L .
· The Departments of Study comprise the following :
  Mathematics. e
{  Physics and Astronomy.
, Chemistry, Inorganic, Organic and Applied.
A Mental and Moral Philosophy. c
 = Civil History and Political Economy. I
  Agriculture and Horticulture. ~
 { English Language and Literature. ·
  Latin Language and Literature.
I Greek Language and Literature. ‘
 e French Language and Literature.
Y German Language and Literature.
J Civil, Mechanical and Mining Engineering and Drawing.
r  Natural llistory——l3otany, Comp. Anatomy, Geology, etc.
  V\'eterinary Science.
 = Practical Mechanics. — _
`S  Theory and Practice of Teaching. '
  l5ool;-keeping and Peninanship.
 A Military Art and Science. `
lg  ,\rchitecture and Landscape Gardening.
 N` Agricultural C0urse—C0mplete.
 Y Physics and Astronomy. ’ V
{L, Chemistry, inorganic, Organic and Agricultural.
  History and Political Economy.
`* German Language and Literature.
  Practical Mechanics.
  English Language and Literature. y
 A Lantlscape Gardening. 5
 Q Botany, Zoology, Comp. Anatomy, Geology. _
  Agriculture and Horticulture.  
 j Military Art and Science. I