us zuthnrizcd by tho Cnnstitu— j
tion of 1891, Scctiun 144, is composed of three commissioners, elected from the W
ceumty at large, who uct tugcthur with hhc juige of the ccumty court, u majvrity }
of thcsc pmmbcrs cgnstitutiug u cyurt for the transaction of business. A county Q
. judge is elected ovary fuur yours by the voters (Cunst, gf 1891, Soc. 142). The f
clerk of the cgunby acts as clerk of the fiscal cqurt (Carr€lTTs Kentucky Stat- Q
utcs, 1956, Sec. 1855). Twz regular sessions of the court arc hold cach your ht Q
Lexington, but thc county judge has powwr to call special terms {Ibid., 1858, {
1859). """"'  
Unless uthurwisc provided by law thc fiscal 0,urt exercises thu corporate l
powers of the c»unty (Ibid., 1854). Its jurislictieh, as lufiucd by Suction
1840 f thu statutes, is tn appruprimhu county funds nuth;rizuA by law t» bc
appropriated; b» cycct and kucp in rupair nuccssnry public buildings, sccurc M
a sufficient jail and cnmfertablc xml cwmvcnicnt placc for hvldimg cvurt at
the county suut; t· erect and kccp in repair brilgus ani nthor structurhs; to
regulate mnQ cuutr»l the fiscnl affairs xml pr»pcrty vf thu cvunty; bw cuusc
· corrcct ncclunts unl rewards t~ bc kept f all rcccipts uni disbursumunts >f
  thc public funls of thc c.unhy ani have all anu uuts nf 0 unby lfficmrs ouiitci; i
l . to mmkc prgvisiwns far the mpintmuuncc nr bbl sick CHQ p wr, anH prnvilc h spit- ~
- alizntinn for sail purpgscs; tu provide fur the in T cgmdition uP thu highways {
_ ; in thc county; t> upprvprimhu funls tn swcurg immigrmtivm into thu clunky ami {
‘ ` uivcrhisc its ruszurcus; tw appr priakw ceuhty fuuis far thu buncfit sf cullcgcs; I
l unl bw execute all Ur&prs vf such ·,,· hhur matters rulmbing t` tho 1»vyimj ,P taxus 2
as were frrmurly c*nTcrru1 an the cuurt »f lcvy *n” claims.
» l In &T{iYiQH t thusw lutius spccifiv shututus xl? uuthyriznti~n T»r hh; V
fvllcwing: Tl =ffer blumtics for »mch cr w killa? in th; cwumby (lbii., 1840-1);
T tu levy @n% cwll ·’<- ct m p;ll tax ini qi vulurum fax h· pay gfi uxistin; currxut .
` inT©btc*ness (Ibil., 1882); tu prvviiu f’r thu suvn.rt =f thu blinl (lbii.,
1895;—lO); E ;npr»print© mnhuy ti cnrry in uxtuumi n w·rk in agri0ul¥u;; uml
hcmc ccamwmlcz (lbii., 4656g—2); tl pr vi“; fur crlpplcl chillruu (lbil., BSIM- J
9); hn buy u;° sell lrul fur tha c.vnty (lbll., 927); t· hpp int n E_;hfy €r¤'S— ;
urcr (lbii., GEO); to crust; cgunty health Tistricts (lkli., 2054a-l ~t scq.); b {
  _. l l.. -- -v   -