Best Copy

lng band sponsors, mingled and moved as one
body across the snow-swefield.
Not uncommon was the spectacle throughout
player assisting n
the game of on orange-la- d
fallen opponent to his feet nnd patting him on
the shoulder. Always, every move on the part
of the opposing players exemplified in every way
that unparalleled courtesy nnd chivalry which
characterizes the traditional Southern Gentleman and which is the desired aim of the Southern Conference.
Never has there been shown n finer, cleaner
spirit of true sportmanshtp, and though throughout the cold, dreary days to come, the white
caressing hand of winter's snows ns they fall and
melt arid fall again in nn unceasing round, may,
obliterate all traces of struggle, there will always
remain in the hearts of those who witnessed,
this manly spectacle, the memory of that
splendid spirit of sportsmanship which exists
between the two teams. Let us hope that it will
continue to stand out, ti monument to all that
Is clean and fine nnd wholesome in nthlctlcs of
the South.

The Kentucky Kernel
The Kentucky Kernel is the official newspaper
of the students of the University of Kentucky.
Published every Friday throughout the
college yenr by the students of the University.
Subscription One Dollar nnd Fifty Cents n Year.
Five Cents a Copy. Entered at Lexington
Postofficc as second class mall matter.




Managing Editor


Asst. Man. Editor

Margaret Cundlff
Bcrnlce Byland
Kathryn McWlltlams
News Editor
Asst. News Editor
Society Editor
Margaret Trcacy
Lillian Combs
Sports Editor
Eleanor Swearingen
Maude Van Busktrk


Special Feature Writer


Mary Lou Rcnaker
Emily Hardin
Virginia Dougherty
Louise Thompson
Louise Schmltt
Hazel Baucom
Betty Huelctt
Ellen Mlnnlhan
Edythe Reynolds
Harriett .Drury
Virginia Hatcher
Edna Smith
Hannah Kaplan
Dorothy Ooohnm
Betty Rodes
Joan Carrigan
Dorothy Carr
Hebecca Edwards
Virginia Schaeffcr
Business Manager
COLEMAN SMITH .... Asst. Business Manager
Advertising Manager
James Salyers
Earl Surgener
Lola Combs
Al Klkel
John E. Roberston
George Heffner
P. W. ORDWAY ........ Circulation Manager
ROBERT McVEY . . . Asst. Circulation Manager



As women entered fields of work, formerly occupied by men, the career of n Journalist was
chosen by many. That the nation might have
news of the world during the war, women first
did their greatest work in this field, taking up
where the men had dropped their endeavors,
and learning bit by bit this fascinating profession.
When the men returned to their work, n great
part of the women remained to make a place
for themselves In the newspaper world. They
have succeeded in their effort, and today stand
side, by side with the best known men in this
sphere. Faced with the problem of making their
efforts worth a great deal or abandoning the
work altogether, they have accomplished much.
In every phase of Journalistic work, women
arc coming into prominence. As reporters, they
have not only developed an ability to present
the news as it should be presented, but they have
been able many times to aid in bringing to light
Important knowledge.
As editors they employ sound judgment and
much common sense in the managing of affairs.
As mechancial operators, they are thorough, and
capable. In various departments, which are
comparatively new to the newspaper world, they
have developed useful phases of journalistic
As a profession, journalism is well adapted to
the ability of women the world over, and is fast
being entered by them. Women will continue
to rise as they have recently done, until they
will stand at the very top.

A CampHS Beautiful
University Expansion
Dissemination of University News to Kentucky
Strict Observance of Laws and
Better Scholarship


For the past week sixteen young ladies, mem- -'
bers of the local chapter of Theta Sigma Phi,
.honorary professional Journalistic fraternity for
women, have been writing stories, reading copy,
. head-linin- g,
in order that this
and proof-readiissue of the Kernel might come to you from their
hands. In this work they have been assisted by
several young ladles who are prominent In Journalism on the campus, and who were asked to
help with this special edition.
Chi chapter of Theta Sigma Phi was installed
at the University in 1920, and since that time the
members, individually and collectively, have be
come outstanding in Journalistic achievements.
Miss Mary Gorey, an alumna of Chi chapter,
who has been ah assistant society writer on the
Cincinnati Enquirer since her graduation from
the University, has recently been elected presi
dent of the Ohio Press Association. Miss Leida
Keyes, of the Class of "29, has organized and is
the faculty advisor of a student publication in
her school. Miss Helen King, who is now connected with the Publicity Bureau, is one of the
most capable women journalists in this part of
the country, and Theta Sigma Phi is proud to
claim her as one of their own. Miss Martha
who was graduated last year, is em
, Minnlhan,
ployed by the Lexington Herald, as Is Miss Jessie
Marie Sun.
Theta Sigma Phi is composed of a group of
energetic, ambitious young women, who are
striving toward the highest goals in the field pf
journalism, and in this their tenth annual
tempt at the publication of the Kentucky Kernel
they have put forth their best efforts, and sincerely hope that they have not been made in



Mortar Board is to be commended upon the
efforts it Is making to interest the girls of the
university in the different fields of work that
are now open to women. A very attractive
bulletin board In the shape of the pin of that
organization has been, placed in the Adminstra-tio- n
building and each week there are different
articles placed on the board. These are clipped
from publications and. Include stories of women
active in various fields, the achievements made
by such women, and also articles of general interest to women.
Mortar Board was founded at Syracuse, New
York in 1918, andtwo years later the chapter
on the University campus was installed. It is
for senior women only and has high requireI
ments for membership, one being that no one
is eligible for membership unless she Is already
a member of the honorary fraternity of the de
partment In which she Is taking her major or
minor work. In this way the members are the
true leaders of the campus, as well as being
scholastic leaders.
Personal work is another field ol activity
carried on by the local chapter, and many of
the new girls on the campus are helped by this
With all the radiant glory and gleaming work each year. Mortar Board girls help with
promise of Jason's fabulous Golden Fleece, a Freshman Week each fall and It is through their
gridiron favorites efforts that the freshmen girls are made to feel
seething tide of orange-cla- d
ranks of sunny Tennessee, at home and are directed about the campus to
'from the well-keswept like a gilded cloud on Thanksgiving day, the various meetings held for them.
territory and hoverinto Kentucky's snow-lade- n
These girls deserve much credit for the work
ed for a few brief, tense hours within the pro- that they do, of which the student body is not
tecting shadows of McLaln stadium on Ken- often aware.
tucky's athletic battle ground, Stoll field. There,
before a thronging multitude of approximately
twenty thousand Kentucky and Tennessee students, townspeople, football fans, and "old
Industry is pervading the sacred precincts of
grads," the scales of victory weighed the fate of Carnegie Tech. An annual dollar day has been
the University of Kentucky Wildcats and that established to provide for an endowment fund
Tennessee Volunteers In the or something to that effect. It won't be long
of. undefeated
balance and found the visitors wanting.
now until some ten cent store moves to the
Truly, according to the adage, "it is always campus to sell Xmas toys.
lair weather when good fellows get together," alSeniors at Northwestern University are carrythough the north wind romped In merciless icy
blasts through the overflowing bleachers and ing canes as the class symbol. Quite appropriate
flung the driving snow in great white veils about as a symbol, but not so distinctive as a Swedish
the anxious throng of breathless spectators, the maden with one of those warm fur coats.
warmth of their enthusiasm and loyalty reWomen of the Western hemisphere are said
mained undaunted and undiminished by the
to be rapidly attaining an equal status with the
stinging cold.
men, but then co-eare not made of half
For Kentucky, the moral victory of tills
"million dollar" game with Tennessee, spheres if the eyes are to be believed.
marks the final, crowning glory of one of her
most brilliant football seasons In her history. Of
eight games played, six were won, one lost, and
one tied. This unusual record once more places
Kentucky back in the position where she rightA SILKEN SCARF
fully belongs, amid the glittering heights that
The way Conchlta wears a scarf
surround the shining pinnacle of athletic suAbout her silken hips
premacy, incidentally it makes the hearts of
The while she dances, playing with
loyal supporters beat proudly with the hope that
A rose between her lips
in the near future, Kentucky may capture that
Brings back a dream of Seville,
much-covetprize the championship of the
Southern Conference.
I hear an old love song
and fairly won,
Although victory,
A lover sang, the while his heart
is always to be desired, the glory of achieveWith music went along.
ment in this particular instance Is somewhat
tinged with regret on the part of most of us that
The way Conchlta smiles at me
it happened to be (lie valiant sons of Tennessee
And stamps her crimson heels,
who constituted the ranks of the vanquished foe,
Reminds me of fandangoes I
for the tie of the final scores in the Tennessee-Kentuck- y
Once danced about me
conflict, is also the tie which binds
the hearts of the two universities together in an
And old, old, melody I strummed
enduring link of comradeship and good will.
Beneath a balcony
In a contest in which victory meant, for both
When scarlet lips smiled down on me
of the participants, the final crown of laurels
And whispered tenderly.
at the close of a fruitful harvest, the blue and
the gray, led by two of the South's most charm- -




u JUL cl

when the opportunity presents itself, but adopt one or the other for
the majority of the time.
The second phase of the nttack
results In the breaking of men. In
rcqular sequence. The spotted or
outlet forward breaks first, followed
by the other forward, the center nnd
cither guard, If two guards arc used
ns offensive men. This makes for
good defensive balance as well, because you have two men behind the
ball and three ahead.
The third phase of the nttack is
the rebound positions nssumcd by
the offensive team nftcr n shot has
been taken. The forwards nre at
cither side of the basket, the center
in the middle directly in front of
the basket, and the guards behind
the center nbout 15 feet or more, nnd
in n line. This placing of men
COACH affords the nbovc.' defensive balance
referred to
(Next Week: "The Lonjr Pass
opportunities to score but rely upon System.)
the theory that they can make a
greater percentage successful by us"Do you take this women til
ing a
death do you part?" demanded the
Tlils type is used in the side line, parson.
criss-cros- s,
nnd long-sh"Don't I get nny time off for good
teams make provisions behavior?' retorted the groom, cruelfor the employment of both types ly. The American Legion Weekly.


Strollers, an organization with no little dramn-tl- c
background, year nftcr year have added
laurels to the name of the University In all parts
of the state. Early struggles and disappointments have proved beneficial, for the wandering
players have profited by their mistakes until today they find themselves the outstanding collegiate dramatic club of Kentucky and we
might well extend that territory.
The Idea of a musical play Is not new to Strollers, for they attempted such nn undertaking
more than ten years ago, but met with such
forceful opposition from University nuthorltlcs
that the Idea was abandoned. Not until the fall
of this year was the plan of producing two plays,
one of them to be nn original musical comedy
written, played, nnd produced by n member of
the organization, Frank Davidson, nnd other
University students, admitted to be feasible.
A tremendous amount of work Is ncccssaTy to
(Editor's Note: This is the first of a
make this undertaking the success that we feel
scries of articles, one of which
confident it will be, and applause and support
will appear in the Kernel each
for "Local Color" should express the attitude of
the student body towards the production.
Keep on strolling forward, Strollers
In the series of articles to follow,
I will assume that all of us knov
nre trie real
that fundamentals
basis of nil successful offenses and
When n thing is done well, It is our privilege defenses, and discuss briefly the
to commend It. So, vt.e wish to congratulate Su- -' various systems used.
Ky on their gracious attitude of hopitallty,
In both offense and defense, the
which they displayed to the visitors here on team organization calls for unified
nlavlne habits. When we watch a
Homecoming day.
game from the sidelines we fail to
Original and hearty was the welcome which notice that every man on the team
they extended to the Tcnnesee visitors, whose shoots, passes, pivots, and dribbles
In similar
train they met at seven o'clock Thanksgiving the aresult of manner and that tnis is
hard drill and practice.
Without these unified habits, team
was the greeting which they play would be imposible and with
Bigger and better
sponsored through the various fraternity and this in mind the coach must adopt
the type he will use and make It
sorority houses. The visitors were easily able the foundation of his system.
way to the school, feeling that true
to locate the
During the course of a season we
Southern geniality was t displayed by the see many teams, all using different
were extended to tVDes of attack and most of us fail
heterogeneous 'fHello's" which
them from the exterior of the houses; and the to realize the technique employed in
their execution. Regardless of the
display windows of the Lexington shops, as well. system used, there are three main
Thennessee-Kentuckgame has always been phases that every team must employ
an outstanding event and one that creates en- to be successful.
phase, known as the
thusiasm, not only among the students of both break, first
starts when the defensive
universities, but also among the citizens who team recovers the ball by intercep
look forward to the time Tennessee plays Ken- tion or recovery from the back
board. The break can be either a
tucky on Stoll field.
fast or slow one, depending on the
circle the entire student body type of system used. If the fast
To the Su-K- y
votes a round of thanks for excellent display of break is employed, the ball is passschool spirit which they called forth. And to ed at once to an outlet forward, who
on the sidelines
the fraternities and sororities, and the business is spotted He in turn either for this
men of Lexington, congratulations and a deep or passes toward his own goal. The
appreciation are due for their splendid coopera- idea behind this method is to get
tion, which helped to make this Homecoming to the goal as soon as possible, or
one of the most successful In the history of the before the defense ins a chance to
organize. This iype of play is used
ofand long-pain the three-lan- e
fense, and is used extensively in
high schools. The slow break phase
is used when no opportunity is af
forded for the fa3t break; that is,
when the defense is set and well
organized. This will be the case
According to Dr. Adam Leroy Jones, director against
teams which
of admission for Columbia University, the rush always maintain good defensive
world war is tak- balance while on offense. Teams
to enter college following the
ing a downward trend. His annual report re- using this type of play secure fewer
cently issued indicated the sloWlngf'down process
to be absolutely alarming, in view of the fact
that last year's Increase In college attendance
is only 2 per cent.
This slight increase applies to 216 colleges in
the approved list of the Association of American
Universities; however, it includes the stronger
institutions in the country.
It may also be noted that this retardation has
no special geographical limits, since reports show
that In 22 states, last year, there were fewer college and university students than In previous
years. In those Institutions with more than 300
students in the Intervening groups, the propor
tion with decreased enrollment Is smaller as one
proceeds from the smaller to the larger Institutions.
Perhaps we may attribute this to the fact that
students are prone to prefer larger institutions
to smaller ones for the reason that larger insti
tutions are supposed to be more progressive, and
on the whole are likely to offer broader fields or
study, nnd often more highly specialized courses
nre offered.
However, regarding the decline in enrollment
from the viewpoint of colleges in general, we
must consider that restrictions on immigration
are bringing much fewer prospective college students to this country: also that American growth
of population Is much smaller than' It was five
years ago. Hence, enrollment Is likely to fall
still more in the next decade, unless values or
attractions of college training become more
widely emphatic than they are at present.
Although it is not the consensus of opinion,
some people entertain the idea that college
training Is merejy a means of postponing work
for four years, and if the student has the in
tentlon of entering tl;e business world and not
engaging In professional enterprise, he does not
deem a college education essential. Though in
some fields college degrees are required, It does
not hold that all value it as necessarily conducive to better accomplishments.
It seems evident that any general high rate
of growth in the future must depend upon the
feeling that college training is a valuable asset,
and it is our opinion that not until then will
In the telephone business,
attendance in higher schools of learning take
an upward trend.
manufacturing engineer and









a new Paul Whitcman record that's a real smash.
the King of Jazz sets the pace for the

08 always,

finest in modern dance music.
If you pride yourself on knowing the smartest and latest
dance arrangements, you must hear these two great talkie
hits played by this master bandsman.
And these others arc worthwhile, too

Record No.




a Dreamer Arent We All? (from

Talking Picture Production "Sunny I
Side Up")
I Paul Whiteman
If I Had a Talking Picture of You I
(from Talking Picture Production t jjjs Orchestra
"Sunny Side Up")
Record No. 2012-D- ,
Motion Picture wiiyLave Home )
Lee Morse
If I Cant Have You (If You Can't
and Her
Have Me) from Motion Picture "FootBlue Grass Boys
lights and Fools")
Record No. 2005-D- , KMncA, 75c
With You With Me (from Motion Fox Trots
Picture Production "Tanned Legs") f Merle Johnston
and Mis
Ymi'RE Responsible! c from Motion t
Picture Production "Tanned Legs") ) Ceco Couriers




Viva tonsil Recording "The Records without Scratch




Winning the war against weather

Following are the notes of a student who has
seemingly learned to apply the advantageous
system of using "catch words" in taking history
Paul I
Half cracked; put in cooler in 1801; no results
during reign except four sons.
Alexander I
Able and brilliant; had imperial "it."
Nicholas I
Opposite in character to Alexander; didn't
give a damn what people thought; lost the Crimean war and soon croaked.
Alexander II
Hot stuff but was killed by a nihilist's "pine
The Emory Wheel.

research man,


supervisor are carrying on a successful
war against the unruly elements, enemies

to service.
Cable, for example, housing many cir- cuits and covered with protective coatings

of proved strength, withstands storms which
might seriously threaten open wire lines.
Thus, in the Hell System growth is intensive as well as extensive, improving
present facilities as well as adding new
ones. .And there is no end to all this



jyitem of








