Hence, his continual and emphatic inculcation on his
fellow couhtrymen of the necessity and advantage of reli.
ance on themselves, and on their own talents, energy, and
industry; not only for their political liberty and independ.
ence, but (by their cultivation of, and advances in the
industrious arts) for a total independence on other nations
for a plentiful supply of the necessaries, comforts and
luxuries of life.
  Nor is his Nationality a cold and abstract and selfish
feeling: it is an elevated and lofty PATRIOTISM; acutely
and exquisitely sensitive and alive to the glory and happi-
ness and honor of his own land; not dead to the well-being
of others. He loves his own country passionately: he
thinks her FREEST, GREATEST, BEST: but he has a throb
of sympathy for struggling freedom, wherever and by
whomsoever held in bondage. His motto is-" Civil and
relig-ious liberty all over the world!" He regards his own
favoured land as the great Cradle of Liberty-the nurse
of freedom. America, he deems the Polar Star of Inde.
pendence, to which the down-trodden of every nation must
turn with anxious eye for light and guidance and hope,
amid the dark clouds of tyranny and oppression. He
desires that all should be free; that all should be (in that,
his Catholic sense of the word) AMERICANX!
  He sends the glad tidings of encouragement and sym-
