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V Vol. VI LEXINGTON, KY., DECEMBER 18, 1913 No. 14  
THE BASKETBALL nsw mmsmmm rmtsuss mm gI{é%lIg·El§)§%RED mcmx nononso
Hu M•d• • Comp•ndI••m of the
Ohm |crImm•|• Monday Afhrnoon R•••IutI•n P••••d to Tnboo “0Id and |•n•h IIrd• •r• 8•tI•fI•d Wlth tm WIII be tht Ch•ml•t In Charge of th•
Augtnta County R•cord•
WOM Varllty 10, I•••nd Tawdry Term '•Phy•I¤•I Outlook and Pr•dIet • Wlnnlng 0, Vial".- Pun Food Labora-
T••m 0. Colton. Qulmn. tory. ·
1_.A”_ w°” ` PRAISED FOR HI!
··——·· W MIN --— A PLE A T YEA
. I ___.,.,
The gIrl¤’ basket ball team has de- ,_ The Varsity Basket Ball squad has M vv hi v Ch thi W h th —-—--
as n on , , s ee , e
Volopod rapidly Into form, and lt looks Lan Snurdhy morning at h muh tlnhhed fall practice, and the outlooklhv hut Uhm; th v sn r mm been James Mastln, graduate of 1911, and
a ec
like another State championship title for • successful season ln 1914 ls ex- 8 y well known chemist of the pure food
will be added to the co-edu' string ms of the Kentucky Society of Phynl ceedlngly bright pam to one of our pmfeuom in being department of the Kentucky Experi-
' ` l J d L Ch lkl . I · I
2 Q The team hu improved wonderfully ul Edu°·u°¤’ tm I’I·¤·I·=·I mncwr °f The afternoon practice on the ar- :1;:: rgvse vy::“ hai   L20]: ment Station, has been called to the
· 0 n 0 s wor n e s o -
lll psning, and In Working the ball w°m°“· °t 8**** U¤IV°r*IYt· Mr'- R- mory door has drawn a. crowd of fans c I cl H Agricultural and Mechanical College
• asso a on.
lawn the floor, the Vanity ave is dis- L. Stout, was made president, Lien- every day, and it is the prevalent sen· hl mr l v b th I of Mississippi. to take charge of the
ee vo umes o eau u cov- ‘
' pl•yIng mid-season speed. The girls ann; June [And I- Lo vm tlment among the students that the pure food laboratory ln the state ex-
t · gem ms e' erlng the hlstorlcal records of the
ee hltilte their 1914 season January 9, yjca.p|-ugdgm, gnd Mtn Mgry Anna Blue and White flve wlll clean up when Counvy of Augusta! vhghm are com, perlment Station.
B In I game with the flve from Cntletts- Balm of Lexington, ·°cr°t·ry_ the schedule starts next month. h d hh th 'r d` v "Jlmmle" has been flatterlngly suc-
ew eacuacan careoa
burg High School on the Armory door. The Embry took a club to me num, Monday afternoon the Varsity took fn v r hi t 1 C Tv y cessful in the work of the pure food
as e s or an. iere are some
It Will BOCGBIHICG the resumption 0fI"Phy·|c·] (;u]gm·°_•· lnd [h|·g·tgngd on two sets of scrubs and plastered up v v r vv [ v v b f d of Kentucky. Last year he com-
ve neesn sores o e oun
practice Immediately after the hull- that lgnomnt lnd bucgwud scumon anlce score. ln the flrst half the score hvnlhi h gv l b h hn th pleted about two thousand six hun-
· s wor . o n ac o e
days, to get the Blue and White team who w°u|d um {L And gm- th.; was 35 to 2, and ln the last perlodl primeval history lov Fhhv hmd the be- dred food samples for the State. No
into condition. · muon the gouowgns yuohmon wu the count was 12 to 6. The flrsrghmhm and development Ohthp Old other chemist in his line of endeavor
`H0¤d•y afternoon, in • short ¤crlm· pulsed; . string men used were Preston, Park, Domi v Sv t I | b mmm ht has even approached this record. The
non e s ea .
l magelbetwnu the Varsity and the soc- ··B° it mmlyed unt the term ·phy,g. centers; Morgan, T. Zerfoss, C. Zer- Th h la] J H t d v Y ZH h general run of chemists finish from
escoar usan eac as
Av and team, the lrst row girls chslked cs] Calm"- be condemned n chnplfoss, forwards, Tuttle, Scott and ub v v of vi] r cms v Au ut six hundred to ten hundred samples
t · s rac s e ec o s a
‘ up 10 to 0. The forwards are still a W ‘ W Bcbraeder, guards. The class of work S er year.
° °“° °" °"’ ‘“° um °°"°" °' “° " County from 1745 to 1820 rtw work D
lltth ol In goal shooting, but the tosm perm ` displayed by the Varsity was all that ' His work wlll egin about January . ·
ply"- md ul 0m" eduuud M required four years of unceaslng toll
york ta exceptionally good.- 'The Var- be mpwuutyy pomgmaq- tu. mum. could b• d••Ir•d. m com lem _ lst. There Is s wide fleld for him ln `
1 mit) lined up: Min Heller, cdhter; [june the me of the obsolete wrm Itls too early to pick a probable Judg; Chhlhhw and vhs show prey Mississippi and he wlll be heard`of  '
Mines Hughu and . McGuire, for- ·phy,g“] Calm"'- lubsutuuus mem. line-up for the season. A number of mem Ov the Ivaughwn gv Amérvmn before another (`hrlstmas comes
wards; Mines McCbe¤ney (captain) gm- th, regulation and sumdnd tem, second string men have displayed R V hm W r the` umm; v th around.
. e o on, e e g a e
and Wood, guards. ·phy,|c,] ·p,·,tn|ng· or ·phy,;cu Educ,. good form and show promise of de- Capitol Chy banquet The Station will miss the young
Ou the second team the playing of tion" 0,- ·Gymm,_,mcs;- mts for the velopment when work sets ln after This is u worthy hud Signal honor wizzard. His many friends will feel
Misses Pence and Wills Was n0tiCB8.bI)'lr68_B0n8 offered by the authors ])ud]gy the holidays. I r our professor and the amd nts and keenly his absence, for he is an un-
o e
good. , W & Ke]]erin their book, ·Athjetjc Games The schedule is one of the hardest. Slam rejoice hl his growing rphhmi compromising worker and a veritable
for Women- and concurred in by all ever framed for a Blue and White H v I v d dm 4 good companion.
"*""”*"—"j' on or earn n an eru on.
DR T v graduate physical directors, to·wit,; [Gam. and 8 g00d string of 8UbBtltUt€B g HQ \\'0l‘k€(l severely hard to get 3
Q I UTH LLHTSSPQEESOL TEXT ‘lt would be a good thing lf the pri- will be fm l¤dl¤D€¥I¤¤bl€ ¤8¤€¥· C college degree. The lawn of this cam-
vate schools would abolish the use of ·+-‘—"L""'_ DUH ll? Il\0“'f·‘d- H? did <‘ll0r9$ and
T"' the term ‘l'hyslcal Culture' which has FARM SCHOOL INSTRUCTORS carried coal in his desperate struggle
Dr' Edward Tuthuk professor of ms. come to mean almost anything. CLOSE FALL cmcun- A Study Of pmuary °°“°" markm upward. Now that he is being honored
tory and political science ln the (ol- Them are Physical Culture Svstehhh conditions in Oklahoma by the Depart- to R hwrkgd and hhmul hosmmh we
lege of Arts and Science of the l’lll- restaurants and furniture., It is The hum School ihsvmcwrh hf {hh ment of Agriculture has inspired the of Slim, [·hi‘.t,rhm. nhhember llis mn
v8rSny' has signed a contract with pointed out by this society that every lazxttxuslou Uaparmlem of the l.;xw.l.i_ Smwmem that Umgre 'S um *1 Smglp and hardships and rejoice with one
one of the lame publishing houses to exercise offered ln a gymnasium ls nlent Station hum ended their full impormm Step °" process in the Emi"` another in his elevation to the dis-
Kdapi 0¤€ of Ul€lI` ¤€W high S€lI00l based upon medical principles. The work and returned at the end Of hist cotton handling and marketing scheme tihhuishhd hush
:;;:3 tzhthevauiesv 0: lzvemuokyv iu; l’|I5'¤Ii€9·‘ director does IIOI •¤¤vIaI¤ IIIIS week from a trip through l.awrencc. “;;mlvfm€Svn; Orig":] to a_Sl;€:ml (Intl ,
. . s s soecomaee .   ·r ·r·n  
· ‘ ·tl¤•¤<>ry to claws wr the Same reason Mason, noone, nant-ss, yiuttttmpct-ir, bl Hd ""` 9 " " ° "`° ° °"°` ` I
before the end of the winter. {that the hhyhchm wh hm hxhhhn his Hand r h hl ri vi h hm er dl Nv v ,'l`he lnvostigatiori cover the onttro LOUISVILLE CLUB GIVES DANCE.
— eso,1sa.,.‘c·lt..1_
__ Prlor to he signing of the contractlhrescvhmoh to 8 hmmm The grad vi I (mr and I H K lprocess ot` growing, selling and grad- r·—····
· · ‘ coun es. .e· es teions ta- ,. . . , . .
Professor Tuthm Sought and Obtained uate physical director is therefore not U i el 0 Oh I I. .[llIIl·T· und disclosed that the cotton Ihc Louisville tlub, which is one
( ons w we Y v i n s s, c·o>s. rm . , .
  approval Of lnresident llarker. b€' a teacher   u   expert. gr0“vinv.; hzlue e(.0ll0mi(" Jairvrilvvv v[X'{|_(l0 il] ()kl{[h()]]\u |'(-I(‘()g]\i[(Id |]() ot the largest HI btlllth <*ll(6'l`Ii\lllt;‘(l
·· ’ [ "' ' "'.. .. ·.. ‘ ·.l ‘ "l~ s.`·t‘z
lievlnglthat the State has a right to MHP h resolved that we endorse {hh houhhv mmhhv hmh Shhmhhhh hhh|?_r_ld, dlmtr ro"im.,.l pmjdjtvugi at ahohhvttvchhtintljtiizuiiihiidhh sivhhdrivy
the ful time of those yy hom lt cm Bamhhehts expressed ih u mvem hdh mul husbandry and farm muhdhhhhhhlvthou;.,h many thousand bales ot ht,.htt‘ v I I— l ` H v l I
ploys. especially ln the l'nlverslty, and _ _ _ grade are produced. It is found that >¢‘IIIFr‘<‘llIS ¤¢I\IllIlII‘ dlIT*‘I'•‘Ilhi IIII':`Ihv   hen lhhhhhhh `
tone y the proper author tes, n hhyhhhvl educators, the utwhuoh of thm at vvhlhhnsburgl Whitley hhhhvvl bales o. middlmg totton tailed tn dt. Y v I l v ·
advance. the public be dmvvh to {hh mm thm, ferent localites from seventy-tive ccnts \` » ‘·IlllI0II Mild Mrs.<·uI1wn. VI`- MIIINI
This recognition is very ent·ouruging,mud€vh Social dancing, so hailed ,fah(_y| "“‘""——'“""’_‘ to tlfty—t~l;ht dollars. The Galveston HI'IIIIII1l·it* iilld MIN- HI`IIIIIIII¢"- IIIIU “i‘I*
to the department. lt ls also gratlfy— dhhdhg, and the what are hl ho way NOTICE, YE AMATEUR ARTISTS. prit·t·s pro ;tppnrt·ntly ignored, Mary Fisher.
mg as jr had tm Orrgjn hg a reply to mhhhd ’h) the classic (hmhhlg of the .--.- I __ _______________ The dance was a success n ·»y‘~·r‘y
• - set of question Bubnlnted to Iirol g_yu]"a5]u“]_ Suyh g'y*[]B[S as [ggdgrg S°l°"‘ u topht Draw it during lh" MNAVAL HQLJDAY"   wu}. and [hp Iuuiny Friends of tht) duh
fessor Tuthlll by an unknown corre- Uuhcuh uhd Mhhu St Dems have dohh holidays. llraw lt well. \\'ork is com- __i______ are wry thanktul lor the dance.
°p°"d°m “°'““ N0 years “g°‘ much towards reviving an art dead for p€tm"€' Thme good drawings mm 'I`hc ltousc o1` ltt·pt·csctttatiws haul -—--.-—--—-
"‘1""‘__"’—‘ two thousand years. The classlc um ¤·¤I>IISI·~·I in me KHm'u°`mim’ lng thrt·sh•=dou thc natal holiday prop-l KIM AT PATT HALL
FACULTY ATHLETIC To MEET d _ V . _ _ _ means a Kentucklan to the artist. . . _ _ . _ __ _ _   _ ·
. ance ls an Ideal torm of exercise for ositton brought toiwattl by llepitsentm
_____ the hhdv and hi hs hu from uh wchh Drawings to be made In proportions to hhh !h_h_h_)._ huh hy h mw hr xl? h) hh Khh It Khrh-hl hhh h I hh-
A ggngrul []](gQ[||]g of [||€ [*`&i('\|l[)’ dallfillg {QB U18 Sturt! HYC fl`OU] thc b inches by 9 l"ChQS· T7- ullllnnrod or Hu. l`•"SUlu"“"l‘ “-hhlh dent ·wUI-k;Hg hid \\·`L· through ·u)
) I V . \ · * . A
Athletic Club will be held 'l‘hursday oarth. The classic dance of the an-I O' " ('b'RHAm)‘ Alt hdm"` calls Illloll I‘I‘¢*¤ldt‘III WIINIIII III I‘I>IIII*’I`· ,\hh_l.h_,`h (_hlh,h_, hm lh, h pm ‘{.‘ll
afternoon promptly at 3:30 o'cIock, at clents was held in reverence as a fine _ atc uith Winston t‘hurchill, l·‘irst whh hhhh hmhv Ihhhww hohdh hw
the office of Mr. llrumage, ln the gym- art on the level of other llne arts—-— has tt loftlness a melancholy dlgnlty l,ord ot` the llrltlsh Admiralty, to bring hhrhhhuv __hh_ `hv the vhhhh hhhhv
naslum bulldlng. palntlng poetry, music and sculptur- that lifts It hltth above ull other form about at suspcnslon of natal lmlldlmt Nm`, hhhev hh h_hh)l_oh»_ hhv huh
Matters of importance are to be lng. Its origin was sacred and today of the 'l`erpslchorcan art. Many phllo- programs for tt year. 'l`hc resolution V _ _ ,_
chase and spend your moncy. lntddy
taken up and every member of the its theme ls religious. The classic sophers have discussed the subject ln cypress as "thc sense or (‘ongrt·ss" hav hhhhv
faculty who ls interested In some fortnldance Is an Interpretation In rythmlc detail. namely l'lato, Arlstotal, Quhr that thc proposal would be the means `
• of exercise Is strongly urged to be posture of the thoughts, inspirations tllllan, Lucian and Acschylus audlof atolding the "wastc of investing ln Mw- or   K
present. and passions of the ltuman soul. It others." lwar matt·rla|." Pahovhu our Adverhunv
` I