
    Miinina Llaboratory.  Sewer connection will cost 4140.  Larger'
lamps heave been placed in a11 outlets.  Reflectors shoula be pro-
vided.    Estimated cost $60.   The general clearing up has been done
with the exception of the old piece of mine cribbing.

     Civril Entineering 3uildin .
     Exterior -painting estimate .      ........................ $431.00
     Interior painting estimate .zi.....................   216.oo
     Closing of doors in testing laboratory ....   .........  18.00
     Ceiling in south testing laboratory ....    ............ 115.00
                                  Total.      ................. 780.00

     All rubbish and used material has been removed.

     New Chemistrv Building.   Istinate on window trin refinishing
$86.00.   Plumbing to laboratory in basement is in bad shape and should
be renewved.   stL-_te.....................    a  .e           . 730.00

     Agricultural 13ii:liing.
        Roof repairing ovei' south entrance, estimated .... $ 8.00
        Leaded glass reenforoing ............................. 10.00
        Window sill filling and varnishing, 152 windows.       15200
                                       Total ..... 170.00

     Exneriment Station.   Boiler work done.

     In seOtary.
        Painting exterior and interior and resetting glass in
          putty ...                                    ..... $240.00

     Residence, '718 Rose Street.  No estimates reouired.

     Gas Engine Laboratorv.   Definite plan would have to be decided
on before estimate is made.

     Stock Zudg    Pavilion. Doors have been painted.    Bids are now
oalled for construction of sewer.   Toilet fixtures are ordered.
Total estimated cost $1,400.00.   Work being done at Dean Cooper's

     Brick Residence occupied by Mr. Martin;
        Painting estimate ............................. -       140.00
        Re-shingling, downspout and gutter repairs               18,00
                                         Total.....            158.00

     Brick Barn.   No repairs needed.

Abattoir.   Repairs suggested made.