Best Copy Available

The Kentucky Kernel







Governor May Call Legislators to Relieve Financial



Governor Edwin P. Morrow w,lll bo
asked to Include consideration of mens-- '
ures for the relief of tho University of
Kentucky In his call If he decides to
order a special session of the legislature for good roads purposes, as suggested last week by Lieutenant Governor Thruston Ballard.
Possibility of a special session was
informally discussed at a meeting of
the executive committee of the Board
of Trustees of the University Friday
afternoon. Several members were of
the belief that a special session would
not be held, but they wero agreed that
the University situation deserves the
early, if not the immediate, attention
of the State's lawmakers.
Senator-elec- t
Richard P. Ernst, who
ds a member of the committee, assured
the body that he would confer with
Governor Morrow relative to the possibility of a special session and of the
inclusion of a University clause in the
call, if ordered.
No provision for the execution of the
bill for the free education of
men, shortness of funds appropriated
for the institution by ithe 1920 Legislature, anil the constantly increasing
costs of operation, have combined to
make a serious financial situation at
the University of Kentucky.
The friendly suit which
students are to file against the University in the near future, if won by
men, will call for an
increased expenditure on the part of
of approximately
$8 0,000 in the next four years. No provision for payment of free tuition and
other advantages now being given the
former service men at the cost of more
than $7,000 annually, was made by the



The overzealous Freshmen
painted "24's" around the campus last
week are probably beginning to doubt
their discretion In the way of demonstrating their class spirit.
A meeting of the Freshmen boys in
chapel at 3:30 Tuesday was called to
discuss ways and means of apprehending and punishing the culprits. Talks
Avere made by Seniors Bell and
who urged the Freshmen to
with them in ascertaining the
guilty parties and stopping the obsolete custom of painting class numerals
on the campus.
Immediate responsibility was placed
on tho officers of (the class to produce
tho offender and see that tho figures

wero erased.



If you want space reserved in tho
1921 Kentuckian, see Fred Augsburg,
before Wednesday, December 1 and
make tho 25 por cent, payment. No
space will be reserved after this date.


Coach William J. Juneau, head
coach of football at the University of
Kentucky, left Lexington Saturday Sixteen
Members of 1920
morning for Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
Squad Are Given Letters
where he will bo engaged in tho real
By Athletic Council
estate business until next September.
Tho University contract calls for the (C. V.) WATSON, MGR.
services of Mr. Juneau only during
James Milton (Big Jim) Server,
the football season, lie will bo on
hand early next fall to begin training Henderson was elected captain of tho
the 1921 Wildcats for their very prom- 1921 Wildcat team by the "K" men at
ising season.
the annual football banquet held nt
At ithe football banquet Friday night, the Phoenix hotel last Friday evening.
the Coach said that his season at Ken- C. V. Watson, Brooksville, was made
tucky hud been exceeding pleasant, manager of the team for the coming
that he had enjoyed his association year.
The Athletic Council announced that
with tho Kentucky athletes, and that
he felt sure he had a nucleus in the the following men would receive let1921 football material out of which ters for this year: Egar Murphree,
John Heber, Robert Lavin, Jim Wilhe could build a winning machine.
The results of the labors of the helm, James Server, George Zerfoss,
Kentucky mentor have been very Arthur Shanklln, Fred Fest, Bruce Ful.
favorable indeed. He has taught more ler, William Colpitts, David Thornton,
gtra,gh(. f0Qtball here than Kentucky Burkett Pribble, W. D. Thompson, A.
hfld ,n yearg
The abmty to T. Rice. Dell Ramsey, Ed. Wiley and
manager of the
block fonvard pagslng Ig a monument' Fred Houston-Shaw- ,
to his untiring efforts. He has also team.
B(,iin ,iafanaa . Professor Enoch Grehan, the
1T,.1, nf Ufa
urn a
likened the occasion to the
teaching elementary tactics this year, peace table after a battle. He said,
bUt next season he will be free to build in part: "The football team this year
ter was tackled by Janes and the ball up an offense that will carry away may not have piled up as many marked
got into the possession of the Tenn- many victories for Kentucky.
victories as in years gone by but its
essee player in the down. The referee
fight fo rthe honor of the University
ruled .that if tho ball was taken away
was as rave and honorable as any
from Fest he did not see it, and BASKETEER PROSPECTS
ever made. At no time has any memhe must give the ball to Tennessee.
ber of the team shown a yellow
T streak." In referring to the scarred
With the ball within 30 yards of the
Kentucky goal Tennessee pulled anand crippled condition of the team, he
other forward pass, Lane receiving the
said: "The number of your injuries
pass just behind the goal line. The Seven Letter Men, Fifteen show the valor of your battles."
second touchdown was made in the
Other Basket Experts
The election 'of the new captain was
fourth quarter after Tennessee had
then conducted by Murphree, the re
Will Be Out
been held for three downs on Kentiring captain.
After Server was
yard line and had
The football season of 1920 is at an elected,
been penalized five yards. Tho Ken- end and the attention of the student Juneau and the members of the team
tucky line was holding so well that body is turned to the basketball pros- for their work and the alumni for their
Tennessee would not attempt another pects for the oncoming season. Last cooperation and support.
line buck, but instea'd sent the fast year the Wildcats were known as one
Professor J. J. Tigert, chairman of
little quarterback, Smith, around right of the strongest teams in this section the Athletic Council, in his speech on
end after a double pass had been of the country and lost the game de- "Wildcats, Past and Present," referred
made. This was the first double pass ciding the State championship by the
Continued on Page 4.
used in the game and it worked close margin of one field goal.
smoothly, Smith making a touchdown
This year Coach Buchheit has a
The Wildcats showed a decided wealth of new material to work with
superiority in breaking up forward and he is sure of developing a cham- ISSUED
passes, which is the result of days of pionship team. Very few of last year's
In order to get more news to the
labor on Coach Juneau's part. In the letter men have failed to show up and
students in quicker time The Kernel
last quarter the Cats tso pulled some the places can be ably filled by the
has been tentatively divided into two
wonderful passing of their own. Ser- new men Avho have reported. The old
issues of four pages each, which will
ver sent the sphere down the field for letter men who are seen on the floor
appear on Tuesday and Friday of each
three ten yard gains during about five this year are: Burnham, Hayden,
week. By this plan the paper will bo
minutes' of play.
Server, Lavin, RIdgeway, Zerfoss,
able to carry more real news and not
Hatcher, Tennessee captain and fa- Shanklln, Wilhelm, who barely missed,
be forced to print stories which are
mous toe artist, was more than a making his "K" last year, will be out
sometimes a week old when the paper
match for either Wilhelm or Server again.
comes out.
at punting ,his efforts often going 70 Some of the best bets that have reThis is being attempted solely as an
At placement kicking, for cently arrived at this institution of
experiment and, after a test, It may be
which ho is famous, he was a decided learning are: Bill King, erstwhile star
deemed advisable to resume weekly
failure in ithe Kentucky game. Out forward of tho Lexington High team;
of four attempts he failed every time. Paul Adkins, formerly of Centre and
To facilitate tho work of editing tho
Holt, Campbell and Blair wero a trio Cumberland College at which schools
Kernel twice a week, two complete
of backfield men that were outstand- - ho starred on tho basketball floor,
staffs havo been selected, ono for each
ing Volunteers in the game,
playing in tho position of center; Joo issue, with J. Donald Dinning as
was even Claunch, phenominal
Tho Kentucky backfield
forManaging Editor of ono, and Fred
faster than tho Tennesseeo backfield, ward of Somerset High; "Chuck" Rico,
Augsburg the other.
but lacked tho weight that is neces--- f
guard from Paris; Wiley, from
sary for driving power in lino bucks. Ohio Military Institute; McBeo, from
Thornton and Fuller wore at tho Tennessee Military Institute! Wither- DELTA CHI CHAPTER HOUSE
ai spoon, Van Zant, and Bottom rrom
halves, Wilhelm at run anu
The Delta Chi fraternity entertained
hi the lino wore Hober, Andorson County High School; Campinformally at their chapter house oa
Murphree, Oolpitts, Fest, Thompson, bell, Grob and Wallace from Lexington
North Mill street Thanksgiving evenServer iand Rico. Ramsey replaced High, and Fufkins from Covington.
ing. The house was decorated In buff
Colpitts in the third quarter and Wiley Silor, a letter man from Cumberland
and red, colors of tho fraternity. About
replaced Wilhelm in tho second quar- guests wero present.
twonty-flv- e
Continued on Page 2.










Will Give Educational Tests
To High Schools in
Nine Counties.
Prof. J. T. C. Noe attended a meeting of the State Educational Commission November 15, which is making a
survey of the schools of Kentucky as
provided for by the last legislature of
Kentucky. Doctor A. Flexner Is in
general charge of ithe survey. The
staff is composed of Frank P. Bach-malocal director, M .E. Haggerty,
dean of School of Education of University of Mlnnlsota, advisor on tests,
Frank L Shaw, statistician. The meet- ing was held at the University of
Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, and
was attended by representatives from
the several colleges and normal
schools of the State. A general discussion of the nature of the survey
was held. The commission has decided to give educational tests to all of
the schools in nine counties of the
State from Letcher County in the
part of Kenextreme southeastern
tucky to Carlislo county on the Mississippi river. These tests will be conducted by representatives from the colleges, normal schools, and University
of Kentucky. Professor Noe will bo in
charge of tho tests given in Clark
county. Ho is now training ten students in the Department of Education
who will conduct tho tests. At tho
same timo the department will make
a survey of all tho schools of Clark
county nt tho invitation of tho Board
Education of that county.





Thanksgiving day has come and
gono but tho girls of Patterson Hnll
will long remember tho dinner of that
day and the feeling of freedom each Wilhelm Intercepted Pass,
Ran 80 Yards For a
iand every ono had, even though for
so short a time. It was a grand and'
glorious feeling to stay In bed till 8
o'clock on a week day without the
SCORE 14 TO 7.
queer sensation
of having slept
through a first hour class.
The Wildcats closed their 1920 seaOwing to the briefness of the vaca- son with a. defeat last Thursday at
tion, only about forty girls wero away the hands of tho University of
from the Hall for Thanksgiving day,
Volunteers on Wait Field, Knox-villguests came
while about twenty-fiv- e
by the score of 14 to 7. The
in. Among the guests for Thanksgiv- Kentuckians played an excellent game
ing dinner were Dean and Mrs.
and did well to hold the heavy TennThe dining room was very at- essee eleven to such a small score.
tractive with its tables arranged in
The Kentucky score came in the
banquet style and decorated with first few minutes of play when Wilchysanthemums and bowls of nuts and helm intercepted a forward pass and
ran 80 yards for a touchdown. Server
after breakfast a kicked goal. The remainder of the
Tlmnlrsirlvitifr wfia hfild In the ' nm i,nir nmio nin nnri (iml- - hntu-nn1.1 01. linn
Recreation Hall, with Mary Archer contending elevens, the ball remain-Bell acting as leader. Prayers and ,ng In the middle of the field most of
songs of Thanksgiving were offered the time.
up during the short service, after j Tennessee got its first marker in the
which many of the girls attended serv- - t,,,rf, minrt
.innMfnl decision
ices in the various churches of the inf HlP rnfprPP. iTIlfi llJll W!1S advanced
city while others made ready for the 20 yards by a Tennessee pass which
memorable dinner.
was intercepted by Fest, but the lat-- :
Mel-che- r.

No. 9





Dr. Paul Boyd, dean of tho Collego
Arts and Sciences, attended a meet- ing of tho committee on accredited
schools of tho Association of Kentucky
Colleges und Universities held at the
State Capitol November 22.



toast-maste- r,
