
     Good Hlouse.  No re airs.

     Fruit Sortinc Rooms   General repairs and painting $180.00.

     Sheep Barn.   No repairs.

     Mlain Poultry ?uilding
        New Chimney .$ 35.00
        Cleaning of cesspool ............................    20.00
        Outside toilet frost proof connected with
          cesspool..............................         .   85.00

     Brooder souse.
        Painting ..................... ...............       72.oo

     Repairs and cleraning up of rubbish around and in farm buildings
will be taken care of by the men employed at the farm.    Some of it
has been done.

     The total estimated cost for carrying out the suggestions of
the Board are:
     For University bui  Rings ... $14,741.00
     For farm buildings               .      .      .        7,822.00
                                        Total ........      22,5 3.00

                                    A. 0. 7rhipple

                                    Superintendent of Buildings
                                       and Grounds.

     (ic) Res.irjations.  President MoVey reported to the Committee
the following resignations, which on motion duly seconded, were
accepted :

     Resignation of Miss Georgia Beck, clerk in the department of
entomology and botany, Experiment Station, effective September 25, 1920.

     C. B. Nuckolls, colored county agent, Carroll County, effective
August 31, 1920.

     C. U. Jett, agent in farm management, effective September 25, 1920.

     B. I. Bartlett, superintendent of the poultry farm, effective
November 1, 1920.   Re resigns to engage in commercial poultry enter-