xt7hqb9v1r9t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hqb9v1r9t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19260219  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 1926 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 1926 1926 2012 true xt7hqb9v1r9t section xt7hqb9v1r9t j.r






0. T.






of Man Is Spirit,


Address to University Students

Chicago Minister Compares the
Human Body anvd Faculties
of the Brain to Automobile at Convocation
Men's Glee Club Sings; Large
Number of Townspeople
Also Hear Speaker

Dr. Frederick F. Shannon, of Chicago, was the convocation speaker at
the university in the men's gymnasium Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock.
His subject was "Human Readability:
What the Machine May Teach the






Doctor Shannon is a noted minister
and author and is selected as one of
the 25 outstanding ministers in AmerHe is pastor of the Central
church, of Chicago.
Dr. A. W. Fortune of he Central
Christian church, asked the invocation and President Frank L. McVey,
of the university, introduced Dr. Shannon. The Rev. E. F. Stidd, of the
Centenary Methodist church, proThe men's
nounced the benediction.
glee club of the university, directed
by Prof. Carl Lampert gave two
pleasing numbers.
Compares Man .to Auto
"The spirit of the living creature
moved in the wheels," was the text
chosen from Ezekiel 1:20, by 'Dr.
Dr. Shannon compared the human
body and the faculties of the mind to

Are You Fit?
Physical Exams For Students
To Be Held Wednesday
Physical examinations for students entering the university the
second semester, who failed to bo
examined before registering, will
be given at the dispensary Wedncs
day, February 24. Men will report at 9 a.m. and women at 2 p.m.
A physical examination is required for all students entering the
university. Wednesday is the last
day scheduled for examinations
and those failing to appear will
be reported to the discipline committee. Those desiring treatment
at the dispensary will report between noon and 2 p.m.

Dental examinations will also be
given Wednesday.

"Readings From the American
Mercury" is Title of Book;
Will Be of Aid to English





Students Urged to







Fraternity Goats Will Scrabble in
Dust for One Week to Fulfill the
Desires of Those Who "Rushed"
let of terror for one week, and then
the survival of tho fittest will be welon the comed with open arms and called
All I know is what
campus. , The fruternity "goat" has "brother."
Mercy Thing Unknown
eaten hia last meal in peace. The once
All that goes on behind closed doors
pampered freshman, college-wismaster of the thing called "egotism," can bo guessed by those who have
trodden tho trail. During the weekwill scrabble in the dust, and muck
tho swish of a paddle, the screams
to fulfill the desires of end
like a slave
of a helpless victim, and the pleadings
who, earlier in tho year, bethe men
of human "goats" will echo through
stowed on him their love and affection.
of tho night. Mercy will
season has passed, and now the the blackness sun goes down boyond
vanish as the
best of tho pledges must pay for tho the horizon, and as tho shadows of
luxury, and the expense tho chapter night cast their blanket arouud the
was compelled to endure while work- homo of the college Greeks, tho Neoing him into the feverish longing for phytes will take, or rather bo froced
the little pledge button.
to take, those mysterious steps that
Veterans Will Wreak Wrath
will lead him into fraternal bounds.
Boneath tho somber appearance of Whether the pledgo can remember it
the fraternal home, the veterans of or not, the happenings behind those
the collegiate life are wreaking their portly fraternal doors are essential to
wrath on a timid soul. Like flash be. bestowing of membership to tho
comes the command from tho potent "best fraternity on tho campus."
Many goats will swear vengeance
heads of the organization that for one
week their now members will assume on one who has goaded him into fury,
degraded but when the last paddlo has found its
tho very appearance of a
people. Their whims and wants must mark, and the rabble has subsided, and
be forgotten, and at any time they the new day brings an end to pledge-hoo- d
and goathood, all will be well and
must perform the antics of an idiot.
The hero of tho high school; tho in the boys will begin planning for next
dulged novice, all must run tho gaunt yeur. Such is college life.
I see


NO. 18


Wildcats Meet Vanderbilt Five
In Final Conference Game Here
Tomorrow Night at 8 o'Clock




Of "Red," Former U. K. Charleston Expert


Squirrels may come and squirrels
mny go but the memory of the biggest squirrel who over frisked on the
University of Kentucky campus is
still fresh in the minds of all students
who attended the university last so-- 1
mester. This particular choice speci- men of the "genus
of the
hnir was none

his neck or the floor in his mad pran-- 1
cings. Only too true was this idlej
And now it is with indcs- prophecy.
cribalc feelings that many of Red's
read in a Fort'
former college-mate- s
Myers, Florida paper of the bursting
in the young man's
of a blood-vessanatomy while he was occupied in the
intricacies of the Charleston.
other than Charles Jennings, student article published in the Fort Myers
par frcshissimo at the university Inst paper appears below.


Was Permanent Dance Fixture
The beaming physiognomy of the
universally known "Red" was a permanent fixture at every social function
last semester. At nil tcrpsichorean
festivals the
was at the zenith of his power. In
the introduction of the latest Charleston eccentricities Jennings was the
foremost exponent and it was freely
predicted that he would break either

Hey-helads. List to the latest
tragic tale of the Charleston. The
of a
who shuffled his way to the verge of
beats of the
fame on the
with a talent for shaking his puppies



A.&M,21 TO 20

New Wildcat Named
U. of K's. Mascot Is Christened "Hot Tamale"
The new niascot for Kentucky
has a name at Inst, and it has been
christened "Hot Tamale."
may seem n queer name for a
wildcat, but it is not considering
where the wildcat came from.
Well, if you don't know where Hot
Tomale came from, ho was captured in the mountains of New
Mexico, and since the people out
in that part of the country cat
principally hot tomales it was
thought appropriate to give it this




Commodores Have Shown
Flashes of Classy Basket-- ,
ball During Season ;
Hard Game Expected



Last Chance for Fans to See'
Blue and White in Action

at Home


we have a wildcat
from New Mexico, and have a
name for him, there is only one
thing to worry about; that is to
get its native food, hot tamales.

The Wildcats will attempt to, win
their eighth straight conference game
tomorrow night, when they play tho
Vanderbilt Commodores in the New,'H
Piny will be called at 8 o'clock.
Vanderbilt's aggregation has, shown
flashes of high class basketball this
season, but on most occasions she has
not displayed the form that was expected of her earlier in the year.
However, Vandy's most notable vicUniversity Authorities Have Decided That All Students May
tory was scored over the Mississippi
to Meditate Concerning the Sin of
Have Day Off
A. & M. quintette, 21 to 20. ' One
Cutting Down Cherry Trees and Telling Lies
Pledging Services of ScaBbard week later Louisiana sprung a surprise and defeated the Commodores
and Blade, Honorary Milscience has never tried to disprove.
by the same margin of victory, 24
itary Fraternity, Will Be
Oddly enough too, it seems to have a
to 23. Tennessee, Vandy's ancient riHeld at Dance
It is generally admitted, in fact peculiarity in common with other holval, defeated the Commodores
in a
almost universally gi anted, that on idays, that of occurring rather reguhectic struggle, 38 to 32.
February 22, 194 years ago, it was larly on Sundays. It did this last ALL STUDENTS WELCOME
Line-uOwensboro Boy in
officially determined and later an- year and as you will note, it just
Vanderbilt is the second team to
nounced that the day should hence misses it this year. As a remedy for
The annual military ball of the play on the local floor that has an
forth be none other than George this, we would suggest that the legis- University of Kentucky will be held Owensboro boy included in its lineMonday, lature now in session give it its im- at the basketball building the evening up. Henry Wilson,
Washington's birthday.
the captain of
being that day, Dean Melcher and mediate attention along with the of February 20, it was announced to- the Washington and Lee outfit, reother university officials have decided other important matters being dis- day by members of the advanced ceived his early training in basketball
course in the Department of Military fundamentals in the little town on
that all 'students may have the day cussed by that august body.
Science. This dance will be formal the Ohio river, as also, James Stewart,
off to meditate concerning the sin of
That Ancient Wise Crack
telling lies
cutting down cherry trees,
Pessimisticaly speaking, though, ixv will last from 9 until 1 o'clock. Vandy's star
A feature of the ball will be the er.
jeopardizing their mor- about the only thing we see
or otherwise
Stewart is rated as being the best
Undoubtedly, this is another day is an opportunity for son
pledging of Scabbard and Blade, floorman in Tennessee.
He is quick
great step toward the millenium; just
with a petrified vacuum for his honorary military fraternity. This as lightning, has a good change of
indication that the world is northern extremity to make .that an- will be held immediately after the
beyond doubt growing better.
cient wise crack concerning George grand march. Scabbard and Blade (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
Arrives Regularly Every Year
Birthington's Washday. Please use conducts two pledging exercises each
year, this being the last of the present
February 22, it seems, arrives regularly once a year a fact which (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) university year.
Two orchestras will be employed to
furnish music for the ball, it was announced today by members of the com- TRY-OUT- S
mittee on arrangements. A large
crowd is expected to attend.
Named President of History Alpha Delta Sigma Names New entire student body has been in- Mary J. Ader, Martha Reed,
Officers for 1926-2- 7
Club at
Dorothy Smith and Betsy
vited. The dance is a subscription afWorth Are Successful
The Alpha Delta Sigma, men's na- fair and tickets are being sold by
D. Augustus was elected
tional professional journalism fra- students in the advanced course of the
of the History club at a
ternity, met in the offices of the Military department.
meeting held in the Administration Kentuckian, Tuesday afternoon at 4
building Friday afternoon at 3:45 o'- o'clock for the purpose of electing
U. K. Man Helps
Augustus already has the officers for the ensuing year. Theoclock.
for the woman's dehonor and distinction of being presi- dore K. McDowell, the retiring presiCoal
bating team of the University
dent of the junior class, a member of dent, presided.
of Kentucky were held Monday
the Suky circle and a prominent stuAfter a short business session the Hywel Davies, Former Business night, February 8, at 7 o'clock
dent scholastically as well as in other following officers were elected: Presi
Agent Here, Lends Aid
at the Little theatre in White
activities of the university.
dent, Warren Price; Vice president,
hall. The successful contestants were
to Government
George, of the History Delos Nooe; secretary, Kenneth Greg
Mary J. 'Ader, Martha Reed, Dorothy
gave a reading, "Coon of ory, and treasurer, Niel Plummer.
Hywel Davies, former resident of Smith, and Betsy Worth.
College Town," and W. C. Scott read
Lexington, and business agent of the Sutherland, head of the public speakLincoln's Gettysburg Address. J. L.
University of Kentucky, according to ing department of the university, was
Crawford made a report on Lexingpress dispatches received here, was in charge of the
ton's bus system.
The question for debate was: "Reinstrumental in helping to settle the
Other business of the club was also
anthracite coal strike which for solved that air forces of the United
a separate de- -'
paralyzed tho
discussed at the meeting.
William Ellsworth Will Speak months has Pennsylvania. hard coal States be created into defense." The
partment of national
industry in
AusNext Wednesday Under
Upon retiring from the position of speakers were privileged to choose
pices of English Club
business agent of the university, and the side that they were to defend and
while still a resident of Lexington, he were given four minutes for construcWilliam Webster Ellsworth, promwas appointed a federal conciliator, tive speech and three minutes for relecturer and author, will deliver and while occupying that position aid- buttal. They were judged by tho high
Miss Florence Jackson to Be at inent
two addresses in Patterson hall next
ed the United States Department of point system,, and were graded ac- Wednesday under the auspices of the
English club. In the afternoon at
Miss Florence Jackson, director of
the appointment bureau of Boston, .3:30 o'clock, Mr. Ellsworth London,"
on "Shakespeare and Old
Mass., will hold a vocational guidevening at 8 o'clock, he will
ance conference at the University of and in the
EngKentucky for women students on deliver a short address on "The
lish Bible."
March 2, 3, and 4.
Mr. EUsworthhas spoken at 78 dif.
Several general lectures will be ar- ferent colleges, ranging from Dartranged to which the public will be in- mouth in New Hampshire to Stanford
vited, and special conference and dis- in California. He is the author of
cussion groups will be held for the "A Golden Age of Authors," and for
dressed like a waiter, so you'll have to
more than thirty years was associated
wear your evenin' attire."
Whilo in Kentucky, Miss Jackson with the Century Publishing Com"How conies this here ultimatum
I still had the scurs of the lust stiff
will also speak at other colleges, pany.
from" the Knppu Deltas';" I inquires collar on my neck and I heard thin
among them, Hamilton College on
"Shakespeare and Old London" is cf the mountaineer who, in his otFicial information with nil the joy of a
March 5; Kentucky Wcsleynn
illustruted lecture in which many un- rapacity as my roommate, was break-i- sinner gettin' the crack of doom over
March G and 7; Kentucky State Nor- usual and interesting stereoptican picin my last. new razor blade for me the radio. '
mal school on March 8, and perhaps tures areused.
This, is the newest of and udmirin' the results in the mirWell, came Saturday night, ifv you
at Richmond and Berea. She comes Mr. Ellsworth's lectures. Tho lecture ror. He snapped out of the dreams
to the university from Sweet Briar on the Bible is meant to present a so fast that he sliced off a good sized like the poetical mode of sayln' that
Saturday night come around, and I
College in Virginia.
new aspect on the Tyndale transla- hunk of his jaw and his first remarks
hud spent nil afternoon rehearsin' tho
tion, emphasizing its beauty as Eng- didn't have no bearin' on the question
matter of gettiri' the collar on without
lish literature.
but was principally concerned with cuttin' my throat. I was comin' along
me. I come back at him by hopin'
fine at 8 o'clock when I busted a collar
that he'd learn to use a razor after button. Tho window was open and
bein' in town a whilo and when he run some women was passin' who yelled
StuW. C. Wickenden Addresses
of compliments, we got back to
dents on Education Promotion Vivian Fisher Instructor In De- out subject.
up that they had never heard such
language and was goin' to report me.
partment This Semester
"This here," ho says, "signifies I looked out and seen they was friends
W. C. Wickenden, one of tho most
that the K.D.'s is givin' a dunce of mine so I asked 'em to stop by
Vivian E. Fisher, who has a masoutstanding engineers in America,
all to thunder if and get me a collar button on the
who is the director of investigation, ter's degree in psychology from tho nnd would be tickled
Society of Promotion of Engineering University of Utali and who has spent you would hunt up u clean shirt and way to tho station. When they recognized my comely map in the window,
Education, spoke to the engineers at two years at Johns Hopkins Univer- appear."
"I hud figured that out," 'I ugrees. they smiled a greeting, and passed on,
tho third hour in Dicker hall this sity, is an instructor in the psycholmorning. Ho is associated with the ogy department hero for this smes-to- "What was botherin me was. -- this neither reportin' mo or gettin' tho
formal business whici. is wrote at the collar button.
movement' for improving engineering
A Good Position
Mr. Fisher has completed all of the bottom."
Inspects Invitation
There wasn't nothin' else to do, so
The investigation of engineering work necessary for a degree of Doctor
II(j Bquints at the invito carefully I put on my coat, went down to a
colleges by the Society of Promotion of Philosohpy except writing his the
atorfuit store und told the clerk that I'd buy
of Engineering was made possible by sis and taking the final examinations. like a Hebrew inspectin' u
the Carnegie Corporation which gave He wiH continue tho work on this do dollar. "Oh, yea. ' 'Phis is u be a
masquerade and. everybody
grco while he is here this semester.
$250,000towurd the cause.


George" Did Students Favor
Afid Was Bom 194 Years Ago MILITARY BALL



"Readings from
the American Mercury" that will be
particularly interesting to teachers of
English is just off the press. This book
is to be a collection of representative
essays culled from files of the American Mercury. The editor is Grant C.
Knight, associate professor of English of the University of Kentucky and
ap(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) author of "Superlatives" which the
peared last year. The purpose of
book is to provide a stimulating text
of correlative readings ioi tuJ"ts of
advanced composition and of the essay.
Contributions include such well
known writers as Richard Burton,
Zechariah Chafee, Jr., Samuel Chew,
Phi Delta Phi and Phi Alpha Elbridge Colby, Chester T. Crowell,
R. F. Dibble,
George E. DeMille,
Seven Legal Students
Walter Prichard Eaton, Henry J.
Ford, A. E. Hamilton, George P.
Krapp, Thomas J. LeBlanc, H. L.
REQUIRED Mencken, George Jean Nathan, Louise
Pound, James Stevens, and Carl Van
The Clay chapter of Phi Delta Phi Doren.
and the Breckinridge Inn of Phi Alpha
Delta, law fraternities at the UniGet
versity of Kentucky, held their pledging services on February 2, in the law Mail
department on the third floor of the
Science building. The pledges were
Many Notices Summoning Them
selected from students registered in
to Dean'p Office Are Being
the College' of Law who have had as
much as one semester in law and have
made a scholastic standing of 1.5 or
There are in the university book
The following men were pledged to store 2,300 mail boxes for the useEach
Phi Alpha Delta: Truman Rumberg-e- r, convenience of the students.of these
Paul Porter, Alfred Powell, John student has been assigned one
Charles Heidrig, and boxes, and all mail to date will be
Storey Turner. The active members found in them.
those students, who, due to ignorof the chapter are :Eugene Cochran,
William Simpson, Robert Moss, Clay- ance of this fact, or laziness of their
ton Smoot, H. H. Grooms, I. J. Mil- part, do not know the numbers
ler, Hubert White, Adrian Terrell, respective mail boxes, are book to
Paul Keen, William Rossic, J. F. port to Miss Bean at the
out the number of their
Thomas, J. Y. Brown, Herbert Dunn, and find combination.
and the
and M. W. Moore.
Probably you will receive a notice
The pledges of Phi Delta Phi are:
A book entitled





FEBRUARY 19,. 192G

Burst Blood Vessel Halts Dancing Career

Says Dr. Frederick Shannon in





77ie Power





Augustus Elected



Journalists Elect'

Settle Hard


try-ou- ts

Lecturer to Deliver
Addresses at Pat Hall

try-ou- s.

Talk With

Kappa Delta's Formal Dance Proves

Remarkable Experience
Feature Writer From the Great West


Speaks to Engineers

Psychologist Here


* p:ge two


Editor W. C. Wilson, Alumni Secretary
Assistant Editor, Helen J. Osborne


Engineer's Club, 1317 Spruce street.


Buffalo, March 13 (Second Saturday Regular) luncheon
nt 1:15
LouisvlllcMarch G (First Satur Chamber of .Commerce, corner Main
day Regular) luncheon nt 1:15, Elk's nn(j Seneca street.
Chicago, March 15 (Third Monday
Philadelphia, March 6 (First Sat- Regular) luncheon nt 12:15 Mar-urda- y
Regular) luncheon at 1:15, shall Field Men's Store. (Grill Room).

Todaywc come to say about
the originator of our Alumni
Page, our dear friend Herbert
Graham that we first knew him
as a lad wearing knee trousers
seeking intellectual light 'from
the instructors in the academy
of old State University of Kentucky (as it was called in that
day). At that time he became
a close personal friend and a
member of the little band of
Preps who termed themselves





She-Pat- ."

was while yet in this stage of
his educational career that we
believe he caught the'



was so
his life.

marked throughout
We were still in the university
when he passed from the portals
of the academy into the halls of
higher learning and had first
hand information as to his conduct and leadership. As to his
character it was always above
reproach and his genial manner
could" well bo followed by all
who knew him. As a leader he
was found among the first in
everything that he thought was
goodfor the University and student body. This fact.is evidenced by the organizations to which
he belonged and of which he
was presiding officer. His excellent records in the subjects
which he pursued speak for
We next came in contact with
him at Fort Benjamin Harrison.
Indiana, during the' month of
May 1917 while a member of
the Fourth Company of the OfIt was
ficers Training Camp.
simply a renewing of acnuaint-ance- s
and affairs of othr days.
He displayed an especial aptitude for, military work and soon
became' much interested in that
phase of it known as Military
, Intelligence.
We were commissioned
August 15. 1917 and immediately left Indiana not knowing
that we would ever meet again
but as fate would have it. we rejoined one another 'on the 29th
of that same month at Camp
asTaylor, Kentucky and
signed to the 83Gth Infantry
of the Eighty Fourth Tliv's'on
Herbert vas Peeiontil Intelligence Officer holding th" ranV
He 'j'n
of First Lieutenant
soon promoted to the Tif'e of
Captain which rink hn h"1'1
throughout the rest of the "r
Men from each of tha twelve
companies of the
detailed .to take intelligent inth'n
struction from Herb""t
men from our company, nlav
spoke in the highest tc-'greV rp"iH '
him and
his knovledrer of "th's mVe. or
their army studies. We continued to bo thus closely associated until after the Armistice
when hef was assigned on
.school ileatil nt Univcrsitv of
Bonne as anpinstricto'
do special work.
to the
When we returned
States wo wero glad to learn
that he had been made f ulU
time Secretary of the Alumni of
the University of Kentucky.
It was only n short time until
Herbert "had the Lexington
Alumni Club reorganized with
the. writer as its president in
order that he might become a
member df the Executive
of the Alumni Association
and be nctively associated with
the Secretary in the affairs of
that organization. Our inter


ests weremutunl in wanting to
see a big alumni organization
and to boost the University.
Herbert spent all his available
time-in- '
studying the activities
of other such organizations in
the country and making plans
whereby the best interests of
the University of Kentucky
could be advanced.
It was he
who conceived the iden of using
a page in the student weekly
publication for alumni news and
expression. So far as we know
the Kernel is the only publication in the United States that
is used in this way. His thought
was to give our alumni fresh
news concerning not only their
own affairs but the affairs of
the University and activities of
the student body. Herbert's desire was to concentrate all news
of an alumni nature on this page
where it could be easily found
by all active alumni who receive
the Kernel weekly.
Whift Secretary of the Association he assisted in closing up
the campaign for the' Memorial
Building fund and it was one of
his most earnest desires that
this building be erected which
would in a measure commemorate the lives of the 2,400 young
Kentuckians who made the suduring the
preme sacrifice

Executive Committee with the
plans for a campaign for a
"Greater Kentucky Fund." After
much discussion the committee
accepted his plan and as a result of it we now have one of
the most beautiful and useful
basketball buildings in the
South; a fine stadium with
ample seating capacity for present conditions; added funds in
the Student Loan fund and more
Patterson Memorial Statue fund. Could there be
a more beautiful monument to
the memory of one who loved
his Alma .Mater so much than
this one located on the campus
of the University ?
Herbert's work as Secretary
did not stop with the above
thinrrs but extended
into the
of organization of local
alumni clubs throughout the
rnt' o country and in many of


of Kentucky.
,. ,
desi'-- e of his to have
all gronp of alumni
ounty in the state who
' cr'ld make it a part of their
'o di3se ninate proper
wjjo nt'on concerning the Uni-- (
v - " a -- "1 t!r,ps and to use
flip. ;qT.0-.- e ;n f building the
T j'n
UTVTiity in the
vo "ounties





Com-mitt- o


It was during his term in
this office that he came to the



n:'n rt"n. Kentucky

tC( to have him
Secretary but we
know that greater things might
bo accomplished in his new field
nnd of course wero much inter-- .
o Vd ;n his work and wished for
ning success. I'o doubt
b .' tliat his dreams and our
wishes would have come true
h"d not he been put down so
oarly in action. We mourn with
his family and many friends
at the loss of so good and great




We know
a young comrade.
that no other can. exactly fill his
place but in such we submit to
the will of the Supreme Archi- tect of the Universe. Even
though Herbert has gone to
that land from whose shore no

traveler, has ever returned, may
we follow his example and do his
wishes for our Alma Mater.

with her natural resources and the native intelligence of her sons and
daughters, there can be no stones of misunderstanding in that path of prog
ress. But there is no donubt but whnt such obstacles exist.
Were there to be cohesion
"These obstructions must bo removed.
nlways between the sections; if each geographical division understood the
possibilities and limitations, nnd appreciated the nspirntions of the other;
if nil could understand that the heart of every Kcntuckinn beats the
same nnd that they should stand together upon matters tending to prop- itatc the welfare of our commonwealth, then imlccd, Kentucky with its
mannatural rdesources and strong foundation of real
hood nnd native intelligence,, would soon forego to the front in the race
of! State.
"There must be a beginning, nnd some in casfsrn Kentucky believe
that this section might well take the initiative in attempting to bring about
real cooperation between the sections. For his reason nnd the added purpose to acquaint the other pnrts of the State with eastern Kentucky, the
Eastern Kentucky Sneakers' Bureau has been formed. It is composed of
vigorous, energetic, public Spirited nnd far seeing men, men who have
the ability to express their sentiments upon any occnsion nnd to any kind
of nudience with fire, yet with prudence; with idealism, yet not too much;
with true oratory and sentiment, but without bombast.
"A list of these men, together with a short sketch of their accomplish
ments and qualifications is sent herewith. It is our desire that one of these
men appear before nny organization that might need a speaker. If you can
use ,n speaker upon any occasion, it mny be that any one of the list
herein could respond to your call. If possible, all expenses or part would
be appreciated, but do not let a lack of funds prevent your asking for
a speaker. There will always be one of these men who might be able
to respond nt his own expense.
"Practically every civic organization, luncheon club, and newspaper
editor in Kentucky will get a copy of this letter nnd if any desire to
obtain a speaker for an occasion as indicated, address Robert L. Porter,
Secretary, Speakers Bureau, Hazard, Kentucky, letting 'him know which
man is wanted, when, and at what place.
"Members of the Eastern Kentucky Speakers' Bureau are given as fol



"White L. Moss, lawyer, State Scnntor from his district for several
years; initiator of the bond issue movement; an excellent speaker, and n
fervent believer in the possibilities of Kentucky. Kesidence, Pmeville.
"Snwyar Smith, Barbourville; Lawyer, United States' district attorney
for the Eastern District of Kentucky; an extremely vigorous and able ora
tor noted for his vigorous law .enforcement program throughout Kentucky.
Senator, banker and
"Hilliard H. Smith, Hindman; lawyer;
an able speaker; a man whose heart; is indeed among the hills.
"James Turner, Paintsvillc; banker; State Central Committeeman from
the Tenth Congressional District; an able and vigorous speaker under
stands well the situation in Kentucky, and especially eastern Kentucky,
"Monroe Fields, Whitesburg; lawyer; Republican nominee for Attorney
General of Kentucky in 1923; and an able and discerning talker.
of the State
"Emery L. Frazier, ex-- , Whitesburg; lawyer;
Legislature, a young man noted for his oratorical abilities.
Astor Hogg '24; Whitesburg; lawyer; a member of the University of
Kentucky Speakers Bureau some years ago; a youthful but convincing
"Henry Spencer '14, Jackson; former attorney of Hydon; judge 33rd
attorney; a good speaker.
judicial district of Kentucky;
"C. W. Napier, Hazard; Commonwealth's attorney for 33rd judicial
attorney of Perry, exteremely interesting speaker, imbued
with the spirit of a greater and better Kentucky.
"J. A. Smith, Hazard; county judge of Perry county; teacher; strong
advocate of good roads; and has the fire of real oratory on our subject.
"I. A. Bowles, Hazard; city attorney of Hazard; attorney; native of
Jackson county noted as a good and thorough speaker.
"Henry Johnson '25, Hazard; lawyer; secretary Hazard Bar Associa
tion; a member of the University Speakers' Bureau for several years; and
an experienced and able speaker.
Harlan; lawyer; Senator; is deeply interested
"Hiram Brock
in the success of the movement, and will respond when possible.
attorney of Hazard; lawyer";
"M. K. Eblcn '21; Hazard;
Kentucky-Virgini- a
Highway Association; Secretary Hazard Chamber
of Commerce; an excellent speaker.
A telephone call, telegram, or letter will reach the secretary,
Robert L. Porter, Hazard. Kentucky, and he will ''get into immediate
touch with the speaker desired."



Mr. Porter on the movement that he has started and
praise him for the personnel of the Speakers' Bureau of Eastern Kentucky
We are acquainted with many of these gentlemen and know all of( them