
dicating a tolerably genuine brand of the wine of truth
and soberness-we have the right to ask-that is to say,
if we were speaking seriously and not facetiously, we
should have the right to ask-why that in the editor of
the Courier-Journal, a rather old hand at the bellows,
and therefore so reasonably familiar with the world at
large and its passing events as to be hardly capable of
surprise at anything, should be pictured as effervescence,
which in Mr. Carnegie, Dr. Hale, and Professor
Peabody-men of scholarship and business, who have
had scant opportunity to attain a knowledge of the
wickedness and frivolity of the times they have lived in
  should be heralded as the Ultima Thule of delibera-
tion and wisdom
  The matter respecting the Smart Set, the Four Hun-
dred, to which our Pittsburg contemporary goes out of
its way to refer, appeared in the Courier-Journal nearly
a year ago. It was germane to a dreadful, heart-break-
ing tragedy at Newport. Knowing the parties and the
facts, we drew the line if not at murder, at least at sui-
cide. Having said what seemed needful to be said, we
passed to other scenes and other events. The journal-
ist, like the actor, is a creature of the moment, the
merest abstract and brief chronicle of the time, who,
dying, leaves no copy. The editor of the Courier-Jour-
nal is not a crusader; he is a journalist, instinct with
the sense of life, and the reflection of its currencies, per-
haps a little instinct with the love of truth, assuredly
not, as the career of the Courier-Journal will show, a
lover of strife, or sensations. He was born in what is
called society and grew up in it at Washington and New
York, living in it somewhat later on in London and in
Paris and even-he has no reason to blush for admitting
it-at Newport. All that he said in what he wrote of
the Remington tragedy he personally knew to be true.
Every word of it has been more than vindicated by suc-