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.     —`'`;’  
L xsnrucxy ALUMNUS 7    Ei 
mma], plated. The character and value of artificial in excess of the desirable physiological dosage.   ‘  it   V
S, any light-and energy-—producing devices is one of "While we will pnobably work out many defi-   i t A
{mom 1 y the very definite approaches of the J ohnstoln nite problems in the best air conditions for plants Q     2
he 1.€_ g Solar Laboratory? and animals, I am rather inclined to the belief       _
m im_ "The engineer is striving to eventually have that the greatest value of this Laboratory will     lift   l
ideal living environments indoors no matter what be in compiling and adding to tha maagra data {       — I
OHS in the vagaries outdoors be. The engineer Wants on these subjects available at the present time.      ix l
"For instance", the Dean continued as we ·  *>   L  2
ab°m' walked through the Laboratory, "here is a bed of _   _»_: i.      
1`at¤1‘€   _ · snapdragons on this side. On the other side   E  i  
tions."   ’ll?   chrysanthemums. They are both in the same I   j ` ~  Q
ly com   ···  ’ i;i{ZF  room, maintained at the same temperature and ,     2  
Solar     humidity. We can flood half of the beds with A     p `  A  
  ultra-violet light and grow the other half in       _  ?
 _     normal sunlight conditions through ordinary         it 3
_. 1 · " glass. `     ` 2 ¥€ E  
l I     "We can vary the amount of ultra-violet; _we I   -   l gi
can change the temperature conditions, and as ;   1.  Y ·
.   \ j _ our experiments and our air conditions are care- l I y   A  
.1 ` A fully recorded, the results in the course of time ~    Q; I Q
I _ a are bound to be of great value. I l _ _   ; 
  "Not only do we control accurately the temper-   I .
I  » a ature and humidity of the air, and the quantity .   . .
» " ’ ` of ultra-violet light, but our air supply is also i  I  
P _ Percy H. Johnston, who Endowed the Laboratory washed and fi]i;g];·gd_ _ . ;·  at °
, humanity to not only revel in the ‘comfort zone’ uwhat (jects can We produce ut thm r°Om’ for      -:
A of atmosphere but he wants man to be able to exampkh wlth abéolutety Clean am .3‘ measured _'     * 
bask in the splendor of old Sol transformed as amount of u1tm`Y1(?l€t hgh€’_:°md Uptlmllm temp`   gf ii  ; Q
1 his moods dictate. erature and humidity conditions on animals ?· 1,2   I
"Mark Twain pertinently remarked that every- “M°nk€yS’_3‘S you knOW’ are (tune Susgeptlblc il A    °
body seemed to be talking about the weather but to tuberculosm We are consldermg devotmg one I I     ¢
no one seemed to be doing anything about it. It {   i
 _ is the purpose of the Johnston Solar Laboratory       . _    .
_ p to do something about it."           Q.  _ 
E I The personnel of the Johnston Solar Labora-   ,‘_   F s   ` i_‘r `   `  
N . tory at present is as follows:     ‘»$i.         _  
F. Paul Anderson, Director. gl  `  ii   L     ~ V . .   ~g`·  
, Lester S. O’Banion, Research Head in Charge     .'`i ig`; ff  V, i ii?. 
of Heating and Air Conditioning. ‘    _»       _; 
ii The following are the laboratory observers and     __ ` ·` “    
assistants: R. C. Porter, J. W. May, Cyrus Poole,  `°   __ ‘ 5 fl  -i
T. A. Kendall, I. G. Watkins, J . Y. Peck, Clarence g    
vm ab Flynn, and J. H. Rice. ·_   { ‘    
, OT in `. What is your program? I asked. n   e _Y ‘ _1
life Of I "The Laboratory has only recently been com-   ; . _    
pleted, and our program is still under consider- ·· ` {   ,.
able to A ation Our expéiimenlal rooms are S0 equipped L. S. O’Banion, Research Head of the Laboratory E   ‘
are in- » that we can maintain any temperature or hu- I  at  1
coupled i Ullellty at our desire, irrespective of weather con- of the rooms to the treatment of some monkeys - Al l 1
my aC_   dltlons outdoors. We can vary the air motion at that have acquired pulmonary tuberculosis. There  
f€_ )1_0_ I will. We can darken the rooms or flood them is good reason to believe that the beneficial ef-   - 
I with sunlight, including or exclud1ng to a great fects of outdoor treatment for tuberculosis pa- gi,  ; 
he im_ j extent the ultra-vioet rays. We can reduce the tients in the mountains or pine woods is a matter I V    ;g  
Ogmm.  » ultra—violet to a point comparable to that mam- of clean air, free from dust, far from the c1t1es, fj  
mission _ tained in indoor life today during the winter asjvell as of invigorating outdooi air. U . ` *   .   
Ont€m_ Season or we can increase It to a quantity much Here we can produce these C011d1t1011b @011- V it      r 
,*:4;,; ' Ilhlrh ri'].;-V`, I- " '*"’ . »· ·n,,?`