4 STATE oottnen or xniwucxr. ~
  buildings or for the purchase of land. The offers of the city
Z ~ of Lexington and of the county of Fayette were accepted by
2 the General Assembly. I
’ By the act of incorporation, and the amendments thereto, ‘
l constituting the charter of the Agricultural and Mechanical
  College of Kentucky, liberal provision isemade for educating,  
  free of tuition, the energetic young men of the Commonwealth K
X whose means are limited. The Normal Department, for which i f 
i provision is also made, is intended to aid in building up the fi
i Common School system by furnishing properly qualified teach  z
§ ers. This College, with the associated departments which will,  
_ < from time to time, be opened as the means placed at the dis-  __
{ posal of the Trustees allow, will, it is hoped, in the no distant {
. future, do a great work in advancing the educational interests  i
V of Kentucky. Being entirely undenominational in its char- } 
acter, it will appeal with confidence to people of all creeds and  fs
of no creed, and will endeavor, in strict conformity with the   _,
requirements of its organic law, to afford equal advantages to  _ 3
all, exclusive advantages to none. The liberality of the Com- A <
monwealth in supplementing the inadequate annual income  id 1
1 arising from the proceeds of the land scrip invested in State ,»
bonds will, it is believed, enable the Trustees to begin and , 1
‘ _ carry on, upon a scale commensurate with the wants of our   ,
people, the operations of the Institution whose management l  
and oversight have been committed to them by the General if 1
X Assembly of Kentucky. I
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