· { 5;%   S
 , it all   tinuously at will. Who knows, perhaps the air perature-sensitive element in order to cause the
  Q   conditioning engineer will point the way for the thermostat to respond more quickly to changes
A _     { cure or prevention of the White plague-and in the temperature of the room air and to min-
  ‘   other infectious and allergic diseases—as he has imize the effect of the direct rays of the sun.
T   T ’ already pointed the way to greater comfort and Two mercury-in-glass theremometers are mount-
i T f Q health indoors." ed on the same·bracket to which the thermostat .
 {   { A {   More povver to yoni. atm, Says L Amen is fastened so that the bulbs of the thermometers
    % l Mechanical Equipment of the Percy H. Johnston are m the as St1€am° Om thelmometer guies
. t o l the dry bulb temperature and the other is equip-
  t   = Solar Laboratory , . . . .
= i _ _ ._ i ped with a wetting device to indicate the wet
§ : { , Heat for the Johnston Solar Labor atoiy is sup- .
F · { g . _ . -i _ bulb temperature. The assembly IS mounted on
i l { plied by three low pressuie steam heating boi els. R pedestal SO that it may be moved Conveniently
`A A     2;;; giezhe 'iflegigggri”ff;;$uf;‘dpf;;g?t;€Q£; and situated most favorably with respect to {
_   { { ` Lrri · . ‘ `- . . .
[   i A boilers is valved so that the boilers may be ope- tempelatilic Condmons m the mom' L
    l rated Singiy, in pairs Oi ai on at the Sm time. t hi rtldltler to tliiidhgg riff jeg ijgjsm ss-
? . E   " i The fuel combustion rate is regulated by the €m5’ Ea IS Supp _ B g ,n SjB_1O9m
1 i · { . - _ by means of warm air from the a1r—cond1t1on1ng
1  » { l rise and fall of steam pressure at the bo1le1 s. _ . .
_ { { _   The principal medium for heating the Scvémi unit. The temperature of the air leaving the
, L     { _ s compartments, Or greenhouse moms, Of the Soial, air conditioner is thermostatically controlled ac-
V  * j l ‘ cordmg to the lowest temperature required in
    ` T A ‘   ··~”:;·~       t ’    s   ·· ` s l i any single room. A booster heater, using steam,
 T { ‘ A       l  lij"i§““"‘.i?‘ mit *?“‘“°F. f“`§ZJ° '”“hii"°’“`  
_ ; r » ,.,4;  { _r ____   { !.{Ic,._{,w   c.  T IS eater is un 91 con ro o e room {erm- { 
1 · { { b` ‘~.     ct. ··          ostat and supplies additional heat as required.
T   l j  { ,. ff {  _.  *     Ventilation is obtained either naturally by
  A   i  °‘ “  { V    ` ,,e_ no ii . { tj manual operation of the ventilating sash form-
{   { -       of {       ing a part of the greenhouse structure or by
_   j '_- ° .   j  `__      i e  `,i.   forced circulation by means of the air condition-
T A " · il         er. Any proportion or recirculated air or new
—   { i"`“”*_‘f       j ·=   air may be obtained by operating mixing damp- i
{ . { A `     _   *   l °   ers located at the air inlet inside of the unit. ·
·     nf _     An amonia compressor refrigerating machine
  Z _     ».   ,   coupled to an expansion coil in a cooling tank
i? T   by { ` . “ A   A  ’ ·   furnishes the necessary refrigeration for a cold
  zi T T  v__j[__,_  on __,_ __  *.,,   — i ,   water supply for the air conditioneri The cold
; n Part of the Mechanical Equipment Below the Laboratory Water IS ;L§lph€d tto th; mr tcoigldltlonir bg i
{ c { _ _ pump, an e wa er re urns o' e coo mg an ’
  { { laboratory is hotlwater. The water IS heated {by by g1·avity_ Make-up water is supplied at room  `
~ {Q { i steam 1n two diiferent heaters. A circulating tenineiiatnie The quantity of cold Wvater en_
  { pump is used for forcing the hot water through teting the Sni»ey_nnnin Suction chenihei. is de_
ig { { ’ the radiators under the greenhouse benches. The teiniined by the operation of o deW_noint
{   in hot water radiation is controlled by hand 0199- thermostat on a diaphragm valve in the cold _
{ { {   rated valves on each radiator. The hot water Wetei. Supply nine
if system IS {“`mngf’d to Opeliate by gravity tow The dew-point thermostat is regulated to se-
`   wher the Clrculatmg pump IS not On- cure the minimum humidity desired in any par-
V   Each g1‘€€¤h0US€ €01T1lJH1’tm€h’t h3S QUE €?lSlJ ticular compartment under control. Additional _
 {   lI'OI'1 I`3.dl3.lZOl.` h€3.lZ9(l dl1`€ClZly by SlZ€2l.I'Il.   yngjstuyg jg Suppigd tg gach yggm Sgpgratgly by .
 { i -, steam HOW to this radiator is €0htF0H€d by ft means of air—operated atomizing spray nozzles r
Z   ~ motor valve which in turn is controlled by the located at the heads of the warm air stacks. In _
 _ · room thermostat- The hot Water radiators are each reem an electrically operated humidity cen-
i T { hard €0h'¤I`0h€d to S€@u1‘€ tl 1`€Y01h t€mD€1`3tU1`€ troller operates a solenoid valve in the air line to »
{ l { l the thermostatically controlled steam radiator the Spray ngzzlg and yggulatgs the yeietjve hu-
{ I . operates on and off to maintain the desired tem- mjdjty at the dggiygd pe1~eeni;age_
_; { in * i P€1`3t¤I'€· The Annual Man Hunt
{ ‘   { The room thermostat is mounted on the suc- A very favorable index of the stability of bus-
{T  · {' " " l tion side of a small motor driven fan so that a iness is the increased number of representatives
 _ j ` _ continuous stream of air is drawn by the tem- (Continued on Page Twenty-one) {
{ l l;_ T
_- Q i. — ,
ll ,
IV   A.  ~  l" _ __> . .. . _     _ _ _ _ ·· V ·».i.:,»”` `'‘'4     7