16 .
Fiscal C¤urt, Court Minutes 1-6 %
‘ maintain sanatoria for treatment of tuberculosis Ibid. 5061a-5 · to ac uiro A
I 3 j
armories (Ibid., 271la-128); to appoint a person to fill a vacant office >f
county judge (Ibid., 5758-1); to establish ani maintain a playpreuni and rec-
reational system (lbii., 5909a-2); to appoint an inspector ani woigher for ~ \
grain warehouses (Ibid., 4795); to issue bonds to finance inlebtedness (Ibid., I
·Y 1855-80); to contract for the reclamation yf swamp lanls (Ibid., 2415); to I
_ . _ publish the financial condition ~f the county annually (Ibid., 1846). 5
4* Since Fayette County contains a city of the second class (Lexington), its (
~ it . fiscal court is also empowered ts: Provide for inpgnignt chillron (lbil., 55ln-l); l
`V take out insurance Governing county vehicles ani county employees (Ibid., 1840a- l
1); maintain a law library (Ibid., 1840b); provile for inlexing of all real es- 1
" tate record books (Ibid., 1840c); ani establish and maintain clinics for inligcnt .
schnel chillren (Ibid., 1840a-1).
Court Minutes ‘
1. COURT RECORDS, 1874-95, 1821--. 10 vols., 2 file boxes.
Minutes f court of claims ani fiscal court meetings; date of rmcting, rules,
. decisions, claims apprevei, names lf presiaing juige ani members present. Arr. I
.· chron. _1874-95, alph. inlexed by name of claimant. Hin. Vols. aver. 475 pp. {
18 x l2§·x 2%. File boxes aver. 60 lies. 10 5/4 x 4 5/E x 15g. 6 vals., 2 file 1
boxes, 1874-Q5, 1951--, Co. Ct. C1k's. off.; 4 vols., 1921-50, A. R. rm. 1. Q
Building Cemmissianors j
2. SETTLEMENTS WITH COURTHOUSE, 1882-85. 1 file bex. Q
Builiing commissieners' v uchers, contractors' reports ani contracts unl ex- E
pon&itures for improvements on public builiings passed by the court if claims. Q
Arr, chron. by late filel. Hin. 10 lncs. 10 5/4 x 4 5/4 x 15}. Co, Ct. Clk's. (
Q}   • )
Builling ccmmittee‘s mitions, acts an? grlcrs for erectiin ¤f cwurthiuse anl 1
necessary c unty offices unler the cvurt of claims. Arr. chron. HXw. 550 pp.
12 x 8 x 1%. A. R. rm. 1.
Inviices ani c~urthvuse bonds issuei by the fiscal c»urt fur buillinq costs of
courth use; late, amount, nn. of boni, late >f maturity. Arr. numerically by
instrument no. niw. pr. {ms. 500 pp. 17 x 12 x 4. A. R. rm. 1.
_ I
Court 0r”ers 1
5. FISCQL COURT ORDLRS, 1874--. 20 vols. (1-5, 1-17). .
Orlers of court of claims an? fiscal court on claims against county; name of _
claimant, late, amount ani purpose of claim. Arr. chron. Alph. inQexeT by (
. , . .A , ~ . ,, -~ . 2
name of claimant. 1874-1900, b w.; 1901--, typei. Jols. uxer. 500 pp. 17g x
- ¤ .i . A M _ .
11; x 2%. to. ct. clk’s. efl. W
Claims 1
6. VOUCHERS (Claims against County), 1821--. 5 file boxes. '
` Recorl of epplicetions in o1" county court, court of claims, nr‘ Fiscal court
` _ for payment of claims against county; nuze ’.·e of cleinant, late, amount url nature
` _ _ Of claim. nrr. chron. Hlw. File boxes aver. 100 loes, 10 5/{ X A 5/G x 15p. _
‘ ` Co. Ct. C1k’s. vlt. /4
ii $@-19 I