Edited by
, We are pleased to amiounce that Dr. R. Edward Dodge
A joined the medical staff of Frontier Nursing Service on January
5, 1970. Dr. Dodge is a graduate of the Indiana University
* School of Medicine and obtained his Master’s» in Public Health
,  from Johns Hopkins University where he also did a general
I Preventive Medicine residency. Before coming to Kentucky, Dr.
. Dodge had been an Assistant Professor of Public Health at the
h Public Health College, Gondar, Ethiopia. Dr. and Mrs. Dodge
. and their three children——Randy, Jeff and Amy—are living in Joy
2  House.
I  We were enchanted to learn that, after a visit to Wendover,
I Randy’s mother found on his desk a sign which read:
Happiness is dinner at Wendover
‘ The Kentucky-Tennessee Chapter of the American College
_ of Nurse-Midwives met at Wendover on the morning of Decem-
ber 6, 1969. Following the business meeting, the nurse-midwives
had invited medical and nursing personnel from the surrounding
· area to hear an address by Dr. Abram Benenson of the Depart-
p  ment of Community Medicine at the University of Kentucky. The
’ FNS had the pleasure of entertaining Dr. and Mrs. Benenson and
f their daughter, Sunny, for the week end.
  Two senior student nurses from Jamestown College, James-
-i town, North Dakota, Lois Heron and Patricia Carlson, spent
»-,  three weeks with the FNS during January. The girls spent part
of their time at Hyden Hospital and part at an outpost nursing
 _1 center.
· We are glad to welcome four new nurses to the FNS staff.
i Nancy N. Whitley is from Morrisville, Pennsylvania; Marcella
den Bleyker from Rehoboth, New Mexico; Carmen Brady from
Manchester, New Hampshire, and Judith Friend from Dublin,
  Ontario, Canada.