2 < .. i{·
E 5 I Q
5 .
ultra-violet lamps. Vita glass is used on some of ature) was coined. Effective temperature exe-  
` the rooms to obtain the maximum of ultra-violet ·presses a relation between the dry and wet bulb 3%
light from the sun. temperature and is the essential factor in the   .
nl to Some rooms give one the impression of a beau- comfort zone. The dry and wet bulb tempera- I
tiful conservatory. Flowering plants of a hundred ture combinations roducin in human beings the i
g .
different varieties are in evidence: roses, camel- same sensations of comfort fall on the same ef- I
lias, gardenias, chrysanthemums, eaetus, prim- fective line diagram superimposed on the psy- . g i
roses, and snapdragons, and countless varieties chrometic chart. The effective temperature con- .  
H Open which, with my limited botanical knowledge, I ception has been universally accepted by the air {
cheery eould not recognize. conditioning engineers the world over. · I .  
B from The Laboratory is also stocked with a minature "The advances made in the field of ventilation _  
hmond Zoo; 16 monkeys of different sizes and breeds; during the last decade have been marvelous F-    
,(mtI,O_ 52 birds, including cockatoos, parrots, and other The future application of processes making it ·   2
H Sub_ varieties with vivid plumage and coloring; spin- possible to put in any building, no matter how ex- I ' Q
[ade in _ 4 _   . . ,_ . _ , .,._,,,..,_._g»; i,,_,.·—,, ,..,_,,-·.··f;-,_fe,a_ _—, »·  -·-,v,..i,;.»,;.i;;;:_,;»;. q;;,j_;..'>i·;,; ·_.·_·'•»·, .a_·•,·s»2.;-.,.    »—   ·.    
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obtain- ning mice in countless numbers are whirling tensive in area or how tall, clean (effective tem- .
potent madly in their cages; dogs and cats, and, of ])€1’2`ttLl1`€)'Zll1` is in. all probability far beyond
HOW course, Jerry, who endures the new order of man’s ability to predict. I
stincts things with bored indifference. "Notwithstand1ng all these advances made lll
"Well, what is it all about ?" I inquired. · . the realms of heating, ventilatmg, air cleaning, V _
iope to “During the years 1921-1922 YOU will 1'€€€lll I and in fact in the whole field of air conditioning, _
was Director of the Research Laboratory of the the human mortality curve still seems to express i
mt my American Society of Heating and Ventilating One Or the fixed lavvg Of Oui- exigtjeneg on this  
Engineers at Pittsburg. Our inVestig21i0l`S at planet. It goes up in winter when we live largely _ §
,€l_COn_ the Laboratory demonstrated the existienee and indoors, and down in the summer months, year ·` j
keying determined the boundaries of the comfort Zone lll after year, in spite of our best efforts to prevent V; i
R glass atmosphere. it- - I
itioned "The comfort line was first established. The Engineering Accepts the Challenge ‘
quartz 00infort zone was an arbitrary path on each side "For this reason we haxlge gstablisxed ?`i)I