
     J. C. Grimes, instructor in animal husbandry, effective Sep-
tember 18, 1920.   He resigns to accept the henad of the department
of animal husbandry in the Alabama Polytechnic Institute.

     Oscar Rice, field agent in club work in Pike and Ploys Counties,
ef fective August 31, 1920.

     John Furst Adams, assistant county agent, Mason County, ef-      -
fective September 15, 1920.

     (11) Appointments and Transfers.   President MoVey presented
to the Cornnittee for confirmation the following appointments, which
on motion, duly seconded, were approved by the Committee:

     Appointment of Miss Lelah Gault to the Fleisohrnann scholar-
ship at a salary of $100 a month to continue indefinitely under
the provisions of the scholarship.

     Appointment of Miss Anne Gormley as clerk in the Business
Office, on a half time basis, at a salary of $450 a month, effective
October 1, 1920, with the provisions that Miss Mary C. Gormley,
who has been for sometime a clerk in the Business Office, may con-
tinue on half pay.       arrangement is made to enable the two
girls to register as students in the University.

     Transfer of Miss Bettie Roser, clerk in the creamery license
Section to the department of farm economics, markets section, ef-
fective October 1, 1920, and her salary is increased from $65 to
$75 a month, to be paid from extension funds.

     Appointment of H. G. Sellards as student assistant in baoter-
iology at a salary of $250 a year.

     Appointment of Miss Elizabeth Park as stenographer in the De-
partment of University Extension, effective September 27, 1920, at
a salary of $75 a month.

     Appointment of Mr. C. L. Short as student assistant in physical
education at a salary of $20 a month, effective September 20, 1920.

     Appointment of Mr. George Gregory as student assistant in
Botlnby at a salary of $30Q for the year.

     Appointment of Mr. J. H. Atkinson as student assistant in
Bacteriology at a salary of $200 for the year.

     Appointment of Mr. Lafayette Herring as student assistant in
Geology at a salary of $20 a month.