g KINGS DAUGHTERS, SENIOR CIRCLE (National Kings Daughters and Sons),
g q/o Mrs. Harry Collins, Shelbyville. Founded 1895. Leader, Mrs.
Q Harry Collins, Shelbyville, Telephone 414. Secretary, Mrs, W,‘L.
E Thompson, Shelbyville, Telephone 204-J. Terms expire January, 1945.
Q Membership: GO. Qualifications, women interested in social service
 :»y_ and hospital care.
f Committees: Program, Mrs. J. L. Zaring; Sunshine, Miss Cornelia Hall;
gy Hospital Beard, Miss Juliet Poynter, all of Shelbyville.
i _Purpese; Social service and institutional care.
I Nermal_Civic_§etivities: Operating Kings Daughters Hospital, Shelby-
 -. Vl]..|.Cs
i De£epse4Activities: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance. Interested in V ·
E Collecting Books, Public Speaking, Typing and Other Clerical Assist-
T ancee
  Lecei l°ubli,ea’g_epLs: mms.
t KINGS DAUGHTERS, STHADPTST CIRCLE (National Kings Daughters and Sons),
q/o Mrc. S. G. Bandeen, Shelbyville. Founded 1900. Leader, Mrs. S. G.
‘ Bandeen, Shelbyville, Telephone Simpsonville 270l. Secretary, Mrs.
` William Rewlette, Shelbyville. Terms expired January, 1942.
i Membership: 66. Qualifications, women interested in hospital work.
6 Purpose: Social service, particularly institutional care.
L Normal Civic Activities: Furnishes equipment for Kings Daughters
3 HospTtal at Shelbyville.
i Defense Activities; Interested in Hospital and Clinical_Assistance,
{ Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Child Care, Collecting
Q Books, Typing and Other Clerical Assistance.
i Local Publications: None.
il ROTARY CLUB OF SHELBYVILLE (Rotary International), c/0 L. G. Smith,
§ Shelbyville. Founded 1927., President, K. R. Reasor, Shelbyville, -
Q Telephone 655-J. ‘Secrotary, L. G. Smith, Shelbyville, Telephone 58.
jp Terms expire June, 1945.
{ T Membership; 45. Qualifications, one male member of each profession
A QQ EEE business in Shelby County.